Christian girls


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
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Has anyone here ever dated a real christian girl (really believes the stuff and goes to church)? I say real because there are a lot of people who say they are christian yet don't live their lives like a christian( they talk the talk but don't walk the walk). Do the christian girls have more integrity or are they just as manipulative and *****y as the average non christian girl? I'm asking because I'm curious how dating a christian girl is different from dating a non christian girl if at all.


Master Don Juan
Jan 14, 2006
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southern usa
my old roommate used to sleep primarily with christian girls. the more hardcore christian, the easier it was, so he said.

i was in an LTR but i should have learned what i could from that dude, he was a zen master.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
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Land of the Ruins
The gal I dated who had the most intense sexual appetite was a Jesus freak. But I've found that as a group, they're all over the place, and one cannot generalize.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
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Wow.. every christian girl I've encountered growing up in church has always been the most stuck up of all female types. Talk about b!tch shields and a half. I never have any luck with christian women, that's why I always went for the easy girls in public high school while attending there. Most christian girls' defenses are so high because they go strict by the bible code and then will wait for Mr. Right to come along and then marry him.

A lot of these types seem to marry young to secure intimacy, but then find out a few years down the line (early 20s) that they're bored of the marriage already. Isn't divorce rate higher for religious couples than non-religious?

I think most christian girls are really willing to fool around, but will stop at intercourse. IE: Last time I had a one night stand with a christian girl after a party we made out, and fooled around, but everytime I went to feel down there to get ready for the groove, she'd pull my hand away. I went back into kissing more for 3x. Still total last minute resistance, and she said "I don't want to do anything we'll both regret" Sucked.

If it does luckily happen, it's hush hush because they don't want family and friends know that the couple is sexually active. Good luck though, I never had it and I still go to church.


New Member
Jan 28, 2006
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A little place I like to call...planet earth
Trust a brother who's been around churches most of his life (and by brother I mean me). There is no such thing as an 'average' church girl in a generic sense.

Now, depending on denomination, I'd say you could narrow it down. I'll write the important notes here:

Pentacostals/AG-ers are a waste of time. Often, they travel in packs and feed off of one another for moral support for any sort of decision. The only way you'll skip the sermon and get lucky is if the girls a loner. Generally, the newer the convert, the easier. While they have accepted the doctrine, the newer ones are still generally lone wolves. Which also makes them emotionally unstable from social issues. Personally, I think it's better to play it safe and go for girls who are a little more stable in their beliefs when it comes to 'third base.'

Catholic girls are also a lost cause in many cases. While they are notorious for being the easiest sort of religious girl to score with, and the quickest to abandon doctrine, many come from overindoctrinated households and are just looking to rebel against the 'no sex' policy they've been held to their whole life. Again, you'll either have the problem of needyness, overattachment, or cheating.

Again, it's a broad topic. Personally, I believe that it's indecent/ dishonorable to lead a girl to a decision you know she'll regret for a long time. With that in mind, I'd say, if you do end up going for a church girl, make sure her feelings on sex match up with yours. I've witnessed too many crying girls at alters to not have a heart in this situation.

Of course, as we all know, it's better to keep the one night stands and other short term relationships with the non-religious types that won't feel one way or another about it a week from intercourse.

But hey, those are just my observations.



Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
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Los Angeles
I myself am a Christian, although I'm a sexually active one who drinks and swears like a sailor.

What can I say? Show me a perfect Christian and I'll show you the Resurrected Christ.

But still, I'd be very pleased to hear from expert DJ-ers with experience in this particular field. How DOES one get a Christian girl who thinks that God is going to provide the right man for her some years down the road, and until then she'll lead a "Breakfast at Tiffany's" sort of single, juvenile lifestyle?

'cause to tell you the truth, I'm really hoping to find a relationship with a nice Christian girl who I MAY end up having sex with, but if I do, only because we both really want to - as opposed to it being "just what people do when they're in a relationship."


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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i think it really depends.

early 3 months ago i met this girl who supposedly is christian and goes to church every sunday. not quite hardcore it seems.

