Confused about all this stuff


Don Juan
Jul 21, 2006
Reaction score
Here's the deal:
Over here at my school there are tons of attractive girls most of the guys would strive for (like there's a school without hot chicks, oh yeah... Sorry, I digress :D). The problem is that we guys just don't know them and don't have a clue what to do in order to meet and (eventually) date them. In fact, I know lots of them, but I don't know the one I would like to date.
You see, there's always a group of about 4 or 5 hot chicks, and if I like one of them, I would first focus on getting to know better with the rest of the girls in the group, and then proceed to dating my final "target". Yeah, that makes sense, really. But the problem is that I just don't have an idea how would I just "start" to getting used to hanging out with them when there's a break at school or something. I mean, I can't just walk up to them and say "oh hi I just wanted to come and start knowing you better". I think it's pretty clear what's the problem: I just don't get a chance to meet that group of girls so I could proceed to some "advanced" socializing with them before I can ask one of them for a date. The thing is that I know some of the girls from the group a little, and I definitely need to get to know them better, so they get used to hanging out with me, so I could meet them better and see if the girl I want is really worth trying.
Yet I want all that look natural to them, so they don't become suspicious and start wondering why I'm trying to keep in touch with them.
Any ideas where to start? I know that here are some people who are geniuses for such things, so you are free to say your opinion. Just don't be shy to teach me :D :D :D :D


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score

get at least 2 of your guy friends together. get a couple of girls from that group you mentioned. ask them if they want to go to the mall or someplace (you decide) over the weekend with your friends. basically *you* should arrange a group date. easy. nothing awkward in that.


Don Juan
Jul 21, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, but the fact is that some of the girls from that group are already in relationships, and if we ask them out, that will really be awkward. The other problem is that the most of the girls in the group aren't from my town, and they travel every day in order to go to school and after it they go back home... The third problem is that we don't know any of them that good, so we can just ask them out. Any clue on this?


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
Reaction score
Playing the friend card doesn't really work too good. It takes ALOT of time and effort and they generally just end up playing you - using you for attention, money or a window into your friends. Never make friends with a girl you want to date. Infact don't make friends with girls period - they will start to see you as one of the girls.

You need to isolate your target from the group by waiting. When this is done approach confidently and introduce yourself, don't ramble on but try to get her to laugh a bit before excusing yourself and then ask for her number. Make it natural and non-threatening.

As for what you talk about, try to think of something relevant.


Oct 22, 2006
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Asix said:
The third problem is that we don't know any of them that good, so we can just ask them out. Any clue on this?
yes u can bro, u dont have to kno them to ask the out. a majority of the girls u date will not kno u when u ask them out. it's called getting to know them ON the date.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
ok this is what u do, first if u r not at least a senior DJ, have studied the craft of DJing and being in the field for a least half a year with rigrous training, dont go for anything more that HB7-8s, otherwise you will get burned horribly by 9s.
When u r good, get a wingman, i say for a group of 4 hb 9s, they will all have their bich shield up when u appraoch, so u 2 must know the art of DJ very well, other wise you dont have a chance.
So start studing and practicing, then go for them in half a year.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Zerotwoonenine said:
ok this is what u do, first if u r not at least a senior DJ, have studied the craft of DJing and being in the field for a least half a year with rigrous training, dont go for anything more that HB7-8s, otherwise you will get burned horribly by 9s.
When u r good, get a wingman, i say for a group of 4 hb 9s, they will all have their bich shield up when u appraoch, so u 2 must know the art of DJ very well, other wise you dont have a chance.
So start studing and practicing, then go for them in half a year.

the more experience the better


throw yourself into rough situations, and if you make it out alive you'll be that much more ready for others.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
Get to know one of them in class, at least. It's real easy, just ask one for paper or something.

Then when you see them at lunch, smirk or make a ****y comment at the one you know. Try and make conversation flow from there. It's that simple as that. Just be confident.


Master Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
HolyG said:
Get to know one of them in class, at least. It's real easy, just ask one for paper or something.

Then when you see them at lunch, smirk or make a ****y comment at the one you know. Try and make conversation flow from there. It's that simple as that. Just be confident.

can u write any smaller?