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Club Field REPORT - Big Mistakes, Big GAINS!!! Input needed


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
Beverlly hills
Ok this is the first time I am going to report my Club sarges .. Because I feel like i should get some input to improve my game.. And this is about the best players around the world coming together... So here it goes please give your input

5 minutes in a crowded HIp hop club I see some hot honeys


3 Honeys sitting down beside the clubs dancefloor .. one is standing the 2 other are sitting I pass by the one standing she is moving her butt up and down trying to feel the rythm ..

I make a remark behind "Dam girl you know how to work it "

Then she turns back and gets Eye contact with me and smiles ..

Then I continue to face her from the other side of the table and look her from the from and ask her name .. She says cristy" I make like iam dum and act like she said britney spears .. And then the other girl that is sitting with her in the table.. Says yes shes britneys little sister " So I say dam I love britney lets dance girl! ..
And then the other girl that said it was britneys sister said no she cant.. "She is my G/f" and looks me in the eye trying to intimidate I stare her down and stick my tounge out in a perverted way.. and she just looks away but after that. I motion to the cutie to come and dance ... She shakes her head and says she cant..

What happend here?? I thought I disarmed the other girls by greeting them and not ignoring them when she said it was britney spears sister trying to be funny..

Or could it really been g/fs..

Ok so I continue to look for girls ...

Sarge #2
I am in the top of the dance floor "2 floor club" I motion for a girl coming out from the bottom dance floor and wave at her with a smile she smiles, And waves back she was coming up and once she gets up a I say hey girl come here... She comes and then I say "So did you have fun dancing" She said not really and I say well because you werent dancing with big sexy right here .. She laugs and continues to tell me that her b/f went to dance with other girls and left her alone..

And I continue with the B/f Destroyer pattern then I say how old are you she says 18 and her boyfriend is 23 and I say man your too cute to have your b/f leave and dance with other girls...
Then i say man you should come to are after party and she says where is it going to be

I say its going to be in a hotel etc..

Shes says ok "She seemed that she wanted to get some revenge on her b/f .." Then after that she sees her b/f and I say he got jelous that he saw you with me ... She said lol yeah he did

Then he came up and then b/fore he came up she said "I WILL BE back"

And she left I didint see her anymore that night.. :(

Should I have acted quicker to user her anger towards to her b/f to get her # or to come with me to my car for a B/J ..

Or was it just not ment to be..

Continue my sarging


I see 2 Honeys standing by the dance floor one UG one HB I proceed to the HB and say (WHY ARENT YOU DANCING girl!
Are you here with anyone) Points to her friend and then I ask her friend why isnt she dancing she says I dont know then I ask her whats her name so on ... Etc then say lets dance she says its too crowded and I say lets do it right here she giggles and says no its in the way of everyone..

So I proceed to tell her you want to save me a dance later ..

She says yes

I forgot about her and didint see her again :(


Was I not persistant enough ? But how eles could I have been persistant I could not Isolate her she was with her only friend by herself..

She wasnt going to leave her friend dont thing

Walking past the Dance floor entrance


I see 2 girls walking towards the dance floor there 2 hotties but one was a blonde with a nice skirt on and she was closest to me .. I slightly lace my hand on her shoulder and say hey girl who you here with .. Points to her friend .. tHEN i say you going to dance girl and she nods .. Then say you need a dance partner..

She trows her hands up in the air and noding her head and backing her butt up to me.. So I grab her hips and lead follow her to the dance floor .. Her friend doesnt have anyone so I see how she is feeling akward .. And she says there is enough room.. Wich there was but I dont think she felt comfortable too close to everyone.. So I tell her friend and the BLONDE lets go in the VIP .. Theres plenty room there .. So we goo get up there But and grind with the blonde .. She backed it up pretty nice and she starts dancing with her friend.. So I get closer to her behind and she starts rubbing my crotch and so on I move up and down .. And ask her what school she goes to and where she is from while she is grinding.. She says she goes to a catholic college.. and I say are all catholic girls as naughty as you she laughs and says yes..

Ok after like 4 minutes of backing it up she stops and I chat her up a little more in a stand still leaning against the vip ledge..

And After Fluff talk I told hey I got to go(knowing I wasnt getting any more grinding who knows why) But let me have your # so we can hook up .. and shes says no because she has a b/f .. I say dont worry its just your # .. ANd so when are you getting married line .. And she says in 6 months !!

So I left..


Should I have been more sexual and less talkitive... Is this why she stoped dancing or could it be her friend was not very much comfortbale dancing period..

