Clubbing this weekend, need some major tips!!

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Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2005
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Anyway im going clubbing this saturday with friends for a friend's birthday. This would be my 2nd time going clubbing.

The first time was 2 yrs ago, me as a poor afc who just went there, stood aside and watched others dance the night away and left feeling disappointed cause i had no balls at the time. It was stupid cause i tried the "hey how its going" whats your name approach to girls not dancing and **** like that doesnt work in clubs. It's all about body language/confidence there which im still developing.

Hence turning 21 recently, im legal for drinks and all else. My friend would definitely be a good wingman, wouldnt count on anyone else for the job. My friends are around 25/26 age and im betting everyone there will be also, so in a way i also feel a bit like an outsider.

Im not worrying too much about it now, but i know when i get there and into the atmosphere im gonna be choking again. Other than having some drinks to loosen me up, any of you have some genuine tips about PU, grinding, dancing, getting into the mood..etc?


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by solo1
Anyway im going clubbing this saturday with friends for a friend's birthday. This would be my 2nd time going clubbing.

The first time was 2 yrs ago, me as a poor afc who just went there, stood aside and watched others dance the night away and left feeling disappointed cause i had no balls at the time. It was stupid cause i tried the "hey how its going" whats your name approach to girls not dancing and **** like that doesnt work in clubs. It's all about body language/confidence there which im still developing.

Hence turning 21 recently, im legal for drinks and all else. My friend would definitely be a good wingman, wouldnt count on anyone else for the job. My friends are around 25/26 age and im betting everyone there will be also, so in a way i also feel a bit like an outsider.

Im not worrying too much about it now, but i know when i get there and into the atmosphere im gonna be choking again. Other than having some drinks to loosen me up, any of you have some genuine tips about PU, grinding, dancing, getting into the mood..etc?
Do a search, and you can't "emulate" knowing the club just by reading about it or even doing it once.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
Just have a good time and concentrate on having a good time, the women are not your priority, they are a by-product.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score

its weird, but he's right. The best club pickups happen when your not really looking to pick up, just to have a fun night with your mates. I think its because you feel none of the pressure that you might otherwise burden yourself with, so you are more confident and subsequently project that confidence.


New Member
Sep 23, 2005
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Ok well you're really really really just starting out, so the best thing you can do is give yourself a break. Picking up is like any other human activity, it takes practice to get good.

If this is your second time going to a club you just are not going to pick up, period. If you want to pick up at a club you're going to have to start going to clubs every weekend for a couple months, if for no other reason than to build confidence. the first few (dozen) times at a club you'll feel out of your depth, and there's nothing you can do about that. So kill your expectations right now.

Think of your first few outings as scouting/learning missions....but by that i DON'T mean stand in a corner and take notes. Learning about clubbing means learning to have fun, when you get to Friday afternoon and you can't wait to hit a club, that's how you need to be.


I never could, and i never enjoyed clubbing, then i took something one weekend, and suddenly i could dance!

in reality what happened was i stopped caring if i could dance or not because i was so high...and even though i was dancing like a spastic, i was having fun...that's what changed everything, having fun at a club for once. Not trying to pick up, not worrying if i was looking cool, not giving a **** about anything, just letting go to the beat. From then on i could dance (badly) without chemical assistance...all that changed was my attitude.

Once you start genuinely enjoying yourself with your friends at a club, you can start trying to make eye contact with girls....until then, no amount of DJ tips will help you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
Lots of good advice here

Yeah, #1 is to have fun, whatever you're doing and whoever you're with. Dancing is great, too, especially if you have a few moves.

The one thing I'd like to add is that it really helps to have a unique, sharp style. If you look reasonably good and interesting enough, and seem to be a fun guy, even if you're far from the best looking man out there, hot women will hit on you.


Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
have a good time man! and if u look like your having one! then trust me! they will also want to be having one to
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