Coffee shop FR: Need advice on how to decipher something she said


Senior Don Juan
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
North Coast
I'm out on my motorcycle, cruising around downtown. I decide to stop in this coffee shop to get a coffee and was just going to sit outside and chill. I pulled the bike into a parking spot in front and went in and got my coffee. I come out and this HB8 that was sitting there typing on her laptop says, "I really like your bike." It's on.

(I'll try to remember everything as clear as possible, it was a long convo.)

So of course I said thank you. I noticed she had a pack of cigs and a lighter on the table and ask her if I can borrow a light. I then point to the empty chair across from her and say, "Do you mind?" She tells me no, she doesn't mind and that she's going to finish up her email real quick. I sit there, slowly puffing the cig, waiting for her to finish. So she finishes up, closes the notebook, and we begin to talk.

At first the conversation is about motorcycles. She asked me about the bike and I begin to list all the changes and fabrication I did to it (check it out here if you're inclined). She tells me she rides a Harley VRod. So we talk some more about bikes.

Then I move on to her Madonna Lily tattoo and compliment her art work (it was really a nice piece, excellent shading). That got her talking about herself a bit more. (Note: tattoos are great openers, even if you don't care for them. I have some visible tats, so it immediately begins the rapport development. "I like your tattoo. Who does your work? Mine? Well the story behind this one is...") Here's the part I'm having trouble with. At this point, she mentions she got it in Mexico when she was with her *ex-husband.* Now, she goes on to say the word *ex-husband* three more times in the next minute or two and even says that not soon after she got the tattoo "her marriage fell apart."

One thing I want to add here is that I tried out some NLP on this chick. It was my first attempt, and I don't think it went too bad. After she said what she just said, this is how I responded: "You know, for people that don't have tats, they'll never understand how that ink acts as a photo album for their life. When I look at each of mine, I remember who my girlfriend was at the time. I remember how I felt about life and love. I remember the bad times and the good times. Perhaps you'll look at your tattoo and think of the guy you met on the street that day while taking your lunch break, and how easily the two of you talked; feeling like you've known this person you're whole life even though it's only been twenty minutes." I think the eye contact is key here. Fvck guys, I felt like Neo. She was stunned. I almost had to pick her jaw up off the street.

The convo was great, I kino'd her only once (I was sitting across from her, so it made kino kind of hard), but I developed a wide and deep rapport with her. It turns out that we had a lot in common, both family-wise and interest wise. Turns out she's a massage therapist. Even better. When she asks what I do, I tell her I just finished grad school and am teaching history. She laughs really hard and throws her head back.

Now by this time, we're both feeling really comfortable with each other because of the rapport I've built. I'm like, "WTH is so funny about that?" (in a joking manner of course). She reveals that her *ex-husband* said to her (before things went sour in her marriage) that he wanted to go back to college in order to teach history. We both laughed. She just kind of slowly shook her head, smiled very big, and kept looking at me, as if to say to herself, "Who IS this guy?" Without realizing it, I had created intrigue and mystery. Or maybe this was something I was doing subconciously. I'll have to meditate on that more...

We talked for a lot longer. She asked me what my heritage is. (Note: I've found that joking about your heritage is good with women. I'm part Mexican and French, and tell her it makes me an "ornery a-hole." She ate it up. If your heritage is British, tell her about the bland food you had to eat growing up, or some shyt like that) I could tell by her BL at this point that she is just eating this shyt up. But alas, she had to get back to work at the spa. So here's what I say: "Tell you what. You give me your # and we'll go catch some wind on our scoots one of these days. I want to see if you can really ride or are just feeding me a line (service with a smile!)." She quickly agrees and I #close.

SO!!! My question in all of this is how to decipher all the times she dropped *ex-husband* into the convo (I counted at least 4 times). I deciphered it as her saying, "I really want you to understand that I USED to be married, but am no longer married to this guy." It could have also been a shyt test, but I don't think so given the dynamics of the conversation. Every time she mentioned it, I just acted casual as if it was no skin off my balls (which it wasn't). I truly didn't care. What do you guys think? What the hell is this chick trying to tell me with her cryptic "droppings?"

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Great job on the sarge! Everything went perfect. This is the kind of sarge that women dream about. The one they want to tell their friends about when they are asked "How did you two meet?"

