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Changing the male AFC dynamic


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJDamage
I live in Canada and the media here is completly pussified. Just opened todays' newspaper and this is what jumped out from the front pages of a section called "LIFE"

The name of the article is "MAN CRASHES" and it was written on heterosexual males


That is f#cked up. There`s no question that men are under siege and the most idiotic part of it is that other men are part of it. Quite nefarious really. Like, have you noticed that an axe handle is usually made of wood and the same instrument is used against other wood.

Things are bad, there`s no question of that. At the same time, hope remains and I for one am very optimistic about the long term.

This is the calling of our time. Let`s fight the good fight in the best way that each of us can. Whether that`s answering feminist rants, raising children in a way that will be helpful to them and not confusing, steering friends to this site, etc.

Those whose unnatural designs are unfolding before our eyes would like nothing better than to have good men do nothing. Let`s please ourselves and not them.

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Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Rollo Tomassi
Yet in opposition to this post-modern gender dynamic, men are not encouraged to 'man-up.' We are told to shape up for sure and that our mascuilinity (as we define it) is a flaw; we're poisoned by our testosterone.
Yes, exactly. Men are being steered away from their testosterone when it is the very thing that will heal and liberate them...and the opposition knows it. That`s why there`s the concentrated attack against it.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
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Originally posted by WestCoaster
My best friend has three kids, two boys and a girl. When his oldest kid was young, he just gravitated toward playing with fire trucks, toy guns, etc. He didn't even ask his dad, he just picked up the toys. That's the way it is folks!
It`s entirely true. This past summer I was in Ottawa and across the river in Quebec is the Museum of Canadian History. They had a special interactive exhibit for children that showcased different places and cultures. There were mock houses and play areas, etc. My brother and nephew came up to visit and I thought that it would be a good place for the kid to enjoy himself. My nephew was 4 years old at the time.

Well, one exhibit was that of a cargo ship, complete with a working crane, bridge, and deck. Guess what all the little boys were doing? Yup, alternating between the Captain`s wheel and the crane.

Want to guess what the little girls were doing? MOPPING THE DECK!

I kid you not, and they preferred to do that even when their mothers were encouraging them to do the `guy` stuff.

It was f#cking hilarious and very telling at the same time.
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJDamage
They are promoting teaching kindergarten kids on sex! Kids have no concept of sexuality and they want to confuse the kids to distort and accept something such a homosexuality as natural!
Apparently, there`s a bigger problem than this in public school grades in Quebec and Ontario. I know a sex therapist, who says that kids between the ages of 9-11 are not only engaging in oral sex (girl performing on the guy) but that the girls are asking the school nurses about technique because they have performance anxiety and are worried about pleasing the guy.

Guffaws aside for the last point, WTF are kids doing giving and getting BJ`s??!! This is symptomatic of the media campaign to sexualize our children (e.g. take a look at how Britney Spears was promoted and popularized) and to subvert their normal and natural childhood development.

I bet you a feminist would have no objection to the sex aspect but would be outraged that the girls weren`t feminist-ized and hence were more concerned about the guy`s pleasure, etc.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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Originally posted by Maverick001
I bet you a feminist would have no objection to the sex aspect but would be outraged that the girls weren`t feminist-ized and hence were more concerned about the guy`s pleasure, etc.
This is the enigma of feminism. The come up with concepts and ideas that they think will better women's life. In the short term it seems that way but in the long term the end results are disastrous. It ends up taking a life on its own in which the feminists themselves cannot control and then rather then conceed defeat, they decide that the best way to do it is to point the finger right back to men!! (they are waging war on men instead of on themsleves). I think the explosion of the porn industry and it becoming mainstream is a good example of that.

If you try to fvck with mother nature, she will eventually come right back and fvck with you.


Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
enigma of feminism

Quote : DJDamage
This is the enigma of feminism

it doesn't make sense unless we look at the root and go back as far as you can

then it makes sense. scary sense.

these women are merely tools for the breaking down of the family unit


makes you wonder how all this will end

Lost In Translation :D


Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Rollo Tomassi
OK, I can see I'm going to need to grab the steering wheel here and turn this thread back to Changing the AFC dynamic.

