

Don Juan
Mar 11, 2007
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has anyone else had issues with codependency or been with someone who has?

i tend to go through stages in my life where i am very confident and in control of who i am and all that is going on in my life. and then when something happens, like a woman leaving a relationship with me - i lose my marbles and become obsessive.

i have seen this work the other way around as well. i know part of it has to do with being rejected, and ego and id... but i was just wondering if anyone else has insight on this topic and how it relates to interacting with women. i'm also curious if being with someone who was codependent and then leaves you - if playing ganji games on them will have a greater effect.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
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Never become obsessed by a hot babe, no matter how sexy she may be, it is like a one way ticket to Hell.
In fact never become obsessed by anything, not money, a job, a house, a car, nor any other material object.
The sad fact of life is that when you desperately want something you never get it, then when you get it you never want it.
All you can do is live one day at a time, be bold, cold approach hot babes, then fvck them, but don't ever get emotionally involved.
Life can end at any given time, a train might run through you, some dude may pull out a shotgun and blow you away, you may even be eaten by a Lion, or your heart may just stop beating, today is all we have got, tomorrow may not come for us, enjoy what you have whilst you are here.
You will break some girls hearts, it is sad, but what other options have you got, other girls have turned you into this.
The only advice I can give is -Think Like A Bull - Be Like A Bull - Fvck Like A Bull - simple and easy isn't it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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Co-dependency goes beyond being "obsessed' with a hot babe.

I've always been very dependent. Even always requiring distance from my family as a child.

But for the first time I am struggling with co-dependency with my girl. it has nothing to do with being obsessed. I've been in control of the relationship since before she even spoke her first word to me.

If anything, it is losing the identity of yourself and becoming an "us." No matter how good things are it is a dangerous path to walk.

I'm making a conscious effort to regain independence but it is hard because it goes against what I feel I want.