chick is confused

Early DJ

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Alright, so here is the story, I have known this chick for a few months and am attracted to her. Last night we went out for drinks and parted ways. I was doing some homework when she texted me asking what I was doing.

Well needless to say I sneaked something in the text and she picked up and from there it turned from flirting to extreme flirting if that makes sense. Also the thing is I started but then she took over, all I had to do was continue.

Background story on her is that she has been seeing this one guy for the last year or two but they broke up some time in the fall. She would sometimes say something about him in conversations indicating that they are not really over. Now this chick does not cheat physically at least, as I have found out on many occasions.

So the next time I saw her I hinted towards the flirtatious conversation we had, to which she replied that she meant it but did not, because of the old or present boyfriend. She said she really really liked me, but she did not want to do anything until she figured out her current situation. At that point I steered the conversation somewhere else like that did not really happen. And when I left her house I just quickly said she needs to figure this out quick and gave her a semi cold hug.

Now I dont give **** to this girl, we hang out and we talk like normal people would no emotional crap or any of that stuff so I am not her punching bag.

What are your thoughts on this girl, I mean the way she acts, she just wants to jump on my **** but, wont for the reasons above. Anybody experience this? I know most will just say stay away, but in my opinion, this is a unique situation given the fact that she is not the cheating type.

Any thoughts on how to approach this situation?


Don Juan
Mar 31, 2010
Reaction score
I there's one important thing I've learned, they will say one thing then go totally opposite when it suits them. Especially if they're having a good time.

Just keep it fun. Tactfully change the subject when the other dude gets mentioned. If you keep it fun, make her laugh and have a few drinks along the way, you'll likely get a lay out of her.