New to game and all of this and still learning. I'm posting in regards to not understanding courtship periods. I mean the over all process of it is just confusing given how I think the mainstream manosphere culture has taught us about women and mating. Let me explain.
About 5 years ago I stumbled onto the game by neil strauss and dived into the world of PUA. More or less I was an inquisitive spectator of the subculture itself because it was interesting to me. as I got older and looked back at my own experiences with women, I realized I have had a very disasterous record with women and I never understood why. Dating was horrible, school was a pain with them, and work environments was constantly hostile no matter how nice or reserved I was with them but I moved on. I never really took it personally and I was surprising forgetful of a lot of stuff so I never connected the dots.
Now I'm in the military, lost a tone of weight and my look has changed. Now I have been indoctrinated with the whole chase/run push pull concept of courtship and my experiences with this on the whole have been painful and downright destructive. I could never pull a chick in my past life pre-military and now I cant pull a chick while in regardless of my look but I get glares and looks by subpar women. Fat chicks, ugly chicks, women with kids(falls into fat, ugly, or used-up), women who are freaking pregnant, women with square bodies and pancake ass, women over 50, or old women with their husbands. It pisses me off something fierce because I tried my hardest to master basic social skills to do cold approaches and the more and more realize I never do the choosing. Its the female that does all the choosing so at the end of the day, its these subpar pieces of **** that I am left with and I don't know why. I remember all my earlier life I got rejected for the dumbest things and now that I look better, feel better, and project better, this is what I'm left with. Trash and garbage.
Am I being narcissistic or is the dating game just ****ing rigged?
About 5 years ago I stumbled onto the game by neil strauss and dived into the world of PUA. More or less I was an inquisitive spectator of the subculture itself because it was interesting to me. as I got older and looked back at my own experiences with women, I realized I have had a very disasterous record with women and I never understood why. Dating was horrible, school was a pain with them, and work environments was constantly hostile no matter how nice or reserved I was with them but I moved on. I never really took it personally and I was surprising forgetful of a lot of stuff so I never connected the dots.
Now I'm in the military, lost a tone of weight and my look has changed. Now I have been indoctrinated with the whole chase/run push pull concept of courtship and my experiences with this on the whole have been painful and downright destructive. I could never pull a chick in my past life pre-military and now I cant pull a chick while in regardless of my look but I get glares and looks by subpar women. Fat chicks, ugly chicks, women with kids(falls into fat, ugly, or used-up), women who are freaking pregnant, women with square bodies and pancake ass, women over 50, or old women with their husbands. It pisses me off something fierce because I tried my hardest to master basic social skills to do cold approaches and the more and more realize I never do the choosing. Its the female that does all the choosing so at the end of the day, its these subpar pieces of **** that I am left with and I don't know why. I remember all my earlier life I got rejected for the dumbest things and now that I look better, feel better, and project better, this is what I'm left with. Trash and garbage.
Am I being narcissistic or is the dating game just ****ing rigged?