College Game -- A World of its Own?


New Member
Mar 31, 2008
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I read some interesting comments about "college game" on another forum. According to some, it is completely different than, say, gaming a club. Essentially it's easier to establish a reputation (good or bad) as people have more of an opportunity to see each other multiple times, especially if you frequent the same bars/house parties/etc. Makes sense.

I am in college and thus live in a college town, and there aren't any good clubs (or similar venues) so it's all pretty much bars and house parties for me. I'm still pretty new at this but I can already tell that I'm much more of the "natural / direct" variety rather than "technical," so maybe it isn't as much of an issue.

I'm curious: any of you in college and college towns run into specific issues I should know about?


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2004
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There's much more social emphasis than you think. You can't just play sports like high school, and frats are hard unless you're frosh. I broke social proof barriers by becoming a bouncer, then later a bar promoter.

Women still go for alpha males. In an environment filled with men that have more potential than you, you have to figure out how to do what they can't. The only way I'm starting to see that I can be an alpha is if I fearlessly approach women in every situation, whether in school or out. When your confidence and personality is unmatched, then I assume you can be on top. I'm in this transformation myself from using social proof to doing this, so good luck to you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
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The only way I'm starting to see that I can be an alpha is if I fearlessly approach women in every situation, whether in school or out. When your confidence and personality is unmatched, then I assume you can be on top.
This i agree with 100%. Just cuz u might not have the status of one guy, doesn't mean that u can't be on top...ya know?


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Boston, MA
I wrote a long thread on my blog about college game awhile back. Here it is in its entirety:

It's simple.

College party game is ALL SOCIAL PROOF. That's it. PUA material helps, although it is not necessary (in fact, too much material hurts you). Good looks are nice. But it really just comes down to making yourself the "man on campus". Become the Van Wilder of your school, and that's it. The ***** comes to you. Literally.

Focus on social networking within your school to create a very WIDE circle of friends. Once you do this, you should be able to hit college parties almost every night, and have 2-3 options each weekend night. This was my lifestyle my senior year in school and honestly, I miss it. It was so easy compared to bar/club game. By my last semester college parties were like shooting fish in a barrel. I once had three lays in one night, and I had barely been in PUA for 6 months! By comparison, for me to lay 3 girls at any bar or club in one night would be a feat of God.

So how do you become the "Van Wilder" of your campus? The process is fairly simple:
1) Go to college parties. They're easy to find. If you ask your friends, chances are they've heard of one. If not, walk around and look for a house or apartment that is loud with tons of people. Then just walk in. I did this dozens of times and was never thrown out. Everyone just assumes you know somebody else.
2) Open EVERYBODY. Opening at a college party is easy because everyone already goes to the same school, and knows somebody else at the party, so there's already some sense of familiarity. Do not go overboard with canned material or trying to razzle dazzle these people. You all go to the same school, you don't need to invent a crazy reason to talk to them. "What's your name?" followed by "what's your major?" NEVER fails. You can impress her later.
3) Game the hot girls and befriend ugly girls and guys. EXPAND YOUR SOCIAL CIRCLE. Facebook EVERYONE the next day. Number close anyone you talk to for more than 10-15 minutes. Ask people if they know of other parties going on.
4) If you get IOI's, escalate as quickly as possible. Girls at college parties are drunk, inexperienced, stressed out, and many of them are looking to hook up. Take advantage of this.
5) The next night mass text all of your new friends to see what they're up to, OR if you're having a party, invite ALL of them. Usually, about 1/5 will respond.

If you do this enough, within a semester you'll be hitting parties where you already know 1/3 or 1/2 of the people there. This is money because college parties are ALL social proof. My senior year, I'd roll out solo to any number of parties. When I entered I'd have 10 girls FREAK OUT and scream at my arrival. Then I'd shake hands with another 10 guys I knew. The other girls SEE THIS **** and think, "Wow, who is THAT guy? I HAVE to meet him." I had time numerous occasions when I'd go to a party like this, half the party would stop to welcome me, then I'd immediately get opened by 2-3 random girls. These girls are already attracted and often drunk. You can kiss close them within minutes of meeting them. If you escalate fast, and pump their buying temperature, you can get them in the bathroom within 30 minutes.

Some pointers:
- Probably 1/2 of the parties you hit will be busts -- they'll suck. In this case, get a free drink and introduce yourself to the host(s). Talk to them for a couple minutes in hopes of getting invited to more of their parties. Then go to the next party.
- Avoid frat and sorority parties if possible. A lot of them have unspoken social hierarchies. They also tend to have bad guy:girl ratios. If you're in a frat, then disregard this.
- Avoid parties with 200+ people. Girls at MASSIVE parties (MIT frats, for example), develop "ADD Syndrome" where they're getting opened so often by so many random people that it's impossible to run a set for more than 30 seconds without interruption. Also, due to the size, meeting and making social connections becomes very arbitrary because everyone else has met 20 people already that night.

