[Comebacks for AFCs]


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
This thread is called...Comebacks for AFCs

Thanks for reading this article.

Alright so to begin, I must first say to you all that this thread will teach you ways of giving good combacks to another person, but this isn't just for AFCs of course... this is for all of you out there who need good comebacks.

Try? No, you do or do not
Guys who are awful or just terrible in using comebacks or those who don't use one at all are people who are scared to do it or because of personal reasons. But in most cases, its because of fear. Most guys are too scared to admit that they fear other people of using comebacks. This is the problem...

You fear when you don't use a comeback on them. It does not matter whether or not you know one, it just comes out of your mouth. I am not saying that you will learn to use comebacks once your born, but you will learn all the insults and offensives words from past experience... this is how we all know. There is nobody to teach us how to use good combacks on the net because it will depend on your enemy.

There are certain degrees where the enemy will know a comeback for YOUR comeback. But I will get to you about avoiding a reverse-comeback later.

How to find the right comeback
How do you find guys doing such great comebacks that makes everybody go "oohh" and "ahh"? It is simple, one is respect and the other is power. Power of the words means much more than you know. To find the right comeback for your enemy, you must first learn how to be a real man. A real man does not look down and take all the insults, he eats the insults and throws up back at him.

__How, and when do I know I am doing this right?___

Let's say your enemy is making a big deal about your pimple that is located on the upper part of your nose... You must first hear what he must say:

Enemy: You little idiot, look at you... You got a huge pimple size of your small d*ck! Ha ha!

you hear others laughing with him

You should then look around him and think of what you can say about HIS face, if you can't find anything, then say something that might offend him about his personality and mix it in with something that he used.

You: Hey what about you, calling me little? Hey man, at least I got a d*ck, unlike you, the surgeons must've sliced it off while you were being taken out. You idiot.

The example using "You" was alot of power and alot of offensive stuff happening around. You must know logic, and you must make the enemy feel stupid.

So here's an excercise:

Lesson: Using power AND body language

Body language is important when it comes to an arguement or a battle. You must show you are a true male gifted by god that you were never to be messed with. Sit up straight, look directly at the monitor, and concentrate on the monitor as if it was your enemy.


Lets say I am the monitor and you must... well, find a comeback for yourself.

Me: Look at you, you look like you never took a shower. I hate you AND you're boring!

**** Before you think of a comeback*** ::

-Look around the enemy, think of the monitor as a perfectly skinned guy with nice hair and normal sized.

-Question: What will you do?
-Answer: Easy. Confront and destroy.

Just because it seems like the person you are trying to find a comeback for does not mean you will be unsucessful. You must show power and think what it would be like if you were a powerful comebacker.

So then before, If I said:

Me: Look at you, you look like you never took a shower. I hate you AND you're boring!

You: *Looking around but too perfect, but by using your brain...*
Looks like I never took a shower, huh? Well you know, I never took a shower today but I did take one yesterday and the day before... how about you? Do you take a shower? Of course not, you just rub anti-acne all over your sh*tty body... Sorry to hear that you can't afford a shower/tub. Maybe you can come by my house and I'll put you inside my washing machine. Oh and I believe you said I'm boring? Are you jealous?

Me: Hell no, what the-


You: Ahhhh shaddap, you poor bastard. Want to get in the washing machine or not you piece of sh*t!

Me: *Looking confused* You're not funny...

You: So you ever been funny?

Me: Of course you idiot.

You: I would like to see you do so...

Notice you are trying to make the enemy do something because of what they said in the beginning

Me: *Says something*

You: Dude, close your mouth! You really need to clean man. Seriously... *Fake vomit*

Me: *Pissed off* Hey you wanna' get punched??

You: Punched for what? You're the idiot who started this, so why punch me?

Me: For talking sh*t to me!

You: Did you not say sh*t about me first? You dirty bastard?


Okay, let's stop here... Notice how the enemy no longer mentions to you about you being dirty, or, not taking a shower?

These kinds of convos happens alot depending on the guys.

But anyways, here is something you should all learn: Let the enemy talk first, and then make them forget about it in the end. They will begin to feel stupid themselves and lose focus on insulting you.

"He gave a comeback at MY comeback!"

So? Then what would, or more confidentlly... what SHOULD you do?

Giving comebacks will not make you famous, but it will keep you strong. Power of the words mean everything and with great power, means great strenght, and that means a win in a battle of words.



Bunk 040

Don Juan
Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Seriously, who wastes time thinking of this bull****?

Capt.Jack Sparrow

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2003
Reaction score
Fontana, California
Me: Look at you, you look like you never took a shower. I hate you AND you're boring!
You: Actually.. I haven't taken a shower since last night when I had $ex with your mom.. and she certainly didn't think I was boring. :p

Superman X

Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
1. Your convos are ridiculously unrealistic. Why? Unless you're in middle school, "enemies" don't come up to you and tell you that you're a boring non-shower taker. If they do, they look stupid, not you.

2. If "enemies" did come up and insult you, I can't believe that anybody would ever have difficulty thinking of this stuff. I'm a battle emcee, so if I can think of comebacks all the time and make them into sick rhymes, then you should be able to do it without rhyming.

By the way, if any of you live near Massachusetts and want to battle me give me a shout out. :D



Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Bunk 040
Seriously, who wastes time thinking of this bull****?

Bullsh*t? Yeah you know, in a few months you will realize what I am talking about. I ain't telling people what to say exactly, I'm teaching them how to stand up for themselves. So before you say anything more idiotic, think about yourself and others.


Its unrealistic because its hard to believe. Its the way how I used to learn how to stand up for myself and use comebacks on guys and my result? I win everytime.


New Member
Nov 28, 2003
Reaction score

stop nit-picking on this guy's thread, stop flaming him.

at least he got a thread. be pro-active with your criticisms by posting without the flamez!


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
yo yello, nice to see you already standing up for otehrs & welcome to the boards

tactic- nice thought and im sure it will help some guys.