C'mon guys.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
So theres this girl who I dated for two years and about two years back we broke up. We broke up because my dad moved and the only time I ever got to see her was when I went to see my dad so we had no way of seeing eachother anymore. We had something great but we wanted what was best for eachother etc. and let eachother go because we didnt want to tie eachother down. Now my dad moved back to this town again. We never stopped talking even when we had other people we were together with because the feelings for eachother never died..which isnt normal since most do. However I didn't find this out until recently when I told her I was coming back. When I dated her I always told her I would come back for her in a few years and she'd be mine again etc. This is kind of how it went.
She has a boyfriend.
I tell her how I feel and she tells me the same.
Except she tells me that she only like's him, but she loves me and always will. I was her first love in a way.
So I asked her, if I come, how will this play out? I've not once ever been next to her and not been her boyfriend with the exception of the first day I asked her out.
We both agreed that its best to let things happen and she assured me that if she wanted to do something which she said she probably will want to, then she won't let having a boyfriend tie her down from how she feels.

This all occured before I discovered sarging so forgive me for the cornyness.

In a few day's i'll be meeting her for the first time in a long long time and i'm going in confident knowing that she likes me for sure and has already told me she wants to kiss me etc.
This stuff should be easy if I do it right.
When I was with her I jumped into a pool that was like 45 deg. for 3 kisses. I only got two before we cut it off. I always say that i'm taking back my third kiss. If this could be used in any way to help me out then throw it in with your reply.

How should I game this?!!
I dont have much time so I need all the replys I can get.


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
Waukegan, IL
im not really sure wat 2 tell ya, except for the fact that dont make the mistake which most guys do in such cases which is, plz dont turn into romeo by constantly sayin "i will always love u, hun". just relax n do w/e u want to, in a way be urself...more like the better side of urself and dont forget 2 neg her around. sorry, but THATS ALL the advice i hav for give u


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
It's all good man, atleast you posted something. If you guys read this please give some feedback.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Berkshire, England
Just read the DJ bible mate. Play it cool and confident, but from what you've said it sounds like you pretty much got the cat in the bag.