

Don Juan
Jan 24, 2014
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would anyone ever want to do like a skype call (someone experienced). im so confused about this and i don't know where to start.

i live west coast canada


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Read the DJ Bible. Read the Book of Pook. You will be less confused.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2014
Reaction score
TheCWord said:
Read the DJ Bible. Read the Book of Pook. You will be less confused.

ive read all of it, ive been researching this stuff for years, like double your dating, askmen all that. but nothing seems to work and i don't know what is the right advice now. there's so many theories and 'methods', i don't know who to believe.

example - 1 guy says: 'move fast with women, declare your intentions straight away, keep pursuing, sweet talk her'
another guy says: 'no you have to play hard to get, never tell the woman your intentions, keep her guessing, bust her balls etc'

another guy says: 'dominate the social convo and environment, speak your mind! take up huge amounts of space and be a social butterfly!'

another guy says: 'be quiet and mysterious, say very little and move slowly'

the list goes on and on. im not bashing this stuff, i love it but everything i have tried just doesnt work for me.

one minute i do the ****y&funny stuff = chick thinks im too unattainable, or a **** and gets with other guys to make me jealous

one minute i 'move fast with women' = just end up getting flat out rejected or either i 'misinterpreted the signals' sorry for leading you on!

one minute i 'move slow with women' and don't text the girl for ages! = you guessed it, nothing happens

next minute im 'quiet and mysterious' = end up getting un-noticed, called boring or a stiff and if i do happen to have a conversation, the convo is very one sided and the chick doesnt take any notice and eventually walks away and gets on with her life.

next minute I think...'oh you know what, im just guna have fun, relax, have a good time with her'.... so all goes well. great day, oh but there's a catch! she has a boyfriend, or she likes another lad so really, today was pretty much pointless. or you apply this scenario to a bar. go approach a women, we have a great time, talk for 45 minutes, everything was fine!, i go to push for something, like number or take her back to my place. here's the catch: 'oh im waiting for my boyfriend', 'oh i don't really give my number out to strangers', 'oh no we can't...i have work tomorrow'
it gets so tiring after a while, especially when getting the fatties, uglies, unstable women that no one wants are absolutely no problem, but as soon as i go for a pretty average desireable woman (6/10), it's just the same **** all over again.

and then there's when some good looking girls message me. sometimes they just randomly message me saying 'hey how's it going?', i will reply as any other normal human being would, saying, 'hey im good thanks, how bout you?' and then never hear from them again? but ok sometimes we talk and it's all good, have good convos, but as soon as i push for meeting up/ going her place, nope. all i get is excuses.

i actually had a night where i was with some friends and my friend invited a few chicks to his place and we had an awesome time. i was talking the most and making everyone laugh (i think my accent helped) i ended up having this decent chick glued to me and we eventually held hands and started making out. i get her number at end of night, we start texting next day, saying 'ohh yeah we should meet up soon before i go back to my home country. she says 'yeh yeh i would love that' eventually i asked to hangout, did it happen? no ofcourse not, the question just got ignored until i started saying 'hey how's it going?' a few days later and conversation resumed back to normal as if nothing happened. strange.

i am probably going to get called negative and whiny but comon, this stuff would make anyone negative and frustrated! and it would definitely make the person doubt themselves and very insecure, as if there's a major problem and something wrong with them! it drives me insane sometimes because i can't figure it out!

i feel i am confident in myself, i don't feel i have any problems with how i look or anything, im pretty sure of myself, i'm pretty normal, i have played drums in a band, i played soccer when i was younger. people tell me i am funny, people's person, that i carry myself well, great to hang around with, people say (even guys and especially the uglies/fatties) that im really good looking. so i don't get what the problem is??

i wanted to skype someone off here so maybe they can spot what the problem may be.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
sure man, its a good practice for my english too add me the_gambino666, ill see what i can do