complex question about paying for things


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
Ok, so being a college student without a high paying job, money is tight. I know the basics about not being an AFC about paying for dates etc.
I also live in a fairly small community--not much to do. Sure I know of fun "free dates" to do, but I also want to be able to mix it up with things I find fun, like bungee jumping($100+ each), Riverboat trip with provided lunch ($50 each), going to an amusement park ($100 each) etc.

And the gas expenses of going anywhere is $20+ even if the destination is free.

When taking a girl on a date for something like this is it fine to suggest we each pay our way?
Something like "Hey I thought bungee jumping would be a killer good time. But it's a little spendy--$125. You down with that?"



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
As a date, I would never do anything that I could not pay for both of us. I have been broke for much of my life, but always gotten laid. If a girl likes you enough, she will take a free walk through the park, and then invite you back to her place.

I find that after you have had sex, money is not a big deal at all. Just be honest and don't try to pretend about anything. If she loves you even when you're broke, then she is worthy of having around later in life when you have money.


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
Hi. Thanks for the advice. I'm not in any way worried about not having much money/or the girl knowing that. If money is a factor for her, I don't want her anyways. That said, a few girls I've been talking to are nurses where I work and they know I go to college and by default know that I can't be making much money just based on the job that I do (barista).

I definitely don't want to pretend anything, which is why I thought I would be upfront about her needing to pay for herself, in a laid-back way. Plus, they're nurses. They make 4-5 times what I do. They can afford it.

So maybe just wait until having sex to do anything "big"? Thanks, I'll think about that. I want to do fun, action-type dates--things that I find really exciting and adventurous--and those things typically cost more than traditional/free dates.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I think that, behind car payments, jobless boyfriends are probably the #2 expenditure of nurse salaries nationwide. If I were ever homeless, I would not beg with a sign, I'd just go hit on a nurse.

And yes, sex negates the money issue. If she'll do it with you when you're broke, then she will split the check for expensive dates later.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Why do you mention nurses in particular?

As for the bungee jumping thing, I guess I see it the same way I see most "money dates": typically dropping that much money on an activity isn't worth it because you don't know the person that well, they might be really awkward, etc etc. For instance, say you wanted to go on a date to a fancy dinner. Even if you are splitting the bill evenly, it might not be a good time. She might be really annoying or something... So to me, it's not worth going on costly dates even if both parties pay their own way. UNLESS you already know her really well and know that it'll be a fun time. In which case, you're probably banging her anyway and money isn't a contentious issue.


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
I stick to doing most of that fun sh1t with my friends because I know they'll pay their way, and I can focus on having fun rather than try to game a chick the entire time. I think more of the free stuff mentioned in a lot of the threads here is more appropriate anyway, because you get a chance to be yourself and really get to know her, rather than impress her with money you don't have.

If you're on such a tight budget, why are you going bungie jumping, etc?


Don Juan
Aug 5, 2009
Reaction score
handle said:
Why do you mention nurses in particular?

As for the bungee jumping thing, I guess I see it the same way I see most "money dates": typically dropping that much money on an activity isn't worth it because you don't know the person that well, they might be really awkward, etc etc. For instance, say you wanted to go on a date to a fancy dinner. Even if you are splitting the bill evenly, it might not be a good time. She might be really annoying or something... So to me, it's not worth going on costly dates even if both parties pay their own way. UNLESS you already know her really well and know that it'll be a fun time. In which case, you're probably banging her anyway and money isn't a contentious issue.
Because I work at a hospital and there's a few cute nurses I'm considering.

Yeah that sounds solid to me--probably not best for the first couple of dates.
Cool man, thank you.

fatdog said:
I stick to doing most of that fun sh1t with my friends because I know they'll pay their way, and I can focus on having fun rather than try to game a chick the entire time. I think more of the free stuff mentioned in a lot of the threads here is more appropriate anyway, because you get a chance to be yourself and really get to know her, rather than impress her with money you don't have.

If you're on such a tight budget, why are you going bungie jumping, etc?
It's summer break and it's one thing I want to do this summer. One of the girls I've been talking to mentioned plans to go skydiving soon and I told her about my skydiving experiences a bit and because she's adventurous I thought about asking her if she wants to come along when I go bungee jumping etc. But I definitely can't be paying for more than myself.