What do you do with a chick you have been dating from high school once you move on to college? Is it best to end it and move on, or keep the relationship going if you are not going to be too far from each other.
That's up to you. Depends on how far you are. I'm dating my gf from high school, and like everyone says, if you're the kind of guy that wants more than one girl at once, that's the perfect opportunity. However, I respect my gf too much to do that to her, so I'm exclusive right now.
I try to make it down to see her about 2 times a month... it's a 5 hour train ride each way ( about 3:30 - 4 hours by car) so it's not really that far to go for just the weekend. Besides, on the train I can plug in my laptop, and I actually get more work done than if I was up here. I think it gives me a chance to balance the parties and work a little easier, and my family misses me while I'm gone as well.
So... the 3 basic things you need for it to work
TRUST - Prolly the biggest factor, you need to be able to trust each other to not do things that the other person would not approve of. I leave that open to interpretation.
Motivation - you have to WANT to come down to see her a few times. If you look at many of the tips around here, they mention keeping yourself "unavailable." Well, being away is a kind of permanent unavailibility, and it can make the times you share more special.
Belief - You have to believe that she is worth it. There will be tons of hotties in college, but to get them you'd have to do extra work. Is she special enough to you that you will turn down the drunk, loose women in college? Will you make the committment? Will you break her heart? These are questions to use to judge whether or not to keep it going...
hope that helps.