You handled everything well, from recognizing her attempt at showing interest, to knowing how to get into rapport & confort, to the incorporation of the NLP (I loved that part), to the anticipation building to the plans to get together again.

You got it right, she mentioned her "Ex Husband" just to let you know that she is single and available. It lets you know she was married and that he is something from the past. When a chick says "ex boyfriend" there is still a significant chance that she is still seeing him and/or can still come back into the picture. When they get divorced, it is most likely because they can no longer stand to be with that person, and there is almost no chance that they will have sex.

You displayed a lot of value to her by showing your strong identity. You know who you are and do what you like. You displayed your passion for bikes, for tats, for living kind of wild, yet you also showed how you have your life together and have goals, passions, and dreams to pursue. Now the question in her head is, is she deserving of being part of it?

Great work.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
North Coast
Thanks Gangster! I ordered a book on NLP and it should be here any day. I can't wait to learn more about it. From what I've read/seen so far, it appears to be a very powerful tool. What would really have been sick is if I could have anchored a kino onto that NLP pattern. Oh man. Money in the BANK! At any rate, thanks for your encouragement and advice. Sarge on!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Magma said:
Thanks Gangster! I ordered a book on NLP and it should be here any day. I can't wait to learn more about it. From what I've read/seen so far, it appears to be a very powerful tool. What would really have been sick is if I could have anchored a kino onto that NLP pattern. Oh man. Money in the BANK! At any rate, thanks for your encouragement and advice. Sarge on!

Whats the name of the book"


Senior Don Juan
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
North Coast
Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People by Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour (Paperback - 1993) $15.

Found it on Amazon, but you might want to also check at Interestingly enough, MM shows up on "NLP" Amazon search as well. I hope to have it read within a few days of receiving it, so I'll post my thoughts on the value of this particular book when I'm done with it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Magma said:
Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming: Psychological Skills for Understanding and Influencing People by Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour (Paperback - 1993) $15.

Found it on Amazon, but you might want to also check at Interestingly enough, MM shows up on "NLP" Amazon search as well. I hope to have it read within a few days of receiving it, so I'll post my thoughts on the value of this particular book when I'm done with it.
Sounds GREAT!

Deff.. Let me know


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Magma has done it again!

All I can say so far is you have nailed your approaches. I told you that you were natural! I like how you fliped NLP. Covering your conversation, connecting the emotions and bringing it all back to you. I don’t' know where her tat was but it would have been great for you to anchor Kino by touching her tat during the NLP. But like you said, you were setting across from her. NEXT TIME!

Oh I checked out the bike nice job! And it sounds good too.

You talked long enough to create a Deep Rapport, Use NLP very effectively, and went with the natural flow of the conversation with out loosing control of it.

Now tell me could you have made such a great connection within 30 Sec? That is what I was saying about using the right approach for the situation. It takes a different one for each circumstance and I think you have the natural ability to calibrate the girl and situation.

A+ for the History Teacher!


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
OH yea the Ex...

I believe she may have got lost in the memories of getting the Tat that she lowered her "defenses" (lack of better word) and just accidentally brought up the EX. Than upon realizing that she said it she than tried to amend for it by making it clear that he was her EX. Than Sub-Consciously she was telling her self "shut up about the ex..ex.ex.ex....” and said it again. Kind of a Freudian slip, if you will.

It is kind of like how the Trance words work. If you have something constantly repeating or something you’re dwelling on than it comes out in your speech pattern.

I am sure she was kicking herself in the a$$ for saying Ex-Husband so many times.

At best it was because you stimulated something in her that made her feel the love she felt for somebody or something similar.

At worst it was a defense mechanism to let you know she might have baggage.

However; from how the Convo went, I believe it was more of a Sub-Conscious slip and constant back tracking to try to reestablish that she was available and into you.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
North Coast
Thanks Zero! You know, I had been thinking about that NLP pattern for the last couple of days. To be honest, that's how I truly feel about tats. They're an album of my life. I just had to find a way to anchor it. Anchoring it to the tat itself would have been the *coup de grace* for sure.

Lol! I knew you'd get me on that DA post from earlier! Hehe. You're right though. It's absolutely situational. I'm beginning to understand that a DJ does not force the situation, but merely reacts to it accordingly. Play the hand your dealt, and extract the most value.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
* I am bumping this for all the Newbies TO read and Learn! *


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
I'm looking forward to a follow up report..

