Confident Persistance or Next!


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
Hi all,

I have been on here for around 2 months so know the basics and am not going to ask any silly questions, but im looking for some sound advice.

I've got an HB8 from work who i've been chatting to on and off for a couple of months, lately I decided to ask her for a drink after work...and said i'd call her to arrange it...on the weekend I txt her to see what she was up to, she was out and she txt me back a couple of times. She rang me later that evening when she was walking home drunk..this is because I was on a night shift @ work and she knew i would answer more than likely. We chatted casually I told her I would ring monday night to sort out the drinks. Monday comes and her phone was off all night, I tried ringing twice (didnt leave a voice message) and sent a blackberry message to say 'Let me know when youre free and we'll fix those drinks'

I saw she picked it the message this morning, you guys think if she doesnt prompt me to call i should not bother? Seeing as she likely turned her phone off to avoid talking to me as it is her work phone and turned it on in the morning for work?

BTW I have a date for tonight with another girl so its not obsesssing its just whether I should persist or not? Gut says Low-Interest!



Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
Next if you value your time. Low interest is hard to raise without turning her into AW, and is for the most part a waste of time.

Persist only when the outcome is worth it, or if you feel like you havent built enough attraction/comfort before she ve gotten a chance to reject you.

I am personally "persisting" with one chick simply because of the lack of prospects and time to actually go look for some at this point. I have exhausted them all without bringing anything new thats worth while, and maybe have gotten more selective.

I would not mind having her, but dont really care all that much anymore. And she's conveniently around. - That pretty much sums my mindset.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
Dilemma solved got the LJBF treatment, it was a shame though thats all down to the fact I work shifts and never got to meet her by chance or anything to build attraction...oh well NEXT!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
best just to cut your losses and NEXT! I just did that, it's not worth wasting time.