Have a look at this:


I'm gong to go out on a limb here and predict that the reason this kid killed his girlfriend's parents was because he was convinced this girl was the ONE for him and it was his Shakespeaean, romantic duty to prove this to her and her parents by committing an action with enough impact and significance to do so.

ONEitis AFC dynamic in play on a national scale and this girl's life, and her entire famiy's life will be changed forever. THIS IS WHY CHANGING THIS DYNAMIC IS SO FRIGGIN IMPORTANT!

But I'm sure the mass media will blame it on Marlyn Manson or Tupac's Ghost.
This was back on November 14th, one week later and we see this:


Someone want to tell me again how harmless AFCs are? Anyone want to make the case for ONEitis after reading this?


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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TV commercial update

Now and then I like to point out the man-bashing TV commericals ... I started noticing them a few years ago and didn't even know I was being brainwashed until I got on this board.

The latest ... I think it's Sprint or Verizon, the one with the "more bars" ... whatever. Anyway, this guy here's from this girl, "I'll call you."

The next few scenes we see him walking around checking his cell, no call; at work, no call; downtown, no call ... each time his face shows utter despair, perhaps on the brink of freaking suicide.

Finally, near the end of the commerical, he gets the call and throws his hands up in the air like in victory.

Simply pathetic showing men like this.
Nov 2, 2005
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this makes me happy that I rarely watch tv. The only tv that I do watch is the Grounded for Life, Simpsons, War at Home, and CMT Music.

I just don't have time to watch tv much anymore. Seems like a blessing as well.



Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
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Hey, we've done this before...

Here is a thread that's very similar to this. If I remember correctly it has some good info in it.

Society and Sexual Distortion

There is a reason why we're like this. The reason is simple. It makes people easy to control. There are two incredibly huge factors that promote this crap. The first as A-Unit pointed out is school. The second is needless competetion (read capitalism, although any society set up based on competetion will do this.) Both are designed to make people dependent on things outside of their ability to control. School makes people weak by preventing people from learning naturally (self-learning or learning by experience/apprenticeship). Capitalism makes people weak by creating a moving force which shifts resources from the weak to the strong thus creating an artificial scarcity for the majority of the population. This is true in almost all cases, although its a little difficult to grasp in Western Civilizations because of how money-centered we are and that as a society we tend to be the haves and not the have-nots of the world.

Here is a site with some wonderful media for you all to devour. I specifically recommend listening to the John Taylor Gotto stuff first, although Ivan Illich is more profound in his reach if you read some of his books (many are available online for free, see Deschooling Society ) also listen to the Wizards of Money stuff.

This is all audio links so it'll be easy to digest and quicker for introduction purposes.


Below is a copy of the posts I made in response to the thread I pointed out earlier as I think it does a fairly good job of showing how the structure of our society promotes weak patterns which carry over to most peoples lives. I'm not sure if I still completely believe the masculine/feminine part of it being in balance, but there is some truth in it.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
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Most of what has been said is not at the root level what is happening, but is an example of what's happening. To understand what is happening, you need to understand how the human brain stores and processes information. The basic concept is that your brain stores patterns of information. These could be electrical impulses from your eyes, electrical impulses to/from your muscles, electrical impulses by your brain after hearing a story.

These patterns form our knowledge base on who we are and how we interact with the world. Humans are a herd species. Like sheep. What does that mean though? It means that we observe how others interact and those patterns get reinforced in our brains. After enough reinforcement, it becomes the predominant pattern and when you see a certain scenario unfold before you, you react with the pattern your brain thinks is best for the situation, usually unconsciously although you can start to imprint a new pattern over an old one using conscious thought, but at some point in time it will become the predominant pattern and you will react subconsciously.

