confidence...its not hard


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Well, i used to be one of the newbies on this site that ended the so-called "Golden Age" where the likes of Pook and such were still on the site and passing on the knowledge. I posted alot on the site on my other user name and tried to get with a bunch of girls; I was ****y ad funny, did everything i was told to EXACTLY by the book...But "surprisingly" i never got them, and i blamed the site and the informers on it for giving me bad hints. I was a AFC im not ashamed to admit it.

So there i was 8 months ago trying to get on every girl that was hot. And not getting any i got frustrated as all hell. So i took a break off the site, but kept all the tchniques in mind. I just chilled and partied with my friends for about 3 months. Then one night me and my friends were just chillin at this cafe thing after i got off work playing chess, and a good 8.5 HB walked in the door, i didnt even acknowledge her, and kept to my chess game. She sat down to a kid i know next to me and started blabbering about something gay none of us cared about, when she was finished "im just like wow you must be really proud." all my friends laughing and we went back to the game. I talked to her a little bit and all my friends were busting each others chops, and i busted hers too, just like i did with my friends.

I left without even saying bye or anything, and one week later she imed me,and i found out she tracked me down. She wanted to do something and blah, blah, blah. Im like whatever i dont give a ****. Then like 3 weeks later she wants to go out with me. And i didnt realize what i did. So i went out with her and we became boyfriend/girlfriend.

Two weeks later i went over my neigbors house to tell my little bro to come home from his friends house and the girl next door 5.5 had a friend over 8.8 and i was tired after soccer practice and just chilled there for awhile. I find out tommorow this girl likes me too.

What is it i did? i stuck to the DJ mentality, But unlike before, i was just finally relaxed with it, Granted i was tired from work and practice but i was in my own skin those nights. I was ****y and funny and most importantly RELAXED. Thats the key in many things in life. For instance in sales,if your saying the right thing but you dont carry yourself well because your not relaxed? Sorry no sale today bud. You go in for an interview for a job and you have all the right credentials but your sweatin like a hog and arent relaxed your out the door "thankyou for your time...NEXT" Thats the key in life doing the right things and saying the right words but the package you carry it in is just as important. You could sell a **** sandwich if you know what your talking about, know what to say, and how to say it. But i doubt you could seel gold if you dont have and idea what to say, dont know what your talking about, or how to say it. So just RELAX......:cool:

Sorry if it was a ramble but its the truth...


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
no i was just saying to be relaxed is the finishing touch, i already had the looks, the ****y/funny attitude, i just had to bottle the act thats all


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
Yeah, but in this case it started out by him not caring what she thought of him. An attitude like that can make all the difference in the world.


Don Juan
Oct 10, 2003
Reaction score
i am extremely layed back, and a few weeks ago i was with a female friend of mine at a dance and about 5 random girls walked up to my and introduced themselves and i talked to each one for about 10 minutes, no numbers, but when i see them again ill go after the #....idk if it was the relaxing thing, but it didn't hurt