Beautifully stated. I've been saying this for years. This attitude of splitting the bill has to die. It's absolutely foolhardy for any man past school age. In school, practicality may come into play. Once a man is in his very early twenties, he should display leadership by paying for the date.
Now since I have an upper 2% fiance, she sometimes will offer to pay as she wants to "invest in the relationship too", and I let her. That' is completely different from an early date.
@Dash Riprock is 100% correct. Looking to split the cost of a date is unmanly to the core, and should be a tip-off to a woman to head for the hills.
The mating ritual is wired in, men. Play the game. Dance the dance and you will meet very little resistance. Women are desperately looking for MEN. Part of being a man is displaying leadership and dominance right off the bat. Asking or demanding to split the bill is as weak as weak can possibly be.