civil youth organization

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
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Did you all see Obama's victory speech the other night? The crowd was so excited! I haven't seen that much manic euphoria surrounding a political leader since I dunno, umm.....HITLER

So I guess a better title for this thread would have been what Hitler and Obama have in common...

Let's see, both fire people up with their speeches and electrify the crowd to the point of almost being worshiped like a God. Seriously, I think Obama could give a speech tomorrow and people would blindly do whatever he tells them to.

Speaking of which, have you heard of his planned youth organizations yet? Check out this speech as broadcast on CNN.

Yep, that's right. The Nazis had a youth organization too. It was called the Hitler Youth and was used to instill beliefs of the party early on.

Anyone who spoke out against Hitler was chastised by the community. After all, Hitler was a wonderful leader elected to change the country for the good. He inspired the people (a little too much) and anyone who threatened the view that Hitler was anything but God-like, were angrily attacked.

So come on Obama lovers - attack me with your hate now because I've burst your messiah worship.

I know that the democrats have such an enticing allure. They promise to change the system! Fight the man! Equality for all!

First - the system that is being changed is the best one ever created. So don't change it too much! The 'establishment' that is being fought is one of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Secondly, equality for all is BS. History has taught us that the collective should never outweigh the rights of the individual. Nazism = Collectivism. Communism = Collectivism. Obamism = Collectivism.

When you start putting people in groups, your adding to the collective and your pissing off people who are being put into other groups because someone feels left out.

Everyone should have health care but no one is entitled to it. I work hard, make some money, and the government takes it away to pay for the welfare of the collective.

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
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Where's the rights of the individual in that? Where's the liberty?

Get it straight: Hitler propagated collectivism with fear and hate. Germany had economic problems too. Bush propagated collectivism with the fear of terrorism and the call to patriotism. Nuff said. Obama is propagating collectivism through fear of "the man" and the call to help the "greater good".

Wake up America. Your individual freedom is dissolving before your eyes. Stop voting for socialist leaders. Educate yourself before you buy into blind worship of political leaders.

Remember, any ideology can be dangerous when taken to the extreme.

I'll leave you now with a vision of the way things should be. Here's the preamble of the Constitution.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security

PS - Remember the night you cheered on Obama's victory speech as the night in which your liberty was lost and this country changed forever.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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It's a running joke that Liberals always compare Conservatives to Hitler when we run short of arguments. Obama has smacked down each and every dirty (and, yes, racist) trick that Republicans have tried. So they resort to calling him Hitler.

Obama isn't doing anything that we didn't do during the Clinton years a.k.a. the Good Times. He's even started appointing Clintonistas to cabinet posts. America has always been a country that BALANCED collectivism and individualism because honestly, if one is too strong, you tend to have chaos. Either controlled chaos like in collectivist Stalinist Russia or uncontrolled chaos like in individualist Somalia.

Love it, leave it, or CHANGE it.

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
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FairShake said:
It's a running joke that Liberals always compare Conservatives to Hitler when we run short of arguments.
If the shoe fits, wear it. The parallels are there.

Any form of collectivism (us versus them politics) runs the risk of totalitarianism if taken to the extreme.

Like I said, never buy into any ideology too much.

Obama isn't doing anything that we didn't do during the Clinton years a.k.a. the Good Times.
Clinton didn't have youth organizations. Clinton didn't support the Patriot Act (which Obama has in the past....not sure if he's flip-flopped yet). Clinton didn't institutionalize National Healthcare. Clinton didn't pass gun control to the level being discussed (see other thread).

He's even started appointing Clintonistas to cabinet posts.
So much for changing Washington.

America has always been a country that BALANCED collectivism and individualism
Negative, look at the preamble to the Constitution I pasted. The Constitution was about individual freedom. A nation of strong individuals was what the framers of the Constitution had in mind. They did NOT intend for individual freedoms to be given up for the 'greater good'.

Love it, leave it, or CHANGE it.
I do love it, the way the Constitution intended it to be.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
FairShake said:
Obama isn't doing anything that we didn't do during the Clinton years a.k.a. the Good Times. He's even started appointing Clintonistas to cabinet posts.
Well there was a lot of bad stuff under Clinton too. The violence against women act, the "assualt" weapons ban, Janet Reno's jack booted thugs antagonizing the fringe gun owners (I realize this people are fringe but if they weren't antagonized nothing would've happened), Nafta, AA,etc. The concern is the new administration will be even worse on those matters. why can't Obama just institute his socialist economic policies without all the socialist government control? They are all ready talking about not doing the tax plan, they have other agenda.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
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All white people must report to the cotton fields at 7am for orientation.

