This article here is about women paying alimony. They wanted equal rights and are slowly getting it. Although I don't think we will ever see it truly equal because how much alimony can a guy really collect off of a woman living off of the government or working part-time as a cashier at XYZ Gas Station? I still think this is funny as he|| though.Anderson Pooper was in this video and he is the journalist I singly, without a doubt, HATE more than any other.
I actually recently talked to a woman on POF who was all up in arms over this. She was an exception to living off of the government and working as a gas station ho'. She was in process of divorce. Works a good job as a CNA. Says as of now she is paying her ex hubby $900/month and she is FURIOUS. The ex is a high school teacher, so not totally poor, but she makes more than him so PAY UP B|TCH. LMFAO She said she had to move back in with her parent and feels "poor" now. She tried the best trick in the book in getting an order of protection on him and of course told me how abused she was. That still didn't stop her from having to pay.
Take a little victory like this whenever you come across this. This whole thing made my day. You want equal rights women, well here ya go.....
I actually recently talked to a woman on POF who was all up in arms over this. She was an exception to living off of the government and working as a gas station ho'. She was in process of divorce. Works a good job as a CNA. Says as of now she is paying her ex hubby $900/month and she is FURIOUS. The ex is a high school teacher, so not totally poor, but she makes more than him so PAY UP B|TCH. LMFAO She said she had to move back in with her parent and feels "poor" now. She tried the best trick in the book in getting an order of protection on him and of course told me how abused she was. That still didn't stop her from having to pay.
Take a little victory like this whenever you come across this. This whole thing made my day. You want equal rights women, well here ya go.....