Recently I've been thinking of how I discovered if my girlfriends of the past were cheating.
Doing so and with the help of the fellow DJ's will help us all understand women and cheating.
The age group of girls I'm talking about BTW is 16-19.
First, a girl would tell you straight out that she was cheating.This isn't a very common thing to occur and has NEVER happened to me in a relationship but apparently a few other DJ's on this board have run into this.
Second, a girl will keep it secret but her footprints and mistakes (shadyness) will always lead you to believe (with your DJ instinct) that something fishy is going on. For me, this is the most common way of discovering if my g/f is cheating. The last girl that I found this out about was my now ex g/f Erica. We went out for about 3 weeks and after things felt fishy I talked to one of her friends and told her I have a hunch that she's a cheater. Her friend told me straight out the truth and I ended it right there.
(My current relationship below)
Third, a girl will keep it secrets and she'll be VERY good about it. She may even profess her love to you when she's drunk. This should be ignored as a DJ and shrugged off.When your girlfriend is "one of the guys" and hangs with alot of male friends frequetly YET invites you to hang out everytime she does, I still tend to worry when I can't come with her. She asks me to come with her always to parties when she drinks because she wants me to trust her when she drinks. The thing is, last night when she started drinking she lit up a cigarette (she doesnt smoke) and told me before she only smokes when she drinks but she's going to quit for me. She lied right there!
When I brought the fact up to her she started with the "are you mad at me? (dj) i love you so much, your the most important thing in the world to me, if you want me to quit i will"
My only reply to that is that she said she quit along time ago. If she lies about things like this, surely she's lying about other things.
Now you may ask, why would she be messing around behind my back? Lets see, her friend Shania is a former stripper and newly turned and openly spoken WHORRE. My g/f and her dance and rub on each other at parties and before she was my g/f she would take her clothes off (while drunk) and make out with Shania. But now that she has a b/f and keep in mind I'm there when she does this she will only remove her shirt and nothing else (keeping bra on).
And with this new one I've become a DJ and put my foot down HARD on alot of things and my g/f has been VERY caring and nice towards me and spent alot of money on me yet I still wonder if it's a weird coverup for her former "slut-like" ways.
Doing so and with the help of the fellow DJ's will help us all understand women and cheating.
The age group of girls I'm talking about BTW is 16-19.
First, a girl would tell you straight out that she was cheating.This isn't a very common thing to occur and has NEVER happened to me in a relationship but apparently a few other DJ's on this board have run into this.
Second, a girl will keep it secret but her footprints and mistakes (shadyness) will always lead you to believe (with your DJ instinct) that something fishy is going on. For me, this is the most common way of discovering if my g/f is cheating. The last girl that I found this out about was my now ex g/f Erica. We went out for about 3 weeks and after things felt fishy I talked to one of her friends and told her I have a hunch that she's a cheater. Her friend told me straight out the truth and I ended it right there.
(My current relationship below)
Third, a girl will keep it secrets and she'll be VERY good about it. She may even profess her love to you when she's drunk. This should be ignored as a DJ and shrugged off.When your girlfriend is "one of the guys" and hangs with alot of male friends frequetly YET invites you to hang out everytime she does, I still tend to worry when I can't come with her. She asks me to come with her always to parties when she drinks because she wants me to trust her when she drinks. The thing is, last night when she started drinking she lit up a cigarette (she doesnt smoke) and told me before she only smokes when she drinks but she's going to quit for me. She lied right there!
When I brought the fact up to her she started with the "are you mad at me? (dj) i love you so much, your the most important thing in the world to me, if you want me to quit i will"
My only reply to that is that she said she quit along time ago. If she lies about things like this, surely she's lying about other things.
Now you may ask, why would she be messing around behind my back? Lets see, her friend Shania is a former stripper and newly turned and openly spoken WHORRE. My g/f and her dance and rub on each other at parties and before she was my g/f she would take her clothes off (while drunk) and make out with Shania. But now that she has a b/f and keep in mind I'm there when she does this she will only remove her shirt and nothing else (keeping bra on).
And with this new one I've become a DJ and put my foot down HARD on alot of things and my g/f has been VERY caring and nice towards me and spent alot of money on me yet I still wonder if it's a weird coverup for her former "slut-like" ways.