Club game advice

Don Rooster

Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
Hey guys, first things first, my club game is pants!

I went out to the club last night for the first time in ages and I had no trouble dancing with girls. I must have danced with 10-20 different girls throughout the night. However, I didn't pull any of them. I'd be dancing and grinding with each girl for about a minute and then she'd looked bored or move away and it all just fizzled out. I wanna know how to keep dancing with her and get the kiss. Do I need to be more persistent?



Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Don Rooster said:
Hey guys, first things first, my club game is pants!

I went out to the club last night for the first time in ages and I had no trouble dancing with girls. I must have danced with 10-20 different girls throughout the night. However, I didn't pull any of them. I'd be dancing and grinding with each girl for about a minute and then she'd looked bored or move away and it all just fizzled out. I wanna know how to keep dancing with her and get the kiss. Do I need to be more persistent?

Do difference styles, twirling her...having her twirl you....Grind from the back, grind from the front. Make it fresh and new to her. Hell, dip her ;).

That way, she'll be more inclined to stay...PLUS talk a little bit while your dancing and after that song or whatever....move her to another part of that area or have her sit down with you, but do this by grabbing your hand and then without looking back tell her you both are going to go over there or you dont even have to say that. Another good tip is to talk to her while dancing, that will set you apart. This lets her know your different.

As YT827 said, The bored and move on thing is normal at a club if you don't do much BUT if you set your self apart by making things enthusastic and unique with wont be the normal ;).

Then remember, if she'll all up in the dancing after a few minutes and your feeling it....go for the kiss. Don't be surprised that they'll do it no problem. Hell, in their mind...they're prolly like "FINALLY! A man who has balls!" lol. If she turns her face, dont give up! Wait a bit, then try again.

Here's definitely something to take note of:

If the girl has some drinks in her and is just dancing crazy..then bring her closer in...and then makeout with her like crazy! :)

Hope this helps.


Don Juan
Mar 5, 2010
Reaction score
Las Vegas
My experience with clubs (living out here in vegas) is that is how it usually is. Which is why I never expect to meet girls at a club. I usually go for the music and eye-candy.

What has worked for me in the past is exactly what you have done - danced with alot of girls and struck up some casual but exciting conversation. Not sure where your partying at but jackpot for me is when they are staying at the hotel that the club is in. Otherwise its too complicated.

Just another sidenote...why the hell would you wanna kiss random girls at a club? I get a little freaked out about disease brother - even if its cold sores that stuff freaks me out. I can see hookin up with one or maybe two...but...I guess I have heard too many horror stories.

The Mad Ghost

Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2010
Reaction score
★★★TEAM FAP★★★
Body Language.

After I went to a club solo last night .........It's all in the body, bouncing her to different locations within the club helps too. Make sure when you're dancing with her, she's not also dancing alongside her FRIENDS. She may say she can't leave them. Just say you want to go outside for a ciggerette (even if you don't smoke) just to catch some fresh air. If all fails, whilst you're dancing with her, just put you're phone around her over her shoulder.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
clubs are worthless.. you dance, may be make out but you will not pull

i pulled 4-5 girls out of over a THOUSAND i probably danced with that same night

best thing to do is either bounce to get food, or get a number

Don Rooster

Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
DonJoseCantosie said:
Do difference styles, twirling her...having her twirl you....Grind from the back, grind from the front. Make it fresh and new to her. Hell, dip her ;).
Hahaha what do you mean dip her?!!

DonJoseCantosie said:
That way, she'll be more inclined to stay...PLUS talk a little bit while your dancing and after that song or whatever....move her to another part of that area or have her sit down with you, but do this by grabbing your hand and then without looking back tell her you both are going to go over there or you dont even have to say that. Another good tip is to talk to her while dancing, that will set you apart. This lets her know your different.
Thanks for the advice mate. I'm gonna try it all this weekend. Just one question, how the hell am I supposed to talk to her when the music is so loud? And even if I can, I can't have a proper conversation so what can I say?

DonJoseCantosie said:
As YT827 said, The bored and move on thing is normal at a club if you don't do much BUT if you set your self apart by making things enthusastic and unique with wont be the normal ;).
Ye I guess, the thing is even I was getting bored sometimes. I'd be dancing, and mixing it up for like 2 mins with the same chick, but I wasn't getting much eye contact or feeling a vibe from her so I was like f**k this and moved on, you know?

The Mad Ghost said:
Make sure when you're dancing with her, she's not also dancing alongside her FRIENDS. She may say she can't leave them. Just say you want to go outside for a ciggerette (even if you don't smoke) just to catch some fresh air. If all fails, whilst you're dancing with her, just put you're phone around her over her shoulder.
Ye I couldn't get any of them to leave their friends. When I tried they just turned away hahaha!! What do you mean about the phone over the shoulder?

tinctrar said:
Just another sidenote...why the hell would you wanna kiss random girls at a club? I get a little freaked out about disease brother - even if its cold sores that stuff freaks me out. I can see hookin up with one or maybe two...but...I guess I have heard too many horror stories.
Haha coz I wanna look like a stud. And I'm a pretty good-looking fun guy so I wanna get a few f-closes under my belt!!

Thanks again guys.

Ronnie Poleman

Don Juan
Sep 16, 2008
Reaction score
I like doing some push-pull moves. This means at one point having her real close, grinding her, hands all over her back, shoulders, caressing the back of her face and the back of her neck (pulling her in) then suddenly, moving back, still holding her hand but dancing from a distance, almost arm's length away from her (pushing her away). Sometimes when I alternate with pushing and pulling, I will gradually increase in intensity when I'm close to her. By that I mean when I go in close, hold her shoulders, step back, dance for a bit, then when I get close again, move down from shoulders to hips, get even closer so now our thighs are get the idea; gradually teasing her and turning up the heat.

The suspense usually keeps girls excited because she knows there's more to come, instead of going in head first, max intensity straight away for 1 or 2 songs and then burning out.