conversation starters


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score
what are some good conversation starters? there is this girl that sits nexts to me in class and ive tried everything to communicate to her but she only replies with one sentence answers even on open ended questions. I come with a positive attitude, smile, eye contact, body language, humor, looks, and comfort. it seems she is only shy toward me because shes talks to her friends after class alot.
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Shes probaly hating ur guts for asking so many question obviously trying to get her to open up but, if u play it smooth then there shouldnt be a mature bout it. ask her if she got social phobia...if the answers is no then pack her on the back n tell her shes cool enough to be friends.(while smilin of 2 much)

- Im a newbie too so i don't know what kind of advice i should give you when you're trying to open up a convo., but TRY EVERYTHING!


Don Juan
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
your trying to hard. ignore her for a few days, then sit next to her one day when she looks like she's in a good mood, then say "what's up". It's all about your body language, i know it may sounds simple, and some of my advice sounds lame. but you can get away with anything simple or lame with the right body language


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
Not sure how well this will help coz it's a bit risky and depends both on the girl and how smoothly you can pull it off to have the right effect but here it goes. Just randomly say something about some1 pointing out a flaw with them (just make sure it isn't one of her friends) but say it in a slightly over exaggerate but funny way not like the normal "Look at her, she's a fat pie". It's hard for me to explain so I'll give you an example but bare in mind I didn't have trouble talking to this girl beforehand and she knew I didn't mean it in an offensive manner as I've done it before.

We were sitting in English class with a supply teacher and I noticed when she talks she spits quite a bit, on top of that she looks like an old Carol Vorderman and speaks with that sort of classic chav accent, all in all not the best for an English teacher lol.

Neways when I knew the girl next to me wasn't focusing on her work I just said, to nobody in particular "It's like a horrible hybrid between a witch from countdown and a pikie... that spits!" and then continued on exaggerate with things like "my god she just doesn't stop, it's going everywhere like a... like a spit covered drooly.... drooling monster thing." And she burst out laughing and calling me a harsh git while play hitting me before I'd started another exaggeration. (If you can try and keep going while she's laughing, I couldn't coz she'd got me laughing before I could carry on but the next thing I would of said would be something like "I can see it now, we're all gonna die.... every single one of us. If we're lucky she'll stab us before we all drown.")

Basically keep it up and she will start laughing sooner or later but a lot of it is in how you say it rather than what you say. You need to have a sort of serious and sort of disgusted tone but when you emphasize you over emphasize. A quick thinking mind also helps coz if you hesitate at all it won't have the desired effect. Sorry I can't explain it better and sorry I don't have any better ideas but maybe it'll help you come up with something of your own. If not at least I tried :)


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Just make sure she isn't God before you do anything. Kudos if you know what I'm talking about.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
If you want her to speak more than a few sentences, bring in a really funny jokes book and have her read them out loud with you. Youll both laugh at the jokes and before you know it youll be married.