Cheated on my girlfriend...just told her...opinions?


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2003
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
i kissed my girlfriend's sister's friend. It was a birthday party. I was ****in drunk and so was the sex temptress. She was calling me a ***** for not doing anything with her when I was basically holding back. I did not tell this girl that I have a girlfriend however so that doesn't help my cause. We were ****in with her head cause she was drunk. My girlfriend even said she wasn't with me. I just wanted to mess with this girls head and instead being the drunk stoned idiot i am I kissed her before she left.

Long story short, I got a call from my girlfriend's sister saying she knows about EVERYTHING and if i was going to tell my girl. I then called my girl and told her. She cried. We talked a bit but this all happened when I was working so we didn't talk enough. She was already going through some bad day stuff earlier with school and her mom and all that.

She says she still loves me and I truly love her. We've been together a year and thanks to the skills I learned off this website I can't control myself and I gave in to this one ***** and put a permanent taint on our relationship.

I think we're still going to be together but it'll definitly not be the same.

I was wondering on tips or hints or some opinions or some experienced knowledge of what to do or look out for.

I never felt worse in my life. I am a dirtbag. Help me. I love this girl. For real.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Um...well you did what you could. You told your GF the truth. Now you will just have to regain her trust again. It will take time.


Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
I've made out with other girls too, and Ive been with my girl for a year.

Im not saying its right, but you're human and you're not married.

Just don't get caught.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
I may have misinterpreted this, so let me get this straight: You *kissed* somebody else, and that constitutes "cheating" on your girlfriend?


Bwa ha haa haa! Oh God, that's rich!

And now your g/f's sister blackmailed you? And so you "confessed" to your g/f?!


Oh, seriously. Quit it. You're killing me here.

Okay, give me a second to compose myself...




Okay, I'm ready to be helpful now.

To be honest, I don't see how your "heinous act of indiscretion" (my words, your concept) is really anything to be ashamed of. Maybe my mindset is a little cynical due to exposure to mASF, but I really doubt your girlfriend, or almost any girl, for that matter, would think twice about kissing another guy or, hell, even sleeping with them, if properly motivated. They would NOT feel guilty, and they most certainly would NOT tell you, having rationalized it away long before.

So, you'll have to forgive me for seeing the humorous side of your situation; yet another guy who fell victim to the double-standard that females impose, and society endorses.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
She says she still loves me and I truly love her. We've been together a year and thanks to the skills I learned off this website I can't control myself and I gave in to this one ***** and put a permanent taint on our relationship.
Alright sorry about this but blaming the Shi'ite you've learned off this website for your own mistakes is ridiculous. If you kissed this girl based on your story I'm thinking it is based on either: you don't care as much about your girl as you say, or that you think that cheating on your girl is going to make you a DJ (based on **** you've read on this board).

If you love her than why did you do it? You call this girl that you kissed a b!tch but why? because she came on to you. If you had a little self-control and really loved your girl than what did you fool around on her for?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
Originally posted by belividere
either: you don't care as much about your girl as you say, or that you think that cheating on your girl is going to make you a DJ (based on **** you've read on this board).

If you love her than why did you do it? You call this girl that you kissed a b!tch but why? because she came on to you. If you had a little self-control and really loved your girl than what did you fool around on her for?

F'ing hilarious!

Oh man, that brought tears to my eyes.
Oh, man. That's great.

I can't wait to see how many other posters make the twin mistakes of:

A) Assuming that a kiss is the same thing as cheating, and
B) Assuming that a girl is too "saintly" to do something like that, while any guy "depraved" enough to kiss another girl is obviously scum.

Man oh man, keep these posts coming. I could use the laughs.
:D :D :D


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
F'ing hilarious!

Oh man, that brought tears to my eyes.
Oh, man. That's great.

I can't wait to see how many other posters make the twin mistakes of:

A) Assuming that a kiss is the same thing as cheating, and
B) Assuming that a girl is too "saintly" to do something like that, while any guy "depraved" enough to kiss another girl is obviously scum.

Man oh man, keep these posts coming. I could use the laughs.
Look son, take the laughs and live a lonely life all you want.

I'm sorry but nothing is more apparent than a false sense of confidence. You're post exudes it.

