It is sad to say, but there are spoiler clips on this movie on youtube. I already know what happens to the President at the end of the movie because I stumbled across a youtube clip with a title that explained what happened to the President! People posting these videos are very unfair to people who have not watched the movie.
Also saw a full clip of the wierd guy in funny glasses asking "Are you an American, etc..." and watched it. It's now like, is it worth spending big bucks to watch this when such key story aspects are spoiled. (ie but if that's all there is to be spoiled, then it's not much of a big deal then?)
Its reasons like this why I'm tempted to spend the $ 30.00 (if I want to operate legally - I know I can pirate but am choosing to operate legally, despite my money is super-tight right now) to watch this movie. However, I think the worst of it is already spoiled with me so I don't think I can discover any further reveals about the movie worst than what I already discovered.