Cold/semi cold approaches


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Was up guys. I'm a huge noob/afc so forgive this question if it sounds basic. I looked in the dj bible but couldn't really find a definitive answer.

OKay so when semi-cold or cold approaching (I say semi cold if I've seen the girl before or know her but have never met her face to face), is there a definitive rule as to whether I should get her number or give her my number?

Okay I know I've read not to give your number to the girl because then she is in control of the situation. She decides when/if to call, then she has power in the phone conversation if she ever does call, etc.

But I read a post the other day (don't remember who it was by) that said he gives his number out to make the girl chase HIM, not the other way around. This would coincide with the whole "I am the prize, women should be chasing me" attitude.

So which is the general rule in an approach, give the number or get the number?

Or does it depend on the situation? Depends on your skill level as a dj?

Help me out guys, I really want to get better at this whole cold approaching thing. It's really run already but it would be cool to get results too.

Also, a random thing I wanted feed back on. What do you guys think of calling a girl by her last name as a neg hit? Sounds dumb I know, but do you think it would work?


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
You should get the girls number as a general rule. Girls are flaky and if you just give away your number, most of the time she won't contact you. You also wanna stay in control and make the decisions. You call her up to make plans when YOU want to. Not sitting around waiting for her to call you....Also, you don't wanna have to change your number if she turns into a stalker that calls you constantly!

However, some DJ's when they reach a certain level can break away from this default. Making the girls chase him. But in order for that to be successful you really have to master the game insanely well..And most men will never reach that level. I saw one guy who was speaking at the David DeAngelo seminar, and he had reached that level where he never called girls. He never #closed, and i'f a girl wanted to give him her number he wouldn't take it and responded by saying "I don't call girls". :D
This dude though looked like a male model and also had obtained crazy skills over the years. He had it easy. For us "mortals" i suggest we get the number from the chick..Atleast it will improve your chances of ever meeting the chick again.

Oh, and about the lastname negging..I don't get it? How on earth can that be a neg? A neg is a backhanded compliment used on HB's to level the playfield and reduse her inflated ego.
Maybe if her lastname is funny/weird you can bust her on it, but that's not a neg.

Nicknaming girls though are very powerful imo. I do that to practically every girl i meet..Just make something up. Preferably something a bit teaseful, so that she tries to qualify herself and showing that she's not really "whatever you called her" :)


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
thanks for the reply man, I'm definitely not at that level to be giving my number out then.

As for the whole last name thing, I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I was confused about what a neg hit actually was. What do you think about calling a girl by her last name not as a neg hit, but just as general teasing/playing?

My reasoning is, really hot girls probably get called by their first name, a cute nick name, or some kind of cat call type deal. Calling her by her last name, ala a highschool gym teacher or some other figure of authority, shows control.

OKay that was dumb, I'm gonna shut up now.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
i get your thinking behind it, but i dunno if it would work as good smoothly as it may sound on paper... lol