And I should of gotten a WING MAN to take care of her

what could I have said after she said the marriage was in 6 months as a rebutle..


Step up to this HOt Latina with a ghetto booty and say hey girl whats you doing..

She just looks at me and rolls her eyes and turns her back at me and her friend laughs at her and at me..

Should I have just tried the grind from the back aproach.

Do you think I could of neged her without coming out as lame?

Ill post the last sarges that night a little later.. Just let my fingers recoperate..
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Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
damn that was rough, but these days i laugh at rejection

it looks like in a couple of these sarges you could of used a wingman

so many girls that go to the club arent interested in even dancin its weird

when i go, i like to take a lot of friends espically girls, that way i can have fun with my friends and with all that social proof you are bound to do much better


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2003
Reaction score
Sounds like a lot of garbage. Club is a terrible place to meet anyone but hoochies. Nuff said.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
No offence, but the "I think you look like Britney Spears" line sounded lame. Maybe they just didn't think it was funny. As for the guys that say clubs are crap places to meet women, my best friend is dating a girl for 7 months now, and her met her at a club.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
lol, haha, ive read first sarge and im done.

read some more bible man, you were flatteing girls right away, that never leads anywhere.

i only use "i like how you work it" when a girl is
A.Really dancing well.
B. WITH my arms on her ass!

Approaching 1vs3 is not a good idea, you can get all 3 of them to dance with you, but its uncomfortable to dance with more than 2 girls, so someone is gonna be left out.

good luck next time.


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2001
Reaction score
You sounded like you were in a hurry to get the number. Quit that s h i t. Numbers don't mean a damn thing. Flake ratios are going to be high when you call them, unless you created enough attraction through ****y and playful, ball-busting comments. You need to focus on building attraction before you just jump into deep rapport. Quit asking them to dance (just spin them around and start dancing) and quit asking who they are there with. Save that for when you have already isolated her, and have a good feeling she wants to leave or continue talking with you somewhere else. Most likely, she is with a dude, dudes, or her girlfriends. Women travel in packs. Don't even waste your time asking for their name so early. Wait until they ask you your name. That is an Indicator of Interest. I could go on and on, but I'll leave the rest up to the rest of this board.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
Beverlly hills
Originally posted by Narcissisto
You sounded like you were in a hurry to get the number. Quit that s h i t. Numbers don't mean a damn thing. Flake ratios are going to be high when you call them, unless you created enough attraction through ****y and playful, ball-busting comments. You need to focus on building attraction before you just jump into deep rapport. Quit asking them to dance (just spin them around and start dancing) and quit asking who they are there with. Save that for when you have already isolated her, and have a good feeling she wants to leave or continue talking with you somewhere else. Most likely, she is with a dude, dudes, or her girlfriends. Women travel in packs. Don't even waste your time asking for their name so early. Wait until they ask you your name. That is an Indicator of Interest. I could go on and on, but I'll leave the rest up to the rest of this board.

Ok I guess iam in a hurry to get the # or a dance ..

But lets say I try to get a attraction.. Sometimes they get bored and go dancing with a big BLack guy or there g/fs

and leave...

2. If I dont ask who they came with how am I supposed to know if she is with a b/f or her roomates and if she can come back to the place..

3.Dont ask there name? Ok I guess I could do that
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
Beverlly hills

I see this super hot Latina looks are great baby face Great body everything I saw reject a few guys trying to hit on her.. And then I also saw that she was with her friend and her friend had a B/f
because they were kissing .. So she is leaning in the side of the bar..

I approach and say whats up girl how much are the tequila shots.. She giggles and says I dont know ask the bartender ..

I say where is he?
She says I dont know ...
So then I proceed to ask her what drinks do you like ..
She says Long Island Ice tea
Cool then I go on with the fluff talk..

Then ask her what do you look for in a guy?
after all that convo i ask her to dance.. And she says no..

So I say screw she isnt going to leave her friend is right next to her kissing a guy.. So I just continue the convo i really wanted to tap that butt! So I continue to ask what countries she has visisted and she says france.. So I BRING out my french I learned in HS and say well you look lovely today lets get out and dance""

Something like that...

And she just smiles laughs and grabs me by the shoulder and pulls me to the dance floor and then she said you lead so I take her to the isolated dance floor and she twurked it for me very nice.. Dam she was a volleyball player but midway through the song she stops and said Lets get a drink.. ? Was it that she was thirst midway or she felt akward...

ok so we go and talk while drinking and I go into patterns and what are you going to do in 4 years from now.. and then after I buy her the drink I point to my cheek to get her to give me a kiss.. She does I DO it again to my other cheek and she does again then I do it to my lips.. She hesitates but when i was going to pull out she was going in to kiss.. so then I say you got to try harder ..Like I was teasing her...

