Really nice job, oakraiderz2.
I'm not a big Myspacer so I can't really compare to others....but to comment on 'presentation' in general, for whatever purpose it serves - its interesting how everyone has their own individual style and preference.
I naturally like details, and for diagrams, posters or publications etc, my boss used to jump on me for it. His theory :
the eye will only look for, and pick out 3-4 major points or concepts - and the mind will ignore and forget the rest. He has consequently trained the detail out of me.
To expand on Vincent's initial comment (you're up against some tough peer review here, ha ha...but its all good)....I like the font size and style, and I wonder if changing the font colour to white or silver (or fading the background) would help out the attention deficit, half burnt out, old people with bad eyes - like me? That would be my version of an as* kicking smoke show.
Anyways, haven't checked out everything yet, but it looks like you've put some really good work into this, and I would be dern proud too.