That is how you learn skills as well. You get a pattern down from watching someone else do it or imagining it vividly. Then you practice it and you reinforce those patterns of how your muscles acted and what you said and what you saw and heard. It goes to the unconscious and than it happens by itself.


The next big thing is to follow the patterns that each of us recieve throughout the course of our daily life as well as throughout our lives. This allows to see what patterns get reinforced in our brain and equally as important what patterns we miss out on.

Masculinity is action. Action is the basis for dominance, goal orientation, etc. Femininity is reception. They receive info and then think about it and discuss it. Masculinity and Femininity are things you are. They are adjectives to describe how active or passive (receptive) you are. People are not entirely Masculine or Feminine. They are a combination of both. You need both to be effective and complete in this world. These aren't things that you are born with. They aren't genetically based. They aren't culturally based. They are descriptions about how active you are and how passive you are.

That said, biology does play an important part. Biology kicks everything in the right direction, so that nature and evolution work. What didn't work died, and what did work procreated. Men are masculine by nature because of testosterone etc. Women are passive either by the lack of testosterone or more estrogen. Regardless, the chemical make up is an influencing factor in how active or passive you will be, but it is not a determination of what you currently are as the patterns in your brain play a larger part than just the chemicals.

Masculine patterns are patterns that are active. Feminine patterns are patterns that are more passive.

For little children: Where do they recieve their patterns from? They recieve it mostly from Mom and Dad, TV, and whoever else is in their life a lot. This is where a lot of you are making your theories come from. And while it is a contributing cause, its not the only cause.

For bigger children: Once you get to school you start to enter your dependence on institutions. School does one thing very well. It misuses people in predermined positions of power (dominance, action) and uses it to create submission in others. This is the relation between school and people. When the teacher says something you listen, when the bell rings you change classes, you only go to the bathroom between classes, you follow the rules or you get punished. This all serves to pacify the population. The ultimate goal is to sustain our society so that the elite stay in power. They may not think that explicitly, but thats what all their actions result in.

This is because our culture is primarily self-centered. We have been told that resources are scarce and that it's every man for himself (Social Darwinism). That to a certain extent is true, but it's misguided. Resources are limited and most of our problems are the result of overpopulation. The big thing to think about is that most of us aren't starving, and most of the ones that are starving aren't starving because their isn't enough food, but because those with food aren't distributing it properly, which is what the point of a society is. Anyway, the most important part of this paragraph is that since all our patterns of thought are self-centered, we end up worrying about little things like having enough money, etc : Getting things for ourselves!!! We are not competing for resources amongst ourselves (Yes, to a certain extent we are, but in the grand scheme of things ... we are outcompeting other species).

The social elite want to outcompete others for resources not because they have to for survival but because they are culturally programmed (reinforced patterns) to act in a selfish manner. Thus they try to extert their dominance over others to keep resources and ultimately to maintain power in societyto maintain access to resources.

Back to children: The main thing to understand is that people are sponges and they absorb patterns and model those behaviors in the attempt to get some patterns developed from experience. Thus school is 7-8 hours a day of getting the pattern of submission repeatedly ingrained in their head. School is teaching kids to be submissive, passive, FEMININE. This is good for the social elite or whatever else you want to think of that could be pulling the strings.

After 13 years of schooling or even more if people have gone to college. People start to work for the bulk of their day. What is work? Work is a seperation of dominance and submission in order to get stuff done. Dominance rises through the ranks and becomes management, but most are submissive, because they've been trained to be submissive from schooling. Anyway its a way of organizing people based on dominance like determining who an alpha male is in a group. People interact and compete with each other and dominance always wins. This is because we think in terms of selfish patterns. It's entirely possible that we could think of the community or other people's needs above our own needs. It just requires those patterns to be reinforced. People who are submissive reinforce their patterns because almost all of their interactions are either passive (like women talking in the kitchen or men talking around the water cooler). They are equals. They are not competing. Their competetions are with bosses and their submissives. Since they will always lose to their boss they still remain submissive.

With all these submissive patterns, it's no wonder that most people are wussies.

