Cold heartless &%#!@?


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
This girl I've been flirting with for a while. She was always flirting with a lot of guys, but I was flirted with most. Recently the level and deepness of the flirting was increasing, so I casually inserted "we should go out sometime, somewhere OUTSIDE of school", she comes back with "outside of school sounds like fun".

I kinda hadn't talked to her this entire week (not much opportunity to speak), but on friday I asked her if she wanted to do something tommorrow/saturday. She comes back with "Nah. That's ok. Thanks though."

I suddenly remembered how many guys have asked her this and gotten the same response. I remember how many guys she has to flirt with.

So was her rejection just because of my AFC'ness that week or was it because she's a *****? AKA, Do I keep pursuing her, or do I stop while I'm ahead.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
Definatly testing you to see if your gunna be like everyother guy. Dont let her get you to put your tail between your legs and run off like I'm sure alot of the other guys have done. Keep pursuing her but seem confident and cool about it like you could care less whether or not it works out, and just like how you observe her with other guys let her observe you with other girls, spit game to more then one girl always even if your not into them, it gives you practice and will make her more jealous. Also now youll be a step up from the other dudes.Dont let her get to you. Good luck dude

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Alot of guys don't really understand attraction, some people don't realize there is attraction and attractive. Now Attraction last depending on how much you put into it, its kinda of like a RPG game when getting poisoned you slowly lose hp in the case of building attraction you slowly lose attraction while your gone. Attraction can go away as fast as 10 secs (just leaving to get a coat and come back) or as long as 3 years. Now your wondering how to change this, and that my friend is rapport. Social vibing, and just basically building connection etc. Now what you can do if you want to do is build up that attraction next time you see her and insta date her.