(that was a joke - conservates need to be told this - after all Palin thought Africa was a country, not a continent).

I love watching conservatives stew in their bull**** anger.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
MaddXMan said:

All white people must report to the cotton fields at 7am for orientation.
It's not a joke. We basically all ready are slaves to a system that preferences women and "minorities" :p .


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
People thought Clinton was the devil. People thought GW Bush was the devil. Guess now it's Obama's turn.

It sucks when your side loses when you're passionate but Lord knows we've all gone there.


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
MaddXMan said:
People thought Clinton was the devil. People thought GW Bush was the devil. Guess now it's Obama's turn.

It sucks when your side loses when you're passionate but Lord knows we've all gone there.
True but in some ways both Clinton's and Bush's administration were the devil. Now, some people are going to see devil no matter what just because there's a D are an R there. The question still remains to be answered though if the new administration will really be less or more of a devil than Bush and Clinton was.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
ketostix said:
True but in some ways both Clinton's and Bush's administration were the devil. Now, some people are going to see devil no matter what just because there's a D are an R there. The question still remains to be answered though if the new administration will really be less or more of a devil than Bush and Clinton was.
Remember, Obama is a politician!! :p It's going to be all about "governing from the center"

Some things will change but nothing that can't be reversed by a future administration (unless it's the makeup of the supreme court)

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
MaddXMan said:
(that was a joke - conservates need to be told this - after all Palin thought Africa was a country, not a continent).

I love watching conservatives stew in their bull**** anger.
Well I'm not a conservative. I'm an independent. I'm a free thinking person who doesn't rely on a political party to tell me how to think.

It's sad that you filter your thoughts based upon the doctrine of the Democratic party. You clearly missed my point. Look at the comparisons I made. Any political leader who inspires such idolatry is one to be feared. What's even more scary is those who blindly follow such a leader without question.

Human nature is so predictable, as history has taught us

To quote myself from my first post:

Case Sensitive said:
Anyone who spoke out against Hitler was chastised by the community. After all, Hitler was a wonderful leader elected to change the country for the good. He inspired the people (a little too much) and anyone who threatened the view that Hitler was anything but God-like, were angrily attacked.

So come on Obama lovers - attack me with your hate now because I've burst your messiah worship.

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
ketostix said:
True but in some ways both Clinton's and Bush's administration were the devil. Now, some people are going to see devil no matter what just because there's a D are an R there. The question still remains to be answered though if the new administration will really be less or more of a devil than Bush and Clinton was.
Clearly this administration will be more so. Obama has Carte Blanche since he will have control of the House and Senate. Worse, since people have become hypnotized by his promises and charisma, anyone who questions him will be torn down and attacked and called names like bigot, redneck, unpatriotic, terrorist, ect.

And now, thanks to his planned youth organization, he'll get the minds of his followers even before the media has a chance to mold their minds.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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Question: Is Obama a socialist or a Fascist? You compare him to Hitler (fascist) and other call him a socialist. You can't be both they are two different political beliefs at seperate ends of the political spectrum.

I can only predict one thing for the future: this thread getting locked.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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"anyone who questions him will be torn down and attacked and called names like bigot, redneck, unpatriotic, terrorist, ect."

Anyone that questioned Lord Bush's bullsh!t illegal war in Iraq was deemed unAmerican and general dissent was seen as being a traitor during that disasterous unconstitutional presidency.

So yeah you Repugs need to cool it on Obama at least until we all see what he actually does once he's officially the president.

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Basically... Everywhere
Hahahahhahahahahahha. Guys i heard McCain and Joseph Stalin went to the bathroom 4 times a day. THAT MEANS McCain IS A COMMUNIST!!! ONEONEONEOEN111!!1ONE!

This thread is ridiculous, someone ban this fool.


Feb 10, 2005
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theunflushables said:
Question: Is Obama a socialist or a Fascist? You compare him to Hitler (fascist) and other call him a socialist. You can't be both they are two different political beliefs at seperate ends of the political spectrum.
Actually Hitler and the Nazi's were socialist. They are technically consider right wing socialist.

Hahahahhahahahahahha. Guys i heard McCain and Joseph Stalin went to the bathroom 4 times a day. THAT MEANS McCain IS A COMMUNIST!!! ONEONEONEOEN111!!1ONE!
Not that I necessarily agree with the OP, but his arguments were more sound than that analogy.

This thread is ridiculous, someone ban this fool.
I get it. Those who don't believe in 2nd amendment rights don't believe in 1st amendment rights either.

Case Sensitive

Don Juan
May 23, 2008
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KontrollerX said:
"anyone who questions him will be torn down and attacked and called names like bigot, redneck, unpatriotic, terrorist, ect."

