Chris Rock said...


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2020
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Women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is loved under the condition that he provides something.

What are your thoughts?


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2020
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"Why don't we cut you up into little pieces and feed you to your pooches, hmm? And then we'll see how loyal a hungry dog really is."

- Joker, The Dark Knight
Heath Ledger as Joker was something else man. Joaquin is still brilliant though.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Our wives used to be able to wait on us hand n' foot (due our potential "provision" of a backslap). Due to the nanny state, us males (who Built every god-damned thing) can't discipline our wives anymore. I have a 27 yr old Still chasing after me cause I treat her so terribly (never call, she sends me letters in the mail, leaves presents on my back doorstep). If she keeps it up, the waiting on me hand n' foot, then she'll win me over. She even reloaded a great portion of my magazines just sitting there on the couch for 30 minutes doing monotonous loading before we went shooting. She carried (hands full pressed against her breasts) a lot of equipment at once to and from the truck while I just carried the guns. She was my little helper for the day. I may take her fishing with me in a couple of weeks (when they are biting the most) with my 60+ yr old married bud trophy fisherman (who's wife does everything for him as well - he met her 30 years ago while they were both in the army..I mean, they're former trailer trash but still are I guess in a sense, but they procreated and seem to just be sticking it out until they die (no ambition living off of disability barely gettin by)).


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
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I wish I could be a dog...

It would be cool to literally $hit on her lap and have her say it's ok an give me a treat and pick me up and move me to her comfy bed to get some rest.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2020
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Our wives used to be able to wait on us hand n' foot (due our potential "provision" of a backslap). Due to the nanny state, us males (who Built every god-damned thing) can't discipline our wives anymore. I have a 27 yr old Still chasing after me cause I treat her so terribly (never call, she sends me letters in the mail, leaves presents on my back doorstep). If she keeps it up, the waiting on me hand n' foot, then she'll win me over. She even reloaded a great portion of my magazines just sitting there on the couch for 30 minutes doing monotonous loading before we went shooting. She carried (hands full pressed against her breasts) a lot of equipment at once to and from the truck while I just carried the guns. She was my little helper for the day. I may take her fishing with me in a couple of weeks (when they are biting the most) with my 60+ yr old married bud trophy fisherman (who's wife does everything for him as well - he met her 30 years ago while they were both in the army..I mean, they're former trailer trash but still are I guess in a sense, but they procreated and seem to just be sticking it out until they die (no ambition living off of disability barely gettin by)).
Good ol' carrot and stick man.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2020
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You could print up some t-shirts, reading, ”Voted 'Mr Motility', at my highschool prom."
Dating would be so much easier. Also, those with genetically low counts would be f*cked. Now we're back at the provider role you've described. There is really no other alternative. Being a "decent guy" can be emulated without any effort and thus brings many hidden dangers with it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2020
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What I really meant was that men set the expectations for other men, in the context of Chris' observation, that we expect the most of each other, which is why there are actually guys who prefer the company of women...because, if you can keep a woman in a good mood, and show her a good time, you can get away with anything; whereas men have real expectations of other men, and a man who doesn't pull his own weight can become PNG among other men PDQ.

On the other hand, in a sense, in a very literal sense, a man's sperm is his highest value to a woman. Thankfully, they don't yet set the standards for society.
Yes, men set expectations for men set expectations for women to judge men now exactly for that. Women also play a significant role in setting those standards to benefit their own pain points.

They make up masculine and strong traits which man should submit to. Now a large portion of men stick to these alleged masculine characteristics. What happens then? Other men see this group of men enforcing those previously planted behaviors and set the bar even higher. It's truly a vicious cycle.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is loved under the condition that he provides something.

What are your thoughts?
Not only loved even respected, a man is made or broken according to his success and achievements.

You are much safer by getting caught from your wife after you bang your secretary to celebrate a promotion compared to being fired.