college advice ..plz HELP


New Member
Jun 15, 2007
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hi i need help

basically i go to college and i have read many articles on this website for a long time now... when im at college i go up 2 a girl and do my thing and some times i get the girl to come with me to library or wateva but then theres alot of people in college that say im a player or wateva and many girls know me b4 i even kno them .. and also theres lot of girls that take the piss of me cuz i go up to girls an got blown off sometimes its hard not to let them get to me but it happens alot..some people call me a pervet even when i dont even look at those girls.. and one thing happened today was i was sittin in the refectory (eating place) and i jus looked at a girl in her eyes for less than a second an than after i looked again and she said wat u lookin at i said i thought u were noticing me.. i jus wandered y are people like this so judgemental im from United kingdom and there aint alot positive people in my college every 1 jus takes the piss and i get laughed at for approaching girls cuz they b *****y back even tho ive followed the rules eye contact smile apporach and i jus say hi and dey say fuk off im not a ugly either :confused:


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
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The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
Are you going to America by chance?

If so, may I be the first to welcome you to the modern American culture! You're not gonna believe how weird us Yanks can be. Getting blown out for being a "player" when you're just outgoing is only the start...

What's even more absurd is the fact that many American guys get depressed and think that they're not worth a sh!t because of this. Too many girls (and subsequently guys, trying to get girls) base their real-life interactions off of what they see on television. It makes for a pretty sh!tty cultural landscape. Global laming.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2007
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Don't let it get you down.
There are tons of b1tches out there.
What you got to do is play by your rules.
If you approach a 2 set of
girls and say hi and get the b1tch shield
don't let it even affect you.
Bust her chops on something. Tease her.
If she says Fvck Off or something like that,
ignore it and say something like
"Hey does my butt look too big in these pants?"
Or turn to her friend and say "Is she always like this?

Women basicly use the b1tch shield to weed out the chumps.
Just stand your ground and don't let it get to you.

As for people laughing and being jerks,
remember at least your doing something about it.
Alot of guy don't do jack sh1t or they take anything that comes along.

Stand up for yourself and don't take any crap.