Ok Point is her friends were leaving and she said she wanted to come home with me but she had to tell her friend she asked and she said no!. Then I tried again and while she was almost coming with me the friend pulled her and said SHE ISNT GOING WITH YOu!

So they just left and I went back to the club ...
I should of befriended the friend right?
Should I tried to french her after she tried but miss because I pulled out...?
I should of gotten thte # atleast
what eles could i have done better


I walk around looking for honeys and I see this very cute honey pass me dancing while walking with 2 friends UGS by her ..

So I follow her and and go to the other section of the club and from a distance I see her she got a seat .. So I came in line with her and with shared EC I smiled and waved... She smiled and waved too .. I approach and say (Hey how you like this song) she says its pretty good yeah i guess but when another good one comes up I say .. You want to save me a dance.. b/c i have to get these drinks to my homie.. She says yeah! So I LEAVE.. and go leave the drinks to my homie that I had in my hands.. I tell my homie I found a very nice girl with a tight butt and light brown hair with a awsome body .. he says do you need help.. I said no iam going SOLO no more disarming her friends Iam just going to ignore them...

So I go back and motion to her to come with me to the other dance floor and she puts her ciggerate out and comes..

Man she grinded it really nice she even let me grope her breast she brought it up down up and down like it was hot!
Then after 2 songs a latin song came on and I did the whole latin tango dance thing.. After that a fight broke out and I told her lets go to the VIP and she said ok .. So in the VIP we talk about her and what she does where she is from I got in alot of patterns.. And Poured the KINO and some where in the convo I got to "so are you going to cook me breakfast tommorow .." Joking and she said yeah iam a good cook.. and so on .. Then I steped it up and Frenched her for 3 minutes ..

I ended going home with her the night it was a good bang .. And I still wasnt introduced to her friends . I ended up leaving my car in the club and going home with her in her car.. So i HAD to shell out like 15 bucks for a taxi to get to the club again! The other day and wouldnt you belive it there was alot more cars then just mine
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
Beverlly hills
Originally posted by echo1212
For some reason......I just don't believe any of this. :)

Why dont you belive it.. I just ask for some input and tips on the sarges .. It didint go that well I dont know why you shouldnt belive it ..


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
regardless, that kind of the way it is in the clubs

its pretty hit or miss

sometimes a gorgeous girl will start grindin with me or sometimes a decent girl will blow me off

the best thing about your game is your persistance. YOU HAVE NO FEAR! and that is awsome

maybe it is just your posts but it seems like you may be comin of a bit phony. just my perception

what i dont get is why sarges 1-5 went so poorly and sarges 6 and 7 are suddenly so money. its possible though

overall i think you are worry too much. bout what you are sayin, how you are acting etc.

maybe you puttin forth more of an attitude of not givin a sh!t.

good luck


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
Beverlly hills
Originally posted by drixsa
regardless, that kind of the way it is in the clubs

its pretty hit or miss

sometimes a gorgeous girl will start grindin with me or sometimes a decent girl will blow me off

the best thing about your game is your persistance. YOU HAVE NO FEAR! and that is awsome

maybe it is just your posts but it seems like you may be comin of a bit phony. just my perception

what i dont get is why sarges 1-5 went so poorly and sarges 6 and 7 are suddenly so money. its possible though

overall i think you are worry too much. bout what you are sayin, how you are acting etc.

maybe you puttin forth more of an attitude of not givin a sh!t.

good luck

Phony.. I like this critizim but like what guidelines can you give me to not sound phony because pretty much .. You have to have a goofy having fun feel right..? Or should it be more serious and less witty?


Don Juan
May 12, 2003
Reaction score
In a club many of the rules are out the window. You don't need to ask permission to dance usually just do it. If you do something that isn't okay she'll let you know. Usually you'll find that you can't do enough with her and sometime she may even guide your hand to where she wants it, don't ever ask permission in a club!

Just because they are dancing with you (even hard grinding) doesn't mean they want to know your name or exchange numbers.

If the interest level drops or it appears that her expectations are not the same as yours, move on. You will get dropped or nexted a lot in a club but it doesn't mean a thing. The thing to do is to have fun and not give a **** about what people think, just have fun.

Oh yea as far as being with there with someone try this.

If a guy says something to do or says don't do that (this will happen). Just say oh I didn't know you were here with someone, you may be surprised that she is not there with him.