Finally, I'll tell you the best thing you can possibly do to get laid in college. Me and my buddies did this all through my junior year, and my God, if I had known about PU then, I would have banged at least 15 girls.
1) Get a couple good buddies together, 3-5 of you. It's pretty easy to make male friends in college: all it takes is beer, sports and girls. That's all you need to talk about to have tons of male college buddies.
2) One of you needs a decent sized apartment. It works best if a few of you are roommates together.
3) Throw a party EVERY WEEKEND at this spot. It doesn't matter if they start out small. Have all 4-5 guys invite their friends and invite any girls they met throughout the week in class or from other parties. At first, you'll only get 10-12 people, but just buy tons of alcohol, and they'll be happy.
4) Eventually, most of these core people will come back. Have you and all of your buddies keep inviting every girl they've met throughout the week. Within a month or so, you should be getting a nice crowd of 20-30 people.
5) Once this happens, it snowballs. For starters, you now have a party that consistently brings in more girls than guys. So the guys will start flocking. The first girls you all brought in now bring their cute friends. Your guy friends are now bringing cute girls they met to impress and hook up with. These people all KNOW that you throw it EVERY WEEKEND, so it becomes a staple to their weekend.
6) Once you're getting 100+ people a night, cap it and start charging money to people you don't know. These things grow exponentially, and once it becomes more than 100 people, the intimacy is lost and it's a massive cluster****.

Once you do this, picking up girls becomes so easy, it's not even fair. All five of us got action EVERY weekend. I was hooking up with 2-3 girls a night sometimes.

Why is it this easy? Because you are social proofed a RIDICULOUS amount of ways:
- You are a host. You provide the alcohol and control access to it.
- As host, 75% of the people there not only know you but they're trying to be your friend. Why? See above.
- A large percentage of the girls present have been sarged by you, and if you've sarged well, you've either already hooked up with them or turned them into pivots.
- You have a connection to EVERYBODY present. You can now ask ANY girl, "Who do you know here?" and you are within one degree of separation, ALWAYS. You have a mutual friend with EVERYONE.
- Because you know so many people, you will constantly be approached and in more sets than you can handle. Therefore, people will have to fight for your attention.
- As a side result, people who come to your parties will invite you to THEIR parties. You will go and know the host and know 1/3 of the people there already.

My buddies and I did this every weekend for a semester and a half. We lived on Egmont Street and called the party, "The Egg." Our slogan was "It's always cracking." I hooked up with more girls in that place than I can count. We always had more girls than guys, and we had 20-30 steady regulars who came EVERY weekend. People thought I lived there even though I didn't. Random people would stop me on campus and ask, "Is the egg cracking this weekend?" The answer was irrevocably, "Yes." Every girl I talked to during the week, I always told them, "Come to my party this weekend." Most would give me their number and show up. Everybody wants to be invited to another party. Use this to your advantage. If I had known what I was doing back then, I would have banged so many girls, it's stupid. I still banged a few, but I kiss closed dozens over a six month period.

So, to the college students here: Forget the bars, you'll have 20 years to run your bar game. College is basically a ***** close-out sale, all sarging 75% off. Social proof yourself. Become the Van Wilder of your school. Being popular in college only takes alcohol. That's all it takes. If you have alcohol, people will come. Once they come, make them like you, and you're set forever. You will never be in a social environment like this ever again, so take full advantage of it.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
Social Proof. If you're an ethnic minority who isn't extraordinary there is no point going to university for attractive girls. If you're white, have fun!



Don Juan
Apr 2, 2008
Reaction score
Mad Manic said:
Social Proof. If you're an ethnic minority who isn't extraordinary there is no point going to university for attractive girls. If you're white, have fun!

Say it ain't so. There is no hope for this Indian? :nervous:


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
no worries, stick to the DJ bible and tips and you (and all other races of DJ) will have hope.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
House parties are much different than clubs because it's much more casual and MUCH easier to open. "So, you know <insert name>, the guy who lives here?" Done deal.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Effington said:
House parties are much different than clubs because it's much more casual and MUCH easier to open. "So, you know <insert name>, the guy who lives here?" Done deal.
No offense, but I completely disagree. You should never think that. Only creeps walk up to a woman I know and act like they've known them forever. You're much better off using sincerity to get to know and learn about a person, create a comfort level, then go for the connection.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
College is all about "cool" so get in with the cool group and do what they do... young hos tend to f the whole cool group sometimes at the same time... but if you are not cool or in a cool group you will be labeled an outcast or lame then hos will not touch you even if they like you cause that would not be cool...LOL


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
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RickRoll said:
Say it ain't so. There is no hope for this Indian? :nervous:
Mad Manic is one of the stupidest people on this site, please ignore anything he types. You'll do just fine, regardless of your skin color. This is a site that teaches GAME.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
Reaction score
college is pretty much like high school...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 19, 2001
Reaction score
Join the right fraternity and girls will fvck you, no game really even needed.


