Hooligan Harry said:
A few things to consider
1) Gun ownership and the right to bear arms is something that only Americans really want. I have seen enough gun violence in my life not to want to have one. Its a vile piece of evil. Its rarely used for protection. When I moved to Australia it was great to hear that guns are illegal.
2) The clampdown is on piracy and porn. Like it or not, piracy costs jobs and porn needs to be reigned in. These are not bad things. China is censoring western newspapers. Australia is trying to cut back the access to porn and pirated software/music/videos. I dont understand why people are upset about this. I say bring it on.
3) This socialist country scores higher then the USA in almost every single economic, quality of life and humanity index there is. While countries like Sweden, Denmark and Australia have clear gender issues these days the one thing they provide is an excellent standard of living and quality of life for their people.
4) Socialism has little to do with the spread of feminism guys. Eastern European women are very traditional. They lived in countries that were outright communist. Its not socialism that is the problem. Its the philosophical understanding and view we take on basic liberties we feel people should have. The problem is that sometimes certain liberties are impractical. Hence the reason why we sit with the social issues we do.
See, there's the crux of the whole attitude..."certain liberties are impractical".
They're not impractical. They're inconvenient for a government that wants to impose its will on its citizens. Our prez George Dubya Bush argued that "certain liberties were impractical" when he passed the PATRIOT act, allowing secret trials, warrantless wiretaps, and holding suspected "terrorists" indefinitely without charging them. Those rights were "impractical" because they got in the way of our defense of so-called "terrorism".
Why do you need your GOVERNMENT to provide a high standard of living for you? Be a man and make your OWN life.
The money that provides your "high standard of living" is coming from the blood and sweat of people who were more brilliant and hard-working than you were. Or did you think your government just fabricated wealth out of thin air?
That's the problem today...governments punish great men by taking from them and giving to lesser men. Since there are more of these lesser men, the government stays in power and these beta-males rely on government-imposed standards to take from the alphas what the alphas worked hard to achieve. Darwinism is short-circuited and we lose touch with what makes us human...our masculinity. But our lazy, self-indulgent culture doesn't care.
This law is just another example. Weak-willed women getting clowned by men who live with them but don't marry them. Those women DESERVE what they get for being put in that situation. Yet the government comes along and marries them by default. Beta-males will use this too. Girl doesn't want to marry them? All they have to do is move in with her for 2 years and they can claim de facto union. Most beta males claim de facto union after 2 MONTHS.
One day when your leaders "level the playing field", the family unit is dissolved, the wealth is spread evenly among everyone so everyone is equally poor, and you're standing in some bread-line begging the government to save your "standard of living", you'll wish you'd taken responsibility for your own life instead of letting Big Brother take care of you. You'll wish you hadn't let go of all those "impractical rights" in exchange for sedate comfort.
If not you, then your great grandchildren. But you'll be dead, so what do you care? Me first, baby!
For all people talk about masculinity and self-improvement and alpha-male-ism, it's interesting to see how they REALLY feel when it comes to personal responsibility. It's things like that that make me wish we'd have a Deep Impact event, that make me ashamed not only of my gender, but of the human race in general.
The creation of "de facto unions", the subversion of pornography, feminism...all aimed at neutering the sacred masculine, at destroying human sexuality. Do you know why? Because sexual energy isn't predictable, thus it isn't controllable. The same energy that drives men to want to hump women is transmuted into man's spirit of independence, his willingness to fight for a better world for his wife and kids, for example. Read Napoleon Hill to learn more about "sexual transmutation". That energy is too much of a liability for the government, so they try to reign it in. Without it, human behavior is predictable. If it can be predicted, it can be measured. If it can be measured, it can be controlled.
But go ahead and sell your brains AND your balls to the gubment if it means you don't have to work as hard to enjoy a comfortable (not happy, but comfortable) lifestyle. Go ahead and read 48 Laws of Power and think that power comes from how much you "kiss up to master". But I don't want to hear you whining on here about the buzzing sensation in the back of your head that something is wrong, or that women don't respond to your neutered excuse for an "alpha male" persona. Why do you think people have so much trouble finding love or even sex in today's society, where our governments, our media, and our entire way of life turns us into virtual eunuchs?