Co*k Blocking Bit*h....From Hell


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
So tonight I'm standing outside, meet a girl, she's with her brother, clearly into me, shared my jacket with me (under my coat), her brother invites me in to have a drink with them, and as soon as we step inside, her CB bit*h of a friend steps in. A bitc* straight from hell. Seriously.

Tried being friendly and asking her name, she tell's me don't worry about what her name is. So I'm shooting the Sh*t with the brother who asked me to have a drink with them. Then this bit*h tries to step in telling me "your not with my group", I told her I'm in line grabbing a drink, and what does this have to do with you? Why are you being so rude? This girl goes to security and tells them I tried grabbing her, I'm harassing her, this and that. All kinds of BS. WTF!

Not that I was trying to game her friend or anything. But her and her brother seemed cool, invited me with them for a drink. And next thing I have a security guard pulling me aside talking to me with a cop next to him. Having to explain the whole situation. Tried neutralizing the Bit*h by being friendly and asking her name. Next time...I'm number closing, making out and escalating ASAP.

Have you guys encountered Sh*t like this? What is the best way to deal with it, when a girl who she's with suddenly get's sadistic and tries pushing you out?
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Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
You should find out where she lives, then anally rape her and burn down her house. No remorse, she deserves it...


Senior Don Juan
Oct 17, 2012
Reaction score
Philadelphia Suburbs
These are the types of CUN*TS that make it obvious that they have problems and lead a ****ty life. That fact will never change for them so they have no problem flaunting it.

Don't worry about this... Feel sorry for her instead.

"I feel sorry for you. Have a good night." is how you should have responded.