Evil Spirit, excellent job and well articulated. This thread will give hope to lots of men who are going through the same thing.
To add to the discussion, we must remember that when we break up with a woman, we are literally going through an addiction withdrawal. It is never really about that particular woman, but rather the pain of losing the chemicals and psychological reinforcement that being with a woman brings about.
At first we think the world is going to end because that woman was IT. "Ill never find someone quite like her..."
But then we go through the pain and realize that it wasn't really so much about HER, it was about losing something we were used to. Yesterday we felt wanted and needed by a woman, and today that disappears. The physical and psychological shock of that sudden withdrawal can be profound.
During a breakup it pays to remember that we are simply adjusting to the absence of something (someone) that tickled our ego, and that time will dissipate the withdrawal symptoms.
This is also why we must always cultivate an abundance mentality, in good times and in bad. That mentality is bank when things turn for the worse. It's crucial for a man to get himself to a place where he doesn't need any particular woman. That can be very difficult if you're already smitten, but it's doable.
Abundance, abundance, abundance must be our mantra.