Build a little self-respect, responsibility and self-worth. Then expect the same out of everyone around you. Would a girl do that to me? I cant say. I am at a point in my life though were I will be straight up honest with whoever I am with out of respect to them and myself. When I was your age and fvking around I didn't know any better. But even then I realised that if I was going to make out with another girl that I should end whatever I was involved in before hand. What makes a bigger man, one who can tell the truth to the one who is investing themselves in them or one who is to scared and does stuff behind their backs?

Does DJ=a-hole who is going to cheat on a girl after a year or does DJ mean that you are man enough to stop what you already have if it isn't working and then pursue someone else.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
Argh. The frustrating part is, belividere's post is a really excellent reply. It makes perfect sense, coming from the DJ ideology of loyalty, integrity, etc. etc.

The problem is, these rules JUST DON'T APPLY TO WOMEN! Women are emotion-driven creatures. They live state-to-state (i mean emotional states here, not physical), living life as it comes. Which is a fine philosophy, except that, if she happened to meet somebody that flipped the right attraction switches in her brain, in just the right situation, she'd shag him silly, and YOU'D NEVER EVEN KNOW! Because she certainly wouldn't tell you, having rationalized it away!

I'm still trying to figure things out for myself, but I'm pretty sure that I don't want to be the poor trusting sap who puts himself through hell for an offense that any woman wouldn't think twice about before committing.


Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
I figured you'd get a lot of responses knocking you.

Don't buy into this bs man, there people are artificial dj's.

It is different in real life. You are a man, you have drives in you. Yes you should reason over them in many situations, but you can't be perfect all the time.

The only thing I'll criticize you for is for hooking up with someone that could get you in trouble. If your girlfriend's sister is friends with this girl, you have to think twice bro.

If you're going to hook up with other broads, try to do it away from you and your girlfriend's location, without any ties.

If you need more advice let me know. But like I said, don't listen to these AFC's


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
Instead of saying more bla bla stuff like everyone else here, i'll just tell you my cheating experience so that you know how things happened with me, and it might be usefull to you.

Me and a girl were together for about 6 months, and we had a fight cause i was home alone the weekend, and she made up some excuse instead of coming to spend the weekend with me (1st time we could do this cause i had never been home alone yet since i was with her) and i was really pissed at her. I called a girl who wanted me bad, and invited her over, which she did of course.
We made out, and she even slept with me that night.

Next day i was sad, in the evening my girl had been calling me and sending sms telling me how sorry she was and how much she loved me. I told her i had to talk to her the next day, and we met. I confessed her that i had been with a girl making out (i never confessed we slept together EVER). She was very sad, and so was i with what i did. She forgived me cause she saw i cryed when i told her this cause i was feeling for her..
We were together for 2 more years. She never mentioned it again until we finally broke up, and in her arguments she told me how much she was still pissed off with that.

So basically, you just made a stain in your relation, but you can both live with that and be happy for a long time. Its all up to how you both face this.

A VERY good advice:

For instance, now i'm totally in love with my girl, i NEVER want to cheat on her, but SOMETIMES i am very tempted. Cause there are a lot of girls that want to sleep with me, when i go out girls flirt with me, etc..
What can you do about this? JERK OFF before you go out without your girl. I'm not joking, it releases a great part of your sexual urge, and you are able to control yourself much better.


Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Yo Maluco....

I read your post. Just curious, why did you and your girlfriend end up breaking up? Im just curious if it had anything to do with the cheating.

Black Panther®

Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Miami (FL)
hopefully she doesnt cheat on you in the future, but if she does, im curious in what you will do.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
It's good to feel guilty. Ive cheated before (more than just kissing of course too) and I have felt guilty.

Then a few times I didn't feel guilty, but thats when I realized the girl didn t mean as much to me.

It is better to leave a life of honesty.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
you have to be honest wtih yourself.

First, you have to know what type of girlfriend you have.

Do you have a Wife-material or just a good relationship. there is a difference.

Then you have to decide would you cheat?

If you do:

1) never cheat with anyone you could get caught with

2) never, I don't care how bad you feel, tell your GF unless you know she will find out. I mean, why?

I am not saying cheat, but you have to be honest with yourself and about the relationship. You are not.