

Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
I'm back, yet again, with another problem lol. Well one of my roomies pointed out to me the other day that I have trouble closing. I mean lets be honest, if the girl is all over me I'll have NO problem making the move, but other than that I just am always very iffy about it. For example, if I'm at a bar and start walking back to my apartment wiht a girl (my apartment is a block away from this sweet bar) then I know its on and I'll have no problems pulling the trigger. But like last night I don't know if what I did was correct or if I was just a puss and didn't finish business. I was dancing with my roomies gf and shes liek here k201 go dance with my friend (I've gotten with her in the past). Shes beautiful and I've wanted her for a while. So were dancing for a few songs and then she sees one of my friends and goes and starts dancing with what do I do in this situation? Do I stay there and wait? Do I walk away? Do I pull her away from my friend? Is pulling her away being too possesive?
Other than that I just need some basic information on closing and how to seal the deal as well as when to do it.

Thanks guys.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Davis, CA
I don't think her walking off to dance with another guy is a good sign for you. That has nothing to do with closing. I have the same problem as you, but I've been getting better as of late. Make eye-contact, look at her lips then back at her eyes. Then just go for it.

As for her dancing with another guy, you walk away. Go chill with other friends you're with or hit on other girls. If she's into you, this will only help. If she's not, you're already moving on.


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score

As far the dancing part I would suggest the following. When dancing with her or any other girl. Make sure you are aggressive, use good Kino and eye contact...then escalate. This is your prime chance at establishing you as a the prize and not another guy. Captivate her for at least one song and go from there.

If she decides to dance with another guy...I would suggest taking it as though she could not "hang" and just chuckling at her or winking at both of them as you walk by. Head back to the bar or to talk to your roomies girl and observe them dancing as in laughing at them style.

As far as "closing better" - I would take this back to being aggressive and escalating touching/eye contact, sexual tension. Once you have established that ..closing is the next natural step and with your Apt so close...should be easy..keep practicing.



Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
A land near you
Personally, I never put all my attention into any one girl at any party/club/bar. My whole goal is to be a social rat. If I don't talk to every girl at the party at least once, then I didn't do my job of being that rat.

This past weekend I threw a party. I had my FB there and my neighbor there. I've already done the FB, so what do I care about her? My focus was on the neighbor, but she could not have known this because I was talking to every single girl at the party.

If a girl decides that she wants to dance with someone else rather than you, then go find another girl to talk to. If the original girl wants you, then she'll be back. If not, who cares because you've already replaced her.

The overall point is to have fun even if you don't hook up with someone. Don't let one girl spoil your fun. If you can go out and have a good time and enjoy the night even if you didn't hook up, then you're golden. If you feel that you have to hook up to enjoy the night, then you have a serious problem and you will constantly be let down.