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Combining All Your Selfs- Jungian Psychology Shorter Version


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
Asheville, NC, USA
Hey, how are you?

This is the short version of this thread <url:>, also it is a bit easier to understand, and to apply that thread after reading the short version. I haven’t released the Short version because I wanted at least some people to glance at the long version thread. Now that at least a few people have read it, I will allow this short version to be released and hopefully even more people will read it, and achieve an even better understanding of the material, and learn to apply it better.

Let me begin.

In Jungian Psychology, there is a “collective unconscious,” every human possess it, and everyone can use it to their advantage. Basically what it is is all of the collective experiences of humankind, which went into shaping today’s people’s bodies, minds, etc.

In this collective unconsciousness there are “archetypes” which are consistent with all humanity, even in different cultures. For example, some of the archetypes Jung uses are the Anima/Animus, the persona/ego, the old wise man, the earth mother, the shadow, and the self. I will talk about them a bit later, but the fact about archetypes is that everyone has them, and everyone can instantly achieve an understanding for what an archetype is, from simple little description that others provide.

I believe that “AFC” is an archetype. When one comes to this website and read a few things about how AFC’s act, an instantaneous, personal understanding of what an AFC is becomes clear in that persons mind. This is only possible for one reason, there have always been “AFC” people in humanity, and this archetype is built into the collective unconsciousness that you possess.

While every one of us has an AFC side, they way we deal with that side ultimately determines how much of a “DJ” we can become. The AFC is like our “shadow” side, the underdog of our overall existence. He’s the guy who wants to do all those stupid things that you wont allow yourself. Also, he’s the guy who has faults and problems and fears, which often times you notice as a flaw within other people.

Obviously this guy is very useful to us…but most people don’t know that the inner AFC is trying to help, and they try repressing him. This is wrong; instead you must understand the CAUSES of your AFC symptoms. On this website, people try to cure the symptoms, which is a very allopathic approach, when in fact a holistic approach is more likely to succeed.

An example of realizing the causes of AFC behavior goes as follows:

I have an urge to buy the woman lots of gifts, and give her uncontrollable attention. Okay, that is the symptom, to “cure” it allopathically; all I have to do is try not to do those things. To cure if holistically I have to first find out WHY I have an urge to do this.
Maybe its because have lowered self esteem and I associate money with success, therefore if I show her that I am spending lots of money, then I am a successful person. Maybe I am jealous of other men spending time with her, and staling her away from me, due to my insecure mindset I don’t think I can captivate her mind fully, therefore I follow her around forever trying to make sure she thinks of me.

Then after reaching a bit deeper into your own actions, you can start seeing true cures. In the lowered self esteem case, I would ask WHY I have lowered self esteem, and then if there is another reason for it, I can ask why again, and go on like this until I feel like I am at the very true core of the cause, then I can learn to DO something about it. For instance, if I feel like my mother is suppressing my sexuality because she doesn’t like to see her little boy growing up, I can realize that even though she is my mother, I am still a growing man, and if she can’t deal with my natural development, there is no reason for me to allow myself to be stunted. I would work on growing my OWN consciousness, separate from her wishes, and realizing my own desires and potential.

This might also be easier to do with the help of a professional analyzer, depending on the severity, and the person.

So the AFC is like your shadow, next I would like to talk about the ANIMA, as it is also a vital part of being a DJ. The anima is a collective and a personal archetype. It is first of all the collective experience that man has had in regards to women; back from the days when cavemen used to drag their women around by the hair.

The personal aspect is that of the interaction the actual “man” has had with women in his life. This started from the time of consciousness, and the time the small developing child started coming in contact with his mother (during elementary school hours, the teacher substitutes for the mother).

This has little to do with how the mother actually acted towards the child, and more with how he feels she acted towards him. This is true for all women that help shape the anima.

If I ask you “describe what a ‘woman’ is?” what you write down would be a pretty accurate of the description of your own anima. And when you meet a woman, the anima image is what you see her qualities portrayed around. Even though your anima and the actual personality of the woman might be very different, one might still adapt the image of the woman to their anima.

The purpose of the anima, in dealing with women is to help you realize your relation to women. If you suffer from a lack of confidence, and then examine your anima only to find that you place all “women” as holy angelic creatures, its pretty obvious that your problem is automatically putting women on a pedestal. (Which is your AFC archetype, so then you would do the procedure I already described)

If you for instance find yourself not able to find a woman “worth you,” and you examine your anima to find that it is a very low and perhaps ‘morally’ degraded archetype, then you would proceed to find out WHY once again, followed by realization of the cause, and actions taken to accept it.

You would eventually continue constantly evaluating your “problems” in regards to the archetypes, and your own personal experiences with them until you have no more problems. Like I said it might be easier for a professional analyzer to help you out.

Then, once you have gone through and embraced all of the different archetypes of your SELF, you will become a balanced, confident, well self-accepted male.

You will be the DJ, the Real Man, the Self.