Club vs. Street


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2003
Reaction score
U of H
Hmmm...which one is more effective.....I have had more luck in clubs and bars than malls and grocery stores(etc.)...I take rejection a whole lot better in a club or bar for some reason vs. random places on the streets..has this been yalls experience


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2004
Reaction score
Women expect to be approached in clubs and bars. Besides, most women who go there, are "available". (At least here).

In streets and stores you find all kinds of women.. and they are not expecting to be approached. They might concider you as a freak.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Tango-Kid
Women expect to be approached in clubs and bars. Besides, most women who go there, are "available". (At least here).

In streets and stores you find all kinds of women.. and they are not expecting to be approached. They might concider you as a freak.
You couldn't be more wrong. Because women expect to be hit on in clubs, they strut around with their bitc h sheilds up like there all that and there some god dam prize. Its a joke. Catch them on the street, when there offguard, is the way. In order to be a true DJ, you have to learn to CA on the street. I have met most of my girls that way. I have prolly hooked up with 20 or so girls in the last year or two, and i would say 18 of them were on the street.

Wooohooo 800 posts !!! :cool:


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2004
Reaction score
Congratulations for your 800 posts, myfriendblu :D

My point was here, that it´s more DIFFICULT to get girls on the streets, because of things I mentioned above. If you´re skillful, you can turn the situation upside down - just like you have done.

I also want say, that having success in street approaches has A LOT to do with the culture surrounding you! Bars and clubs are more or less the same everywhere.

I have been most succesfull in bars, parties, clubs.. all social gatherings you know. But like I mentioned in some of my earlier posts, I don´t approach girls in those situations so often anymore - like you said, "they have their býtch shields on" , yes that is a turnoff for me. I am concentrating in street approaches aswell.

Myfriendblu, the amount of the girls you have hooked up with, or the circumstances - places and time where you approach them, doesn´t determininate wheather you´re a "true DJ" ! I´m a don in the streets, clubs, everywhere, non-stop. Being a don is not about a certain skill you have, it´s more like a state of mind. Well.. this is getting too philosophical :D

Myfriendblu, I understand your point and I admit I didn´t reveal mine´s so clearly. In my opinion, our opinions are not against each other, even though you told me I am totally wrong. Having all this and that happening to me, and being what I am - I guess I can´t be totally wrong ;)


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by myfriendblu
You couldn't be more wrong. Because women expect to be hit on in clubs, they strut around with their bitc h sheilds up like there all that and there some god dam prize. Its a joke. Catch them on the street, when there offguard, is the way. In order to be a true DJ, you have to learn to CA on the street. I have met most of my girls that way. I have prolly hooked up with 20 or so girls in the last year or two, and i would say 18 of them were on the street.

Wooohooo 800 posts !!! :cool:
I disagree. I think clubs are the EASIEST place on earth to pick up girls!! They have their ***** sheilds up, but they still EXPECT to be approached. Thus they to some extent are screening you, but if they think your cute they will take down those sheilds. On the street, they are not EXPECTING you to approach, not just a cold approach, and thus, it may be a bit more awkward and harder.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Tango-Kid
Congratulations for your 800 posts, myfriendblu :D

Myfriendblu, I understand your point and I admit I didn´t reveal mine´s so clearly. In my opinion, our opinions are not against each other, even though you told me I am totally wrong. Having all this and that happening to me, and being what I am - I guess I can´t be totally wrong ;)
Thanks for the congrads, and well to be honest your not totally wrong. Yea, its not all that hard to pick up women in bars. I have done it. But I try to discourage newbies from that because they tend to rely on clubs/bars waaaay to much. In order to increase your confidence/skills/social abilities, you have got to learn to CA in real life, outside a bar in the daylight. If you neglect this, your missing out on 90 percent of the women you come in contact with in your life. I too, made this mistake at first, Im no perfect DJ by any means. I started with the bars only approach, and found, even with good looks and some alright game, the bitc h shields and fronts that most women put up in bars kind of dilluted my attacks. Not only that, but I wasn;t very unique, meaning my ability to spark up a convo with a stranger wasn't very unique in a bar like it is in real life. My main advantage over 99 percent of the population is that I have balls to approach and they don't. In a bar, that proved to be less of an advantage than in the real world. Women expect to be approached in a bar, so its no big deal. However, approach with game and confidence in the real world and you take the enemy(women) by storm and completely by suprise. Its pretty sweet once you get good. :D