The first interaction seemed to go very well based on what magma wrote.. it would be interesting to see where this goes.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
* I am bumping this for all the Newbies TO read and Learn! *

Learn what ?

Girl is sitting at a coffee shop ALONE. Notices Guy drive up in a motorcycle(Chicks Dig motorcycles) Guy is making his way into the coffee shop and she looks at him and is attracted. Now in her mind it's on....she's thinking fast now

She says hey...Nice Bike. LOL

The ball is on the Tee.

Guys dream of this situation. It's so easy. This guy could have said anything once he sat down. She's sitting alone and saw a good looking man on a motorcycle. She made the first move by commenting on the bike


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
One more thing about girls.

If a girl is attracted with you she will try VERY hard at making good coversation. Even if you suck at it.

Also if you know a girl was attracted when she first noticed you making conversation is a lot easier. Conversation is easy when confident

I've met girls who thought I was hot and told them very bad jokes and they laughed for hours. I could have said anything. The jokes sucked

I've met girls where I told them great jokes and the conversation on my end was amazing yet the girl(s) could give a ****. They had no attraction


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Ryan69 said:
* I am bumping this for all the Newbies TO read and Learn! *

Learn what ?

Girl is sitting at a coffee shop ALONE. Notices Guy drive up in a motorcycle(Chicks Dig motorcycles) Guy is making his way into the coffee shop and she looks at him and is attracted. Now in her mind it's on....she's thinking fast now

She says hey...Nice Bike. LOL

The ball is on the Tee.

Guys dream of this situation. It's so easy. This guy could have said anything once he sat down. She's sitting alone and saw a good looking man on a motorcycle. She made the first move by commenting on the bike

What do you mean learn what?!!!!

First lesson the "Guy on the bike" could have just got back on bike and rode away or sat alone afraid to talk to a girl. So Lesson one "Grab Your Balls and Approach"!

Second lesson Magma (guy on bike) calibrated this girl: Took note of her interest in bikes, saw her tattoo, realized her Interest Level, saw that she smoked and used the lighter as an opener, etc. Lesson two: Calibrate and Approach accordingly.

Third Lesson Magma didn't interrupt her while e-mailing. He played it cool and waited. That showed her he isn't pushy, needy, rude, and it also showed he is comfortable talking to a woman and is confident. Lesson Three: Play it cool and control the situation.

Fourth Lesson is all about the NLP. Hopefully we are going to get into this one a bit deeper (with out a bunch of flamers). I think this is one of the best NLPs I have heard of. There is something about getting a tattoo that anchors so many emotions. Magma was able to connect her to those feelings, pull her from the past, connect those emotions of hers to him, and than connect himself with her, therefore creating an instant deep emotional bond. Lesson Four Create a deep connection and anchor, that way you will be on her mind. People fall in love with the person they create in their minds. Psychology teaches you that it isn't the time people are around each other when they feel the most; it is the time apart when they start to almost create the ideal person in their minds. When they think of you they play both parts in their minds like in a movie. And of course you say the right thing every time and do the right thing every time. "Absence makes the heart grow fond"! That is just part of the power of NLP.

Expand your Horizons.

Lesson five is when he demonstrated his passions. First the bike, than Tattoos, living a bit on the wild side, and than his education and career goals.
That is exactly what girls want. A guy that is adventures, wild, and successful. Lesson Five Show your worth! Show your Passion. BE THE PRIZE!

Lesson six is the close. See how he told her to give her # to him. He did it very casual used a common interest to positively nudge the decision.
Lesson six: Close! Close! Close! Weather it is the FClose, KClose, or #Close Do Not ASK?! Be a Man and a Man takes Control. However; just like everything else a DON does you have to be cool and casual. Tell don't ask. Be cool and casual. Use positive connection to influence her decision. Exit.

I really don't know how you could say there wasn't something to learn there. There is always something to learn if you listen.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
North Coast
Much respect to Zero

Look. I'm new to the forum obviously. I was fortunate enough to have Zerocelsius respond to one of my first posts and give me an honest and insightful response. For that I was very grateful (and still am). Much respect to Zero.

