compliments without desperation-esque


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
ok so i was testing a theory, as guys we all know how when we're totally into a chick we naturally want to dish out compliments or "sweet nothings"

but also as don juans we know not to over do this or in some cases avoid it.

i've tried something which i dont know if it has been gone over before but, when i feel like complimenting a girl or saying really nice things i like to instantly kill any signs of "whimp behavior" afterwards.

for example.

"i woke up today and you were on my mind... so do you know any good neurosurgeons?"

all in a playful, mysterious tone. or if done online followed by a wink MAYBE dependin on how sensitive the girl is to a hollow personality that comes with just text.

i'd like the hear thoughts about this, so far i just started using this tactic on two girls with satisfactory results. which is why i figured id make a post about it, two girls is not enough to go in for a patent. thanks guys.