

Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Storrs, Ct
I don't give a f*ck!!!

F*ck the *****es and hoars...

F*ck it all...

I will survive anything you throw at me...

I will dominate all...

My confidence is well grounded...

I'm prefectly in control of myself...

I'm stable...

I'm Able...

And I'm ready to show the world something they've never seen before...


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Suaveman ... best AFC post in a LONG time

Hilarious -- you drop F bombs to start your post and then say you are perfectly (though you misspelled it) in control.

Obviously you're not. A DJ doesn't start a conversation by dropping 'F' bombs.

What it tells me is you're an AFC, who just got dumped. I've read 100's of these posts and it's all false confidence.

Also, trust me on this: the world has seen it all, women have seen it all. Quit fooling yourself and get some frickin' composure!


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
The post went from angry to calm. I think it's just an aspiring DJ living through the ups and downs of DJdom. Just my opinion.

Lost Savior

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
You know, the first time I heard actually say "F-bomb" I laughed my ass off.

"Showing the world that they've never seen before...." That's quite a bold statement to make there, buddy. But the real question is, can you follow up on your word?


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Suaveman ... best AFC post in a LONG time


Why be hating?
I think alot of you guys have forgotten the reason that we're all here. (I'm not referring to Lost Savior or Aisle55 here..)

We have a common goal.

Why is it that alot of the time when i read a post, the replies are filled with negativity like yours, westcoaster?

Just look at simple things like how Lost Savior and Aisle 55 replied to this thread... constructive and non-negative. They express rational opinions.

You, on the other hand turn a positive thread into a negative one.

Originally posted by WestCoaster
A DJ doesn't start a conversation by dropping 'F' bombs.
A DJ doesnt do this... a DJ doesnt do that... SAYS WHO?
Who made these rules westcoaster? Who are YOU to say what a 'DJ' is?

I can tell you what a DJ isnt... he is not a single type of person. You cant define what he is or isn't. To each and every person on this board, 'DJ' has a different meaning. Its subjective NOT OBJECTIVE. Do you understand how your statement that a DJ doesnt start posts with an F-Bomb is so simplistic? If SexPDX or Pook, or Matt ala Casanova starts a post with F-Bombs of confidence does that make them less 'DJ'?

How is one's writing style any indicator of how 'DJ' he is?

I hope you can understand what i'm saying here, westcoaster, and others that want to hate. If anything it shows insecurity on your own behalf.

I'm not trying to flame or start a flame war, but im trying to draw your attention, and the attention of others on this board, to the immature statements and put downs that do no good for anybody.

Lets keep it positive,


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
I guess I just tire of this, "I'm the biggest bad-a$$, player, pimp" or whatever ... it just strikes me of some guy walking into a bad lounge with a fur coat who looks like a moron, but thinks he's cool.

And yes, if someone started a conversation with the 'F" word (which I use now and then, sparingly), I'd say they're troubled and not confident.

His post had nothing to offer, IMO. I hate this f-ck the world crap -- it's so non-DJ, it's not even funny. The DJ, IMO, says, here's what the world has given me, I'm going to make the most of it. I'm not gonna be cynical and say f the world, I'm gonna challenge it, take it by the horns and make the most of it.

To top it off this guy -- all 18 years old of him -- says he's gonna present something no one else has seen. Yeah, right.

I'm not hating, I'm just tired of all this I'm the baddest whatever. Like I said before, if you have to say it, you aren't, period. I'm sure someone will come in with Muhammad Ali did this and that ... no one here is Ali. Plus, a lot of that -- like 70 percent of it -- was tounge in cheek. Watch the Ali documentary and you'll see.

Whatever happened to quiet, cool, confidence?

I understand a lot of these people have had their psyches beat up by women and this is their response -- I'm just tired of it.


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by WestCoaster
I guess I just tire of this, "I'm the biggest bad-a$$, player, pimp" or whatever ... it just strikes me of some guy walking into a bad lounge with a fur coat who looks like a moron, but thinks he's cool.

And yes, if someone started a conversation with the 'F" word (which I use now and then, sparingly), I'd say they're troubled and not confident.

His post had nothing to offer, IMO. I hate this f-ck the world crap -- it's so non-DJ, it's not even funny. The DJ, IMO, says, here's what the world has given me, I'm going to make the most of it. I'm not gonna be cynical and say f the world, I'm gonna challenge it, take it by the horns and make the most of it.

To top it off this guy -- all 18 years old of him -- says he's gonna present something no one else has seen. Yeah, right.

I'm not hating, I'm just tired of all this I'm the baddest whatever. Like I said before, if you have to say it, you aren't, period. I'm sure someone will come in with Muhammad Ali did this and that ... no one here is Ali. Plus, a lot of that -- like 70 percent of it -- was tounge in cheek. Watch the Ali documentary and you'll see.

Whatever happened to quiet, cool, confidence?

I understand a lot of these people have had their psyches beat up by women and this is their response -- I'm just tired of it.
Well this time, your post is 1000 times more constructive. :)

I hear you man. I know a few fellas i see around that have the whole "fvck the world" attitude. I call it little-man-syndrome. Its more common in the younger age groups.

That rubs me the wrong way too sometimes.

Looks like this guy had nothing to offer in the end... i was waiting for a follow up post.

Quiet, cool confidence is where its at!



Don Juan
Jan 25, 2003
Reaction score
I agree with West Coaster here. Even though Im from the East Coast. Good points made.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
your post sounds more like anger than confidence..although anger is a good stepping stone to get yourself motivated to change..dont get stuck in it..

confidence is about feeling good about yourself..who you are..and what you can contribute to this world

so instead of feeling angry that your not exuding confidence..and saying the opposite of what you feel..

its time to start a crash course in beleiving in yourself..there are a few good tips here on building confidence..and getting rid of negative thinking in your journey

focus on things in your life that made you feel good in the past and repeat them over and over and over again

repeating a few mantra's isnt going to reverse how u think/feel about yourself