However we eventually fooled around and had sex one night. However nothing really came out of it and we're just good friends now. Religion means nothing to some girls. She's told me all the other dudes that ****ed her before me, on the desk in the bathroom. it made me realize how much of a slut she is.

but..its all good.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
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Los Angeles
Originally posted by ScrewIt
i think it really depends.

early 3 months ago i met this girl who supposedly is christian and goes to church every sunday. not quite hardcore it seems.

However we eventually fooled around and had sex one night. However nothing really came out of it and we're just good friends now. Religion means nothing to some girls. She's told me all the other dudes that ****ed her before me, on the desk in the bathroom. it made me realize how much of a slut she is.

but..its all good.
Dayum...that's DEFINITELY not what I'm looking for.:down:

Still, definitely an amusing post. ^_^


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
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I'm asking because I'm curious how dating a christian girl is different from dating a non christian girl if at all.
If you act all needy and desperate the christian girls will be manipulative and *****y like the rest of the girls. End of the day, they are girls.

There is a little difference between a non-christian and a christian girl. Obviously, the christian girl has a so-called thing faith. And she tries to live up to certain rules and regulations or doctrines. But end of the day she is human and she is a girl. And we all know how girls are like - "They say one thing and end up doing the complete opposite".

They want sex as badly as we do. What makes it worse is their sexual desires get surpressed due to their faith. So all that crap they say about waiting for marraige and its not right is a load of bull**** brainwashed into their minds. Its just an obstacle in your path and there is always a way over it.

How DOES one get a Christian girl who thinks that God is going to provide the right man for her some years down the road, and until then she'll lead a "Breakfast at Tiffany's" sort of single, juvenile lifestyle?
Most of the time these girls who are waiting for Mr. Right will give you the excuse of "not wanting a relationship right now". Its just ******** for not wanting a relationship with you. Either you havent impressed her enough ( were not a challenge ) or your not the one ( were not a challenge ).

Chicks, christian or non-christian never know what they want. Dont ask her what kinda man is she looking for. Because whatever her answer might be, it will be very rarely in accordance with her actions.

Most christian girls say they are only into christian guys. This is a very important doctrine when looking for a life partner. Pretty much every religion has this doctrine i.e. the other person must be of the same faith in order for it to be the "Will of God".

But I have seen many christian girls make an exception to this rule. And these werent new or weak christian girls as well. As girls, they act according to their feelings. Their feelings will sometimes contradict their beliefs. You just gotta have game and not act needy. Once they like the non-christian guy, they will say stuff like "but I can bring him to Christ ", "I will go out with him, but wont have sex with him", "Its just a temporary thing". These are just excuses made by the girls so they can date the guy.

I know what you are thinking after reading all this. That there might not be good christian girls out there.It depends on what is a good christian girl in your eyes You just have to remember they are human as well. They will make mistakes like we do, they get tempted like we do as well. Remember, judge urself before you judge others. So the answer is Yes, they are good christian girls out there. Some are hypocritical, some stick to christianity throughout the week. All depends what you are looking for. If you have yourself sorted, you dont have to worry if you will or will not find the good christian girl.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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Religious folks tend to not be different from Communist folks.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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Originally posted by Deadly_Assassin
If you act all needy and desperate the christian girls will be manipulative and *****y like the rest of the girls. End of the day, they are girls.

There is a little difference between a non-christian and a christian girl. Obviously, the christian girl has a so-called thing faith. And she tries to live up to certain rules and regulations or doctrines. But end of the day she is human and she is a girl. And we all know how girls are like - "They say one thing and end up doing the complete opposite".

They want sex as badly as we do. What makes it worse is their sexual desires get surpressed due to their faith. So all that crap they say about waiting for marraige and its not right is a load of bull**** brainwashed into their minds. Its just an obstacle in your path and there is always a way over it.

you summed it up right. with most women, emotions & feelings will usually surpass logic. no matter how strong their faith or will power is, they will sucuumb to sex eventually.