Anyone that questioned Lord Bush's bullsh!t illegal war in Iraq was deemed unAmerican and general dissent was seen as being a traitor during that disasterous unconstitutional presidency.

So yeah you Repugs need to cool it on Obama at least until we all see what he actually does once he's officially the president.
Come on KX, you are better than that. You're intelligent enough to read what was posted before replying in blind rage, aren't you? I said I'm not a Republican and Bush was just as guilty. Pay attention now...

Cr1msonKing said:
Yeah bro, your right, they shouldn't have been cheering. They should have been just standing arounding idly with a smile and just clapping their hands.
There is a difference between cheering and manic euphoria. Check out this video from when Hitler was elected in 1932. He promised freedom and equality for his oppressed people. If you're an 'open minded' and 'free thinking person' then take a look.

Pay special attention how he talks about freedom and said 'others will oppress us'. That is classic Collectivism - us versus them mentality -no individual rights that does not support the collective.

lol, I just watched the video.
The Hitlers Youth thing is really in a different league bro. I just read it,
Ah, you kept an open mind and researched what I posted! Most commendable!

I don't see anyone attacking any of the hicks out there in the republican states.
Yep, because I don't like Obama I must be a Republican or a hick! Ya got me! I'm Larry the Cable Guy! 'Git er' done!'.

The attacks I was referring to were verbal ones, such as the little slur you just pulled there because I do not embrace Obama as a messiah-like-figure.

Change, fight the powers that hold us down, equality for all, spread the wealth. God, I don't want those things, put them next to ignored warnings about 9/11, ignore weapons inspectors in Iraq, ****ed up Katrina, ignore predatory lending practices from select states, ignored Constitution laws, ignored Geneva Convention, deregulation, spying on my private life, and one of the worsts presidencys in our short lived life.
A sexy political stance isn't it? I agree, Bush is the worst President so far. However, I think B.O. will be even worse because people blindly follow him so much so that even if he becomes a tyrant than Bush, no one will admit it, and that is truly scary.

Also - you mentioned spying on our private lives and ignoring Constitutional laws - First B.O. supported the Patriot Act. Second, no where in Constitutional law does it say that the Government will take my hard earned money to support a socialist society. Or take away my guns --not that I own guns, I just don't want my rights taken away to support the Collective 'greater good'.

theunflushables said:
Question: Is Obama a socialist or a Fascist?
You're mincing words. Was Stalin a Socialist or a Fascist? Moot point. If you go too far on either end of the political spectrum to the right or to the left, you have a Totalitarian state. In other words, the 'greater good' of the Collective becomes more important than individual freedom. Remember what I said, if you buy into any ideology too much, it can become a dangerous thing.

theunflushables said:
I can only predict one thing for the future: this thread getting locked.
In Motion said:
This thread is ridiculous, someone ban this fool.
Great solution fellas! Silence the dissenter! Isn't that why Germany burned books??? hmmmm
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Actually that final quote isn't from me. But seriously though, political threads are generally not allowed here. Don't know how this has not been locked yet.

As for lumping socialism and fascism together under totalitarianism. Yes, that's true, kind of. Undeniably fascism is totalitarian. However true socialism is not. True socialism has never existed. USSR, Cuba, China for example are totalitarian government's with some socialism sprinkled in.

The closest thing we have to true socialism in the world are countries like Germany, France, Sweden and to some extent Canada. The people have the choice in those countries.

Ketostix, Nazis were not socialists. Yes the full name for Nazi is National Socialist Party. But they were by no means socialist. Like everything else they did, they borrowed it. Remember what the swastika originally was? Look it up. And the Aryan race, that was originally designated for the peoples of central asia who would go on to populate Europe. Not the fair haired blonds of Hitler's wet dreams.

Here is a bit from the wikipedia article on Nazism: The term “National Socialism” derives from this citizen-nation relationship, whereby the term socialism is invoked and is meant to be realized through the common duty of the individuals to the German people; all actions are to be in service of the Reich. The Nazis stated that their goal was to bring forth a nation-state as the locus and embodiment of the people’s collective will, bound by the Volksgemeinschaft, as both an ideal and an operating instrument. In comparison, traditional socialist ideologies oppose the idea of nations

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Basically... Everywhere
ketostix said:
Not that I necessarily agree with the OP, but his arguments were more sound than that analogy.
Hahaha, fine how about this argument:
Hitler had a youth organization and Obama is planning youth organizations.

:crackup: :rolleyes:

Yeah, thats logical. OMG guys, people were cheering for Obama. And people cheered for Hitler. FURTHER EVIDENCE!11!!1!! OENEONE