complicatied situation


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2005
Reaction score
See if anyone can work this one out:

I am in a LTR and another girl who I met recently and knows about LTR started to hit on me and we have fvcked.

The new girl was in a LTR about a 1 year ago for several years and when it ended I understand it was pretty serious.

The way I see it she is after me for one of three things:

1. Sex
2. Really likes me and wants a LTR (pretty ****an unlikely me thinkgs)
3. Some sort of game - perhaps to play me off against someone else?

The sad thing is, and I know this is AFC behaviour, but I actually quite like this new chick. I figure if I want to get her into a LTR and dump current LTR I have to play the game very carefully.

I have been very C+F so far, and I know it because she has commented on it. I have also, at least left her with the impression that I have other women available if I need them. Pretty standard DJ stuff here.

However I think I dont want to over do this beause I suspect that she is very untrusting of men after her LTR ended - which had to hurt.

But again my thoughts bring me back to the fact that no matter what I want - she could just be after sex?

Anyone have any opinions on this one?


I'm Joe Dirt

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Sounds like you already wanna leave your current relationship, if you didnt you wouldnt be getting some from other girls.

I recommend ending your current relationship since it looks like you arent into anymore and see what the other girl wants. If she doesnt want a LTR you are screwed, if she does you are in. If that does happen you will simply lose your current LTR, which I think isnt good for you anyway because you are looking for a new one.

It is possible however she is using you just for sex, as thinking that since you have a LTR you won't ask her for more.

Grey Fox

Master Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Put simply, leave your current GF for this new girl and shortly after this new girl will leave you. You will be without a GF and have given up what seems to be a loyal GF. Not the wisest of moves. Of course I'm not big on cheating, that's just how I am. If you want to keep your relationship with your current GF then end this fling right now or she will screw up your current relationship you pushing current GF out of the way by letting her know you cheated so you have no choice but to take her. If you want to see this new girl then go ahead, it will be a learning experience you wish you could forget.

-Grey Fox


Senior Don Juan
May 17, 2005
Reaction score
It depends, if this new sex buddy wants to be in a LTR and you've known her for months - she may be in for an LTR. Yeah the current one you have is pretty much dead cause a man doesn't cheat if he is sexually satisfied in the relationship (to the women out there, that means: oral sex)

Either way it's your life and loyalty from gf doesn't matter considering that when a man cheats the current relationship is dead in the water.