club scene vs. day game


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score
Okay i have been to the club/bar 3 times in the past 4 days and I might go again today. I seriously cannot get any girls to be receptive towards me. I am still a recovering AFC. I think too much in my head time to time and I can't let myself go free.

Maybe I am just not at that level for club game because everyone dresses nicely, and the hoards of girls go to the guys who have lots of girls with them(I am just with another AFC guy). I can get ugly girls attention though. HB2-3. But whats the point you know?? However, I have been going to 25+ clubs and bars(my wingman is 27 lol). Maybe If I hit a 18+ club I will do a lot better(I just turned 21).

Instead of using my energy for night game I was thinking about day game. I am going to be a senior in college. So maybe I can join a buttload of activities and clubs and classes and just try to game in the day. I KNOW I can approach anyone really if I wanted to. PLus at the end of the day... i want to spend time with someone smart, and there are too many plastic and spoiled girls at the clubs. I am also a pre-med I don't have that much extra time everyday.

Plus I am doing a rigorous workout program to gain 10 more lbs(I am a hardgainer). I already gained like 45 so my newbie gains are gone. Going to the bars/clubs mean that I have to drink at least one beer with the sacramento lair guy and people will ask questions if I dont it will ruin my gains for working out.

What do you recovering AFCs prefer to approach chicks if your AA is gone? Club game? Day game? I know some DJs told me that the game happens AWAY from the dance floor and it is too fast/much of a hit or miss to picking girls at the dance floor.

If you think I am just making excuses just say so :D


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2008
Reaction score
Clubs are always iffy. Most females are there to get attention and play people, they'll do whatever they can to get you to slip a drink in the hand.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score
combustiont said:
Clubs are always iffy. Most females are there to get attention and play people, they'll do whatever they can to get you to slip a drink in the hand.
exactly its ALL about attention. There is no substance. its just having fun which is all gravy. On top of that for a recovering AFC who has no AA, its far better to hone other abilities of being a DJ.

Besides overcoming AA, there isn't that much more you can get from the club scene when you are a newbie. Its all about conversing with people in general and getting more sets that are more willing for a day 2(day game)

Am i right?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2008
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I find lounges work a lot better for gaming, I went to one last night and easily started conversations with a whole slew of people, from girls, to bartenders hell I even talked to the owner. I eventually settled down and talked to one girl while my buddy managed the other two, got her number and now im waiting till monday to send her a text, most likely she'll send one tomorrow night cause shes going back to the same lounge.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Most girls in clubs are attention wh0res. It helps to roll up where all the girls can see you in a BMW, Mercedes, or something higher/ along those lines. That screams alpha male in 10 languages! Extra points if you're trendy.

If you're not trendy and you're going alone, you've got an uphill battle ahead of you. A lot of chicks will have their b*tch shields up, can you disarm them? Also, have some witty comebacks for the "Will you buy me a drink?" line. If there's a dance circle, you'd better get in it. It shows that you've got confidence and you ain't scared to compete.

Day game is so much easier cuz you don't have to worry about the b**ch shield as much as in a club. Women will be so much easier to talk to and there's far less competition. Remember to strike while the iron's hot and give the element of mystery.

Good luck to you! I'm honored to leave my 700th post here! :up:


Don Juan
Aug 22, 2009
Reaction score
Club scene is way easier to get action, but you better fvck them that night because clubs have a very high day 2 flake rate.

Day game is way less flaky but way harder to get good at. Most girls in day game will ignore you.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Zero123 said:
Club scene is way easier to get action, but you better fvck them that night because clubs have a very high day 2 flake rate.

Day game is way less flaky but way harder to get good at. Most girls in day game will ignore you.
In day game, paying attention to your surroundings can really help. If you do basic sh*t like telling a girl she's beautiful, of course she'll ignore you because she'll think you're hitting on her. You gotta DHV early on and know if a girl is approachable.


Don Juan
Aug 22, 2009
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
In day game, paying attention to your surroundings can really help. If you do basic sh*t like telling a girl she's beautiful, of course she'll ignore you because she'll think you're hitting on her. You gotta DHV early on and know if a girl is approachable.
LOL of course you don't go straight into game or compliments. I know that. Even if you use your surroundings like "do happen to have the time?" or something along those lines you will get a direct and quick answer and after that she will want to be on her way and ignore everything else you say unless you're extremely good looking. You won't even have time to start your game.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score
clubhouse game is great. I went out with the sacramento lair people yesterday. we were playing pool and we had 3 guys. One of the guys went to a HB8s and asked them he needs a partner(4 of them). ALL of them came and we played pool for like 30 minutes. So yea, I have to agree clubhouses are good.

dance clubs do have a high 2nd date fail rate. thats true. I will probabaly stick to day game with going out to bars where the music isn't so loud. I don't really ask questions like whats the time and other basic questions like that, seems kinda obvious. I dont really go towards the common opinion openers that much either, overused i think. I just strike conversation about something in the environment we are in and that usually leads the girl into a friendly conversation about it. Then its my job to steer it towards the way I want.

trainee Don Juan

Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
"Plus I am doing a rigorous workout program to gain 10 more lbs(I am a hardgainer). I already gained like 45 so my newbie gains are gone. Going to the bars/clubs mean that I have to drink at least one beer with the sacramento lair guy and people will ask questions if I dont it will ruin my gains for working out"

What's your diet like? if you're finding it hard to gain, i find that having a post workout shake (40g protein and approx. 60g simple carbs) right after working out, plus a meal 1 hour after that, then a meal 1 hour after that, and another meal 1 hour later works really well. it's a bonus if you train intensely (30 secs rest between sets). my bro's a bodybuilder, and i plan to compete next year, and i've found this kind of approach consistenly helps build muscle.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
Dude youre thinking about it way too much just strike up convo with girls in your classes and take them to fun things. people try and generalize "daygame" and "nightgame" but really they all intermingle...just meet girls in your classes daytime then bring them out to the next thing that is going to be fun whether that be bar, dance class, ragin out in the beach

i dont know if this is going to even make sense but im baked


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score
trainee- yea I already do that. thanks though.

pua: yea I know I know. I am just making excuses to some extent.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score
trainee- yea I already do that. thanks though.

pua: yea I know I know. I am just making excuses to some extent.