As someone who values education, I read everything I could on this thing we call "the game." I wanted to understand the why of seduction (and still do). As I dug deeper, I began to understand that at the most basic level, it's not the line, pattern, or routine you use. Of course these things may enhance your game, but without the true inner confidence that comes from having your "poop in a group" as it were, it's all just fluff.

This is more than seduction. This "game" of ours is about improving our lives. Be an interesting person. Get up off the couch. Clean your bathroom for crissakes. Be properly groomed. Get a good education. Get a good job. Have hobbies that occupy your time. If you do these things, you will be a better person and the women will (eventually) be lined up at your door.

Mini rant...

You should seek to learn something from somebody every day. If you think that someone has nothing to teach you, then you haven't really learned anything. Zerocelsius does not need to be here posting. He has his chit together. He helped me out when I first joined and has taught me many things in the short time we have chatted. It was my intention to maybe help out others just like me. So should I not have posted this FR because everything seemed "obvious?" Of course not. I felt that there was some real value in this FR, and perhaps it could help somebody out. Let's all learn from each other here. That's why we're here (I hope).

Peace to Zerocelcius, my dotcomrade.

Sarge on...


New Member
Aug 26, 2007
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First I'll say that I'm new to this world of "sosuave" and I love it already!
Second, I'm going to order that NLP book tonight (and what does Kino mean?).
Third, which relates to your question is that in my experience (yeah I'm 22 but I only talk to older women) with the whole "ex-husband" subject being brought up, is that your conversation was is soooo inspiring, maybe she felt like she needed to bring up a topic of conversation. This being said, what's one subject that most people can talk about the longest with the most detail? Evil ex's. I could be wrong but she could have simply kept saying it because she wanted you to ask what happened with her and the old hubby. Even if I'm right you still did the right thing. AVOID THAT TOPIC ON FIRST CONTACT, LOL! You acknowledged what she was saying but stayed away from that. I've talked to women knowing that I'm on the right path and that subject comes up and the next thing you know she's embarassed with a tear in her eye, and ultimately ends up exiting abruptly due to an oncoming nervous breakdown spawned by bad memories. I kinda think she wanted you to ask more about the ex, but you made the right move by avoiding that dark hole in her life. Anyone agree or disagree?


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
Magma said:
Look. I'm new to the forum obviously. I was fortunate enough to have Zerocelsius respond to one of my first posts and give me an honest and insightful response. For that I was very grateful (and still am). Much respect to Zero.

As someone who values education, I read everything I could on this thing we call "the game." I wanted to understand the why of seduction (and still do). As I dug deeper, I began to understand that at the most basic level, it's not the line, pattern, or routine you use. Of course these things may enhance your game, but without the true inner confidence that comes from having your "poop in a group" as it were, it's all just fluff.

This is more than seduction. This "game" of ours is about improving our lives. Be an interesting person. Get up off the couch. Clean your bathroom for crissakes. Be properly groomed. Get a good education. Get a good job. Have hobbies that occupy your time. If you do these things, you will be a better person and the women will (eventually) be lined up at your door.

Mini rant...

You should seek to learn something from somebody every day. If you think that someone has nothing to teach you, then you haven't really learned anything. Zerocelsius does not need to be here posting. He has his chit together. He helped me out when I first joined and has taught me many things in the short time we have chatted. It was my intention to maybe help out others just like me. So should I not have posted this FR because everything seemed "obvious?" Of course not. I felt that there was some real value in this FR, and perhaps it could help somebody out. Let's all learn from each other here. That's why we're here (I hope).

Peace to Zerocelcius, my dotcomrade.

Sarge on...
^Great Point

Thanks Magma!



Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
First tip bro, don't make a title like "need advice on deciphering what she said whatever" I skipped over thsi thread a few times because I thought it was just going to be some idiot saying omsething like "she said she kinda likes me what does that mean omg!?!?!?"


But well done, that NLP seemed to have pulled off really well!

Pretty ideal situation, handled everything well.

What I'm thinking is she probably let slip the "ex-husband" thing and quickly caught herself so she kept bring up the EX-husband to make sure that you don't get the wrong idea.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
North Coast
Kev07 said:
First tip bro, don't make a title like "need advice on deciphering what she said whatever" I skipped over thsi thread a few times because I thought it was just going to be some idiot saying omsething like "she said she kinda likes me what does that mean omg!?!?!?"
Thanks Kev. Duly noted.