

New Member
Mar 13, 2007
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I was talking to this one female for the past two months. Everything was going well, or so i thought. She would call me everyday, two and three times, text me multiple times also. She would want to see me before i went to work in the mornings and after work i would pass by her job to see her. She seemed to be so much into me and i into her. Well, recently, she told me that i was beginning to treat her like a girlfriend (i'm not sure what i did to give her that impression) and that scared her a lot. She said that she wasn't interested in having a boyfriend and that right now she just enjoys being by herself (she hasn't had a relationship for a couple years). Bear in mind that she never mentioned this before during the past two months. Admittedly, we've never kissed or been intimate in any way but we clicked well (more than i've clicked with any woman before), the conversations were great (we've spend hours talking on the phone) and the time spend together getting to know each other was great. I'm confused as to what i may have said to have her do a complete 180 or if it is how she felt all along. I really liked her a lot and although i didn't know where things were going, i wasn't adverse to it getting serious.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
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Go down to the bottom of the page and click on the the dj bible link. Read everything there. Read the Book of Pook TWICE or maybe three times. I think you'll find your answers there
