college parties


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2004
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My first post on these forums!

I'm in my second year of college. Before I get to my question, let me give you a little summary of my DJ career.

In high school and my freshman year of college I had no social skills and was desperate. Now, things have improved greatly. I've killed my desperation and I've had a couple girls be attracted to me. (I only went out with one because I really disliked the other one). I feel confident in my ability to get a girl by, for example, sitting next to her in class and making small talk before the class actually starts, and after a week or so asking her out.

Obviously this is not enough! :)

There are people who will go to a party and make out with a girl or even get laid. Now, I don't hear about or get invited to all that many parties, but the few that I've been to have been complete failiures as far as macking on girls is concerned.

At a massive, shoulder-to-shoulder kegger on Halloween, I tried to initiate conversations with girls by just saying, "Hi" or "Whatsup?" and making small talk about the party or their costume (seemed to be the most obvious way to start a conversaation). Most girls simply wouldn't say anything back after I said hi. For those who did return a greeting, the conversation was minimal, and when I'd ask something like, "What's your costume?" it seemed as if they really thought I just wanted an answer to that one question. There was one girl whom I was able to talk to for a minute or two, but it turns out she had a boyfriend.

At smaller parties, I've been able to talk a girl intermittently throughout the night, but the conversation stays at the level of small talk and I'm always on the wrong ladder. (If you're not familiar with the ladder theory, "wrong ladder" means a girl thinks of you as someone who could be a friend, not someone they could be sexually attracted to). When I say "I can talk to her intermittently," I mean that we'll repeatedly exchange a few sentences and then she'll prefer to talk to someone she already knows.

I really don't know what the protocol is for this situation.

I see two options:
a) starting with small talk (like I've been trying)
b) immediately implying sexual interest w/o using a cheesy pickup line

I've been using (a) because I thought (b) could come off as desperate. However, (a) runs the risk of ending up on the wrong ladder, unless you can get the girl in a quiet spot where you can touch her on the arm or hand, which will at least get you on the good ladder, if not leading to a make-out session or sex if she is really drunk or just a horny person.

The other problem with (b) is that I'm not sure how to go about doing it, because obviously I can't just go, "You're hot!" or "I want to screw you." I'm sure (b) would also only work at a huge party, where nobody else can hear your conversation.

I've got a phone number by method (a), but it will be very difficult to make the first date successful. (I haven't called her yet, probably will tonight).

I have a friend who is a girl and is kind of a slut. She's had sex with guys she met at parties, though for some reason she avoids giving me advice on this like the plague. It really pisses me off, but that's a different story. :)

My minimum goal is to be able to get a phone number and be on the correct ladder.

I bought a book on conversational skills, so hopefully that will help too.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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so far you[ve explained what you say, the techniques you use, and goals that you've set up.....but we still haven't heard anything about your mindset, whats up with you? How are you seeing yourself.....the game is not logical my friend, you gotta be able to listen to your inner voice and not the censoring impediment in your head that says "Ok now what SHOULD I do" "How SHOULD I look" Don't be afraid to walk up to em and say stuff like, "My god you are so f***in cute, can i buy you a house?" while keeping strong eye's things like that which have always gotten me by, no bs, no boredom talk, just pure c*** and balls my friend, pure c*** and balls


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2004
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thefonz, I actually tried that approach at a really big party last school year, without success. My friend whom I mentioned earlier actually told me that this was bad and to go with what I called "option A." This really confused me. However, from what you've said, I think I was on the right track to start out with and my friend's comment was just an all-too-common instance of girls not conciously knowing what they want in a guy. I think the main reason for massive failiure at this party was that I was wasted to the point of stumbling when I got there. Another male friend of mine said something similar to what you told me. I am definately going to try this technique next time (perhaps New Year's Eve?), and I think I will be much more confident doing it.

As for my mind set, I have developed the "I'm so damn cool" confidence that girls find attractive.


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2004
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Yeah, I think most of the guys you see hooking up with the girls at college parties are the drunken frat boys that just walk up and tell the girls that they want to ****.

I'd really like to try it myself, but something is holding me back from doing it.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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A few words of advice...

Well, at least your making an attempt to go and meet girls, I understand you disappointment but it's a trial by fire. Personally I don't think Party's are the best place to meet chicks, yea I have met a few and made out with a few but there not the type of girl I would want to hang with the following day, get my meaning?
I guess it's all about preference, I would say meet more people, Not just girls but guys, be cool with as many people as posable so you will have many opportunities to meet girls, I have a lot of guy friends and all of which are like me and have an a** load of female friends, it's all about connections my friend.

I hope I helped you out, keep hunting.
Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful looking corps-James dean


Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
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Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Okay, did you wear a Star Trek uniform to this Halloween kegger, dude?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
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i see.....