Most of the time these girls who are waiting for Mr. Right will give you the excuse of "not wanting a relationship right now". Its just ******** for not wanting a relationship with you. Either you havent impressed her enough ( were not a challenge ) or your not the one ( were not a challenge ).

Chicks, christian or non-christian never know what they want. Dont ask her what kinda man is she looking for. Because whatever her answer might be, it will be very rarely in accordance with her actions.

Most christian girls say they are only into christian guys. This is a very important doctrine when looking for a life partner. Pretty much every religion has this doctrine i.e. the other person must be of the same faith in order for it to be the "Will of God".
you bring an interesting insight into what i thought i knew happened. my friend likes being with me and stuff and we did stuff that couples did. However one day i questioned her and she said she had no intention to be exclusive with me. altho i know her beliefs are stronger than what she leads on...even tho her actions speak louder sometimes.

But aside from religion....her and almost every other girl are suckers for horoscope, fate/destiny, tarot cards....etc.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
her and almost every other girl are suckers for horoscope, fate/destiny, tarot cards....etc.

That's so true. It's ironic that religion, at least judeo/christian/islamic faiths, is very opposed to those things.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
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her and almost every other girl are suckers for horoscope, fate/destiny, tarot cards....etc.
That's so true. It's ironic that religion, at least judeo/christian/islamic faiths, is very opposed to those things
Yea, my church Pastor is very against these sort of things. I remember a few years ago going to a christian summer camp where he preached on Satan and how he deceives people. We watched videos on how these sort of things were bad for us. Even watching or reading Harry Porter was seen as opening the door to the demons. :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
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Los Angeles
Originally posted by Deadly_Assassin
Yea, my church Pastor is very against these sort of things. I remember a few years ago going to a christian summer camp where he preached on Satan and how he deceives people. We watched videos on how these sort of things were bad for us. Even watching or reading Harry Porter was seen as opening the door to the demons. :rolleyes:
Meh, some Christians believe that, but the vast majority don't. The ones who do are just louder and more shrill than the others. ~_^


New Member
Jan 28, 2006
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A little place I like to call...planet earth
That's so true. A normal Christian is just like everyone else, they just hold themselves to different ideals. I wouldn't call them 'communist.' Maybe the extreme fundamentalists are (they tend to be the loudest), but I would definately say that most aren't.

In any case, it's foolish to assume that a girl is some sort of pretentious and manipulative robot that hungers constantly for the sex it's deprived of. Not all girls are like that. In fact, I could find several girls any given church night who have been deeply hurt by guys with that mindset.

Picking up women is a healthy practice, but one that must be done with honor and decency. Otherwise, what seperates us from the rest of the idiots out there?

The ability to 'mack' is like alcohol. Essentially, there's nothing wrong with it at all, but used irrisponsibly, it does more damage than good.



Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
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Originally posted by Matthias
That's so true. A normal Christian is just like everyone else, they just hold themselves to different ideals. I wouldn't call them 'communist.' Maybe the extreme fundamentalists are (they tend to be the loudest), but I would definately say that most aren't.

In any case, it's foolish to assume that a girl is some sort of pretentious and manipulative robot that hungers constantly for the sex it's deprived of. Not all girls are like that. In fact, I could find several girls any given church night who have been deeply hurt by guys with that mindset.

Picking up women is a healthy practice, but one that must be done with honor and decency. Otherwise, what seperates us from the rest of the idiots out there?

The ability to 'mack' is like alcohol. Essentially, there's nothing wrong with it at all, but used irrisponsibly, it does more damage than good.

Well put.

El MonoLoco

Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2001
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Chico, Ca, USA
Church in Court

Sort of off topic but funny......

I banged a mormon chick once.....and christian girls are freaky just look at all of them on internet dating sites.

But really it's just a cult the Romans couldn't get rid of.

Personally I avoid the religous types they are the most controlling.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
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I beleive it all depends on the person....because inside is where the descions are made, not by going to church. I was raised in a conservative Christian enviroment, and I saw it all ....there were girls getting pipe, and there ones that really can easily tell which is which...and you do that by testing them..asking them "hey lets go here...or here"