If she asks you " where do you live?" you say
"Right here in Louisville, Ky"
Then if she says "No I mean do you live on your own?"
or anything like that.
This is a really good time to use C&F or tease her.
Like this ... " What? We just meet and now you wanna know where I live?"
What next? Buy me a bunch of drinks and then try and take me home and seduce me?"
"Women, their all the same."
Make sure you smile and let her know your just playing around.
After that you can say something like " Why do you ask?"
If she says " I was just wondering"
Then be honest and tell her your staying at home
untill you get a job so you can live on your own.
Now if she says something like " you don't still live at home do you?"
that's when you need to step up and not worry about making her mad
and say..."Why? Do you have a problem with people living with their parents?"
If she has this belief that living with your parents makes you a loser
then shes just a b1tch and you should ignore her and move on.