How come this wussification of western culture is rising to a head so recently? It's because we don't do anything that's active. Or more precisely we don't do enough things that are active so that the majority of our patterns that we act on unconsciously are masculine. We've been trapped by school and work into being submissive and getting stuck in submission loops. The only way to escape it is to do what people come here for. They have to consciously implant active dominant patterns in their brains. After enough repetition they sink into the unconcious and you notice yourself acting unconsciously in that manner some of the time. Eventually it becomes the dominant pattern and masculine actions happen more frequently on the unconscious level.

In the past, we got our masculine actions in different external ways. It was needed. Society was still trying to make submissive, but we were only submissive in relation to society. We still dominated our own little worlds. We chopped wood or we'd freeze. We spent days harvesting grains or we'd starve. We saw problems and we solved them. That's what masculinity is for. It's evolution (in the biological sense) It ensures survival of the population. Femininity is equally important. It's purpose is also for the survival of the population. Passivity is the thinking without action. It is vital because with too much masculinity things get unbalanced. Guys go, "Me Man, Me destroy!!!" Then they run at a elephant and get gored to death. Passivity prevents unnecessary death, because it ensures that an adequate amount of thought goes into the action.

Too much femininity = inaction = death
Too much masculinity = blind action = death

Balance ensures survival.

This balance can be achieved in different ways on different levels. We as individuals become most successful with a balance of femininity and masculinity. It ensures smart action. This requires the natural man (ignoring culture for a second) to develop his femininity to ensure SMART action. It requires the natural woman to develop masculinity in order to ensure thought out ACTION. ** I made a little change here. I want to impress that femininity is not "smart" it is "thought without action." For the cultured man, it requires enhancing their masculine side in order to become balanced again, because they have to counteract the passivity school and work engrained in them.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
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Now a lot of people will say, hey thats not how things are. Men are men, women are women. They are different, they are meant to complement each other. This is true to a certain extent. We are all biologically set to be more masculine or more feminine based on the chemicals floating around in us. However, it is a cop out to think that men and women have to balance each other out. This is only necessary if the individuals are unbalanced to begin with. Of course this is the what happened for most of history. Individuals spent most of their time working to support civilization or themselves due to overpopulation of the human species and an increased difficulty in finding actual prey and food on their own. Thus they maintained their natural predispositions. Women and Men were created out of evolution or God created the world to evolve that way, whatever. The end result is the same. It is the safety plan that ensures survival in the case that the individual doesn't become self sufficient enough. (Note, I'm not ignoring the concept that men and women need to have sex to have an offspring, I'm just stating that a balanced entity be it an individual or a couple or a country will survive longer than an unbalanced one). Couples balance each other out if they are unbalanced and that ensures better survival of the couple and thus the offspring.


Over time, technology has reduced our need to be masculine, so we spend more time reinforcing feminine thoughts both in our actions and in what we percieve aroung us (culture).

Even not too long ago, it was the man's job to be active and get a job and ensure the survival of the family.

At some point in time the social elite with their constant hoarding of resources put a new stress into the system. Due to an artificial scarcity of resources (caused by hoarding) families started requiring both parents to work. This resulted in women getting more masculine, and because of the feminine types of jobs available now due to technology men got more feminine. That said in the grand scheme of things both genders are primarily feminine now, with the masculine urges squeaking out from behind the femininity. The difference in power is only a relative one.

Women only have more power, because they get more opportunities to practice and understand the game. Men get that practice only when they are active enough to actually practice, whereas women get it for free without even trying, unless they're sexually undesirable. That allows them to be better practiced and more comfortable, although its not enough to make them truly masculine or active enough to initiate, which is what would happen if we were all truly equal and all individually balanced in our masculinity and femininity.


The big problem with men is these days is that we don't get enough practice being masculine and being decisive and acting on it. Our lives are determined by other people. We have to go to school, we have to ask to see if we are lucky enough to get a job, we have to ask women if they can be our girlfriends (because culture tells us so).

