Code of Conduct for wings...


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
I got this from another forum, I've been fortunate to meet some cool guys of here, and hoenstly I've had only one problem here. However I feel there should be a code of conduct, hence I decided to post what not to do

Since moving to Vegas some months ago I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a LOT of guys in the game, from newbies, all the way up to instructors level guys, and I’ve noticed some major recurring flaws running among many guys…

* Trying to game another guy’s girl who is in your immediate or extended social circle.

It’s one thing to game a random stranger’s girl and a completely different thing to try gaming the girl of a guy in your social circle or when introduced to their real friends.

I’ve been bringing my Cherish out with me and she gets hit on left and right. That’s completely normal and expected. But, what annoys me and her is when I introduce her to a RSD/community guy and he proceeds to try gaming her away, even though it’s very clear we’re together (though not exclusive).

This particular girl is a 19 year Vegas local with better game than 99% of all guys who think they got game. She straight up has better game than me and all but the very top guys I’ve met. I have no fear whatsoever of any guy succeeding, but it’s retarded when the following happens in the past week…

One guy called her up at 4am after we set him up with VIP in several of the hottest clubs in the world and he preceded with how she was such an angel and kept repeating “I’m lonely, come visit me.”

Another guy mentioned how he would “**** her nasty if she wasn’t with me.”

Several guys have tried taking advantage of the fact I’m Deaf and tooling me verbally to her, which always backfires.

One guy kept aggressively trying to untie her top (REALLY?). This was the only time I actually had to step in and put an immediate stop to it.

One guy pulled her away to isolate her while I was snapping pictures for AdamVanWildest.

A couple guys tried playing the value card playing snobbish, only proceeding to come off incredibly rude.

It does provide entertainment as we’re laughing at their expense. For instant, when the guy pulled her away while I was snapping pictures. I had her pose for one as the guy was talking mid sentence and he started complaining about her paying attention to me while he was talking, which she responded with “I’m ****ing him, not you”. Coincidently, I made a ‘come hither’ motion with my finger for her to come dance with me right at that moment and she walk away leaving him with that.

Really guys, this is very poor character development and poor game in the larger context. All of these guys are simply shutting themselves out and using up what little juice they had for being a friend of a friend.

Instead of befriending both of us by being cool fun guys and offering value, they tried to take value and instead lost it all themselves. They get shut out of what could have been their biggest added benefit for the night, a winggirl with serious game.

What’s an example how to do it right? Despise all the lame attempts, there been a few guys who’s development has matured to a level where they offer a lot of value for us to want to wing them.

An example is last night with AdamVanWildest. He introduced people he met throughout the night to us, got us drinks (water since I avoid alcohol), was always smiling and having fun around us, and brought good energy to the bubble constantly. What happen? He was naturally rewarded with us winging him and giving him even more value with two girls who he took home for a threesome. A much better reward than a backturn the other type of guys are getting IMO.

* AMOGGING, especially in the extended social circle.

Again, really?? Amogging is such an old school chrimp develop by immature, insecure people. Mature, cool guys almost never have to use anything resembling these old tactics. This is made even worse when guys try doing it when introduced a friend of a friend.

I rarely get guys trying to AMOG me, but nevertheless, a couple of the fore mentioned guys were using these tactics. One did a HARD backslap greeting introduced to the community by Bad Boy when I greeted him. What did it get him? Him looking like an total immature and insecure ******* to me, and me walking away and never bother talking to him again.

How to do it right? Develop solid boundaries that come though in your subcommunication (Dr. Paul has good material on this in his MindO.S. program).

AMOGGING is for people who feel they’re not good enough, and hence it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. None of the developed top playa uses these immature old school chrimps (see Flawless Natural for a more mature mindset that replaces this old school drool).

Speaking of mindsets, there seems to be a lot of big misconceptions and bad mindsets within the community, here’s a couple of the biggest…

“Don’t give a **** about what anyone thinks of you” does NOT mean don’t give a **** about anyone, it means stop caring what they think of YOU. You still gotta care ABOUT THEM, otherwise you’re dirt. Be empathetic, love, cherish, and cheer people on. Bring value and love in your interactions. I’m seeing a lot of guys taking this the wrong way and acting like little social terrorists, being rude and obnoxious. Don’t let that be you.

Here's another one...

“All women will cheat.” Lots of guys start getting good at this and seeing girlfriends and wives cheating on their guys with them or another playa they know. They see it over and over and assume all women are like that, maybe they been burn a few times themselves before discovering this. The funny thing is many of the girls I know feel the same way about men.

The truth is there is a VAST variety of people in the world and the guys developing this mindset usually have one of two issues or both…

1) Because they can easily get girls with boyfriends or husbands in bed they generalize all women like that. What’s really happening is they’re attracting and seducing a certain variety of women by living a certain lifestyle and having a certain personality that attracts these types of women. So when a woman who is trustworthy comes around, she picks up on this and disappears before he realizes it, leaving him with a continuous flow of untrustworthy women in his life.

2) Many men, like many women, will cheat on their partner. Thus, a lot of guys are untrustworthy, often using the mindset of girls cheat anyway so they might as well. When it comes down to it you gotta be trustworthy yourself before you can trust others. And you gotta trust others before they’ll trust you.

My Cherish has a saying “Boys are dumb” and I say “Yep, and so are girls”. Basically, what it comes down to is people and individuals. It’s not women cheat, are of the devil, are hos, etc. It’s not men cheat, are evil, pigs, etc. It’s about the maturity and personal development of the individual, whether it be a man or woman.

Most people don’t develop themselves, most people are weak minded. We live in the world of sheeple and they’re easily manipulated. Thus if your goal is to **** people over and **** lots of sheeple, you can develop your game to do that. But, if you do, you’ll be sucked into that world yourself and miss the exclusive and wonderful world where the strong and good minded live and you won’t even realize it. It’ll be like they don’t even exist and all you’ll see is sheeple and the wolves, tinting your entire worldview.

I speak of this from personal experience from moving 15 times around the US in the past 8 years. I’ve met a WIDE variety of people, went through many different mindsets, and probably played around with just as many personalities painted over them.

This is life, make it amazing, and avoid these pitfalls.



Don Juan
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
Front Range, CO
Never heard of amogging till now, but i hate it when guys do that. Sometimes if you have a smart girl and she sees that a guy is doing that to you and thinks he's a tool, you actually look better:)