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
True, so true, If you have alcohol the females are sure to come, having social proof is also very important in college. It has worked some wonders for me.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
Sexual said:
No offense, but I completely disagree. You should never think that. Only creeps walk up to a woman I know and act like they've known them forever. You're much better off using sincerity to get to know and learn about a person, create a comfort level, then go for the connection.
Umm...i couldnt disagree with you anymore. House parties are 10x easier to approach and be social in general. I dont think he said anything about acting like hes known them forever. His example was merely an opener.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2004
Reaction score
oakraiderz2 said:
Umm...i couldnt disagree with you anymore
That's your opinion. It's all the same if you know how to talk to women, I wasn't saying that it's easier this or that way.

Also to add to that. I don't know how high your standards are man, but I'm talking about 8 and 9s. Actually good looking women on a wide scale, not your scale. Women that won't look at you twice without top notch game or amazing social power.

Any guy with a half set of balls can pick up a drunk freshman fresh off the football team if you catch my drift.
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New Member
Mar 31, 2008
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Entropy4 said:
Finally, I'll tell you the best thing you can possibly do to get laid in college. Me and my buddies did this all through my junior year, and my God, if I had known about PU then, I would have banged at least 15 girls.
1) Get a couple good buddies together, 3-5 of you. It's pretty easy to make male friends in college: all it takes is beer, sports and girls. That's all you need to talk about to have tons of male college buddies.
2) One of you needs a decent sized apartment. It works best if a few of you are roommates together.
3) Throw a party EVERY WEEKEND at this spot. It doesn't matter if they start out small. Have all 4-5 guys invite their friends and invite any girls they met throughout the week in class or from other parties. At first, you'll only get 10-12 people, but just buy tons of alcohol, and they'll be happy.
4) Eventually, most of these core people will come back. Have you and all of your buddies keep inviting every girl they've met throughout the week. Within a month or so, you should be getting a nice crowd of 20-30 people.
5) Once this happens, it snowballs. For starters, you now have a party that consistently brings in more girls than guys. So the guys will start flocking. The first girls you all brought in now bring their cute friends. Your guy friends are now bringing cute girls they met to impress and hook up with. These people all KNOW that you throw it EVERY WEEKEND, so it becomes a staple to their weekend.
6) Once you're getting 100+ people a night, cap it and start charging money to people you don't know. These things grow exponentially, and once it becomes more than 100 people, the intimacy is lost and it's a massive cluster****.

Once you do this, picking up girls becomes so easy, it's not even fair. All five of us got action EVERY weekend. I was hooking up with 2-3 girls a night sometimes.

Why is it this easy? Because you are social proofed a RIDICULOUS amount of ways:
- You are a host. You provide the alcohol and control access to it.
- As host, 75% of the people there not only know you but they're trying to be your friend. Why? See above.
- A large percentage of the girls present have been sarged by you, and if you've sarged well, you've either already hooked up with them or turned them into pivots.
- You have a connection to EVERYBODY present. You can now ask ANY girl, "Who do you know here?" and you are within one degree of separation, ALWAYS. You have a mutual friend with EVERYONE.
- Because you know so many people, you will constantly be approached and in more sets than you can handle. Therefore, people will have to fight for your attention.
- As a side result, people who come to your parties will invite you to THEIR parties. You will go and know the host and know 1/3 of the people there already.

My buddies and I did this every weekend for a semester and a half. We lived on Egmont Street and called the party, "The Egg." Our slogan was "It's always cracking." I hooked up with more girls in that place than I can count. We always had more girls than guys, and we had 20-30 steady regulars who came EVERY weekend. People thought I lived there even though I didn't. Random people would stop me on campus and ask, "Is the egg cracking this weekend?" The answer was irrevocably, "Yes." Every girl I talked to during the week, I always told them, "Come to my party this weekend." Most would give me their number and show up. Everybody wants to be invited to another party. Use this to your advantage. If I had known what I was doing back then, I would have banged so many girls, it's stupid. I still banged a few, but I kiss closed dozens over a six month period.

So, to the college students here: Forget the bars, you'll have 20 years to run your bar game. College is basically a ***** close-out sale, all sarging 75% off. Social proof yourself. Become the Van Wilder of your school. Being popular in college only takes alcohol. That's all it takes. If you have alcohol, people will come. Once they come, make them like you, and you're set forever. You will never be in a social environment like this ever again, so take full advantage of it.
Man... that is exactly what we've got going on! Me and three of my boys in one house, it has a nickname, and we throw down pretty much every weekend (except a few). It was brilliant in the beginning of the year, but it pretty much sucks now even though we still have quite a few number of people showing up. The problem? It's always the same people over and over again. On top of that, we didn't put our "foot" down early enough, and there are quite a few peeps that aren't that "cool" or socially proven that rely on us now, who always show up, and they tend to bring the whole vibe down 'cause they are a bunch of dorks -- and we just let em come back.

Good points all around though. I can tell my (and my boys, too) problem is expanding the social circle. We became too satisfied with the one we have and now it is beginning to stagnate.