Thats what DJism all about. Its about establishing masculinity by conscious effort to restablish balance in our lives. Sometimes we achieve true individual balance and become what has been established as true Don Juans. Lots of times we just overshoot and become bluntly masculine and are still unbalanced with our femininity. These are the technique guys that are as someone coined the term "social robots."

We can't forget that the chemicals inside us make us attracted to the opposite sex, because of their chemicals. I feel that homosexuality is a result of a changing of those chemicals so that they are attracted to people with different chemicals in them. I don't know how this would work but that's my gut feeling. I think that's a partial truth though. From my limited reading of Freud, I get the impression that we are all relatively bi-sexual although with a preference in the chemical direction and that are brain just reinforces the association of sexual pleasure with one gender or the other. Usually in the direction of the chemical bias, but I don't think that's a limitation. I'm not particularily attracted to other men sexually, but I have a hard time deciphering if that's due to chemicals or if its due to patterns in the mind. Most likely some of both.

That's going to end my rant on sexuality, but I'm going to add a little bit about the role of masculinity and femininity is society.

Those in power are in power because they rose through the system by asserting more dominance over others. It has nothing to do with survival, because after the advent of civilization, survival became a lesser priority than competing with each other for no real purpose. Over time, this excessive masculinity and this lack of need for it for survival became recognized. This is where femininity comes from. Femininity is the result when they are denied the freedom to become individually balanced. This is the exact same thing that happened to make guys DJs. At some point they realized, "Holy Sh!t, I can't believe I'm living my life this way. This isn't natural and its societies fault." This is also the root cause of mid-life crisises. People get a moment of clarity and they all of a sudden realize their life is out of balance. Maybe because they're aren't individually balanced, more likely because their spouse stopped balancing them and the problem grew to a head.

Feminism is when a women realizes that she is not balanced, because she is not allowed to be masculine enough so that she can feel balanced and normal. This is common because it is obvious to see the difference in power.

DJing is the result of men realizing they are not balanced enough and need to be more masculine so that they can feel balanced and normal.

There aren't enough instances of men being too masculine and changing over. This is what feminism is sort of about in a bastardized way. They are trying reestablish balance on the individual level. This is unsuccessful because they don't realize that they need to create balance. They are just exerting a cultural pattern that promotes men to become more feminine, because that is the direction they wanted to go in. They didn't realize that they need to put the brakes on in order to stop at the balance point. They just saw imbalance of power and individual unbalance and pushed men to become more feminine and women to become more masculine.

That said Feminism isn't the biggest threat to masculinity and balance. The biggest threat is the lack of masculine patterns due to school, work and the way society is set up. Feminism just increases the number of feminine patterns in men. Not having a strong father decreases the number of masculine patterns and makes it difficult to achieve balance.

TV promotes feminine tendencies, because they force you to be submissive. You are forced to watch what they show you, your choices are limited. Advertisements are even worse, because they are actively targeting your insecurities to make you feel even more submissive in order for you to feel the pleasure of being temporarily more balanced by consuming their product.


Our current society is a very feminine population controlled by a very masculine government. This is VERY VERY bad, because there is no balance. The femininity and masculinity are in competetion, similar to the work environment. They are not in union like they are in a couple. The result is that the masculinity runs its course until evertually he runs head long into an elephant and gets gored to death. The feminine portion of the country (which is everything that accepted what was given to them) then dies due to inactivity, or possibly they die to realizing that they need to be more masculine and they die competing for resources. Balance is necessary for survival on a natural level. Civilization killed that by getting rid of the need for survival, but that is only temporary as eventually resources will become so limited that they stop being artificially scarce and start being actually scarce. That said balance still is the source of happiness. This is true on an individual level, couple level and societal level.

This is because the divine plan tries to teach you and lead you to the goal. It does this by making pain painful and joy wonderful. Pain is a way of teaching you that you are living your life wrong and to inspire you it choose an alternative path. Joy is to help promote constructive behaviors. That said, the divine plan only gives you enough pain to kick you in the right direction. It doesn't give you too much, because then suicide would be rampant and thats not in the divine plan at all. Good and evil are defined as such. Good leads you to eternal happiness, on an individual, couple, and societal levels. Evil leads you to pain. Not listening to the pain and correcting your lifestyle leads you to more pain and leads you to be the actor of evil actions.


Thats all I got for now, it was really stream of conscious so I imagine it wanders a lot in the territory it covers, so feel free to criticize or analyze.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2005
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So what to do about all this?

There are a couple of things that need to be done. Some are easy some are significantly harder. The goal is clear though: to reduce the wussiness in all people (although DJing (natural game) is an area of study that focuses on men) so that they stop being reliant on external sources for their happiness.

The first, easiest, and probably most immediately significant is that individual men need to be remolded into competent beings. It starts with your children as it is far easier with them because you can shape them before they get corrupted. That however is not enough. Ultimately the goal of this first item on the itinerary should be applied to all men that you interact with and know well, meaning your friends, coworkers, even fathers.

This is difficult because frankly life is difficult enough as it is (due to the artificial scarcity that we must work 40+ hours a weak to secure). Side-Note: I read somewhere that the amount of time each of us would have to work in order to ensure our survival is around 10 hours, which goes to show just how much of our work is a) being siphoned to the best competitors (aka the richest of the rich) and b) going to luxuries which we don't really need.

I think the best way to achieve this is be a role model and let other men see the benefits of your way of life and show them how to achieve this. You need to create a desire in them to change by subtly showing them the hollowness of their current lifestyle and how much fulfillment you recieve out of yours. You need to show them how to create their own happiness from the inside and that external sources are weak and tiny by comparison.

-> This could be elaborated on how to actually acheive this but I'm not entirely certain how to do that just yet although I have some speculations, but also it is real late and I don't need to be typing for another hour or anything. Regardless, it requires befriending other men and inviting them into your life in a manner that they can see you work. It is always best to show someone the way, and if that isn't possible, to tell them a story so that they can imagine the way. Just telling them some tips is not very usefull, they need to be able to first visualize themselves acting in the appropriate manner, then they can start to actually act in the appropriate manner, which will bring them enough satisfaction to create the lust for self-improvement which they can use to fuel their journey to become self-sufficient and more complete.


The second thing that needs to happen is that society needs to be restructured. The primary reason is that as a society our current method of allocating resources reinforces selfish actions due to artificial scarcity. It isolates people, kills humanity between people and prevents real problems from being solved, while distracting us from the damage that we are doing to each other and the environment.

If we were starting from scratch it would not be too difficult to create a society that distributed resources in a more equal manner based on whats good for the community as a whole. This is different from communism because communism still maintains a social elite that guides the society for their own benefit and not the benefit of the community as a whole. The goal here is to distribute resources more evenly because it promotes cooperative actions. It also gives people a sense of security and belonging within the community and if the community is small enough (town-sized) it will also give them a sense of purpose that is notably absent from an industrialized model like what we currently have.

This reduces the amount of work each person has to do because the work is directly reflected by some sort of benefit. Compared to the current model, where the bulk of your work goes into making the rich richer (unless you are a business owner or somehow can create a profit in which case you are better off than a mere employee which most people are) and into buying luxuries to fill your emptiness. That emptiness isn't necessary and doesn't exist in men who create happiness from within.

The primary method that needs to be used is that the societal infrastructure needs to interact with actual people in a manner that promotes internal happiness. There is no room for people to prey on each other, because no gain can be achieved because if one gains, everyone gains.

Granted that's overly simplistic and doesn't show an actual example of an infrastructure or how it could be transformed from what we've currently got, but I hope it at least sheds some light on where we need to head and what needs to be done.

I certainly hope that you guys all elaborate on areas I missed or were vague. Because this certainly isn't the end-all be-all truth but merely a path which should open some eyes towards the right direction. Please feel to criticize constructively because discussion will allow the cream to rise to the top.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

If you look at what the root of education in our country is, it does not evolve from "peaceful" beginnings.

The original form of education was very open and free-flowing. People learned to think, they weren't taught what to think, as American schools impart today. It has evolved though, because schooling is state funded, and the fund comes from the tax payers. As an economic resource, students are the capital with which corporations build their futures. They rely heavily on the organized structure set forth in school.

I know ALOT of guys come on an don't believe this, or say you're a dolt if you don't see it happening, but there's a large % that needs to wake up to what happens in American education. There are, in fact, varying degrees, so it's not an absolute, but if you breakdown the premise of education, you begin to see the "code" of the system right before your very eyes.

*Education of some kind begins slowly, at age 5 or 6, with very remedially work. Coloring, building, basic interaction, despite the fact you can speak without reading and pronounce basic words well, you're taught very basic fundamentals and read only childish books.

{Children USED to read Plato, works of Shakespear and Socrates, even if they didn't comprehend it, they did learn larger words and how to pronounce based on learning how to sound letters out, much like we do when learning a foreign language.}

*Submission to a system becomes the goal. You submit to your teachers, principles, a regular schedule, daily activities, homework, and early on, you realize you're doing work or activities that may or may not benefit you, despite what your parents work. Your parents have no say, only by way of the PTA, multiple parent-teacher conferences, and voting. All very slow processes in effecting a change.

*Children at the ages of 5 or 6 are separated from their parents at a time in their lives when they are just forming their identity and becoming consciously aware of who they are and of life's less innocent parts. They spend as little as 3 hours and as much as 8 learning about life outside the home. A constant battle will begin upon matriculation, as the child battles for educational and social success and familial success. They battle a hierarchy within the class room, amongst their peers, even at a very young age.

*Children, as they grow, are arbitrarily judged by hired help, who assign grabs for learning certain topics in a definite period of time. If you do not succeed within that 4-5month time frame, you fail. And depending on your parents, also suffer their wrath as well. If you succeed, you move on, and learn the lesson of MEMORIZING, since that is what most textbooks are constructed to impart, and that is what most tests are based on. The schooling provided is completely opposite that of life success. While you may INTERACT socially, social gain and personal improvement is not the aim of American public education.

*Funding at schools strays from whats in the best of the students. As a sort of socialist aspect, funding is dumped into sports, that few students play. Whereas funding for the arts, technology, woodworking, electrical are withheld for the few who do socially approved activities, like football, cheerleading, and baseball. While I played most sports, I do not approve of the MASSES of students paying for the few that do actually play. The only benefit derived from such sports is for the stars on those teams. Over and above that, school camraderie is nil, especially in H.S. I've known far too many students and been the product of far too many cutbacks that swiped programs away for students gifted in certain areas, but not others. This communicates to the student that he/she is socially deficient and incapable. A child unable to follow their passion maybe foresaken for life.

*People talk of change in the system, but it will never occur because the education system was INTENTIONALLY built this way. It misses the BASIC courses of success in life, such as money and banking concepts, interpersonal relationships and communications, psychology, trades, crafts, and health. I mention these topics because, were you to live completely alone...what areas would be of need to your survival?

How to interact and talk with people.
How to understand things better and deal with situations.
How to handle resources.
How to handle your health, should you be injured, and also how to properly feed yourself.
How to be handy alone and fix things.
How to be creative.

Call me arrogant or egotistical, but at the very least, to be a competent person, you must be able to do these things. Even if you worked as a grocery bagger @ Wal-mart, you must be able to talk effectively to get hired. You must be able to handle situations, and not require psychiatric evaluations everyday. You must be able to use your resources properly so as not to be a burden on someone else or society. You must be able to handle basic things, such as fixing appliances @ home, toilets, lights, etc, because it's far more costly on meager resources to do this alone. Also, to be healthy. If you're injured, and have no health ins. because you cannot afford it, you're best to learn how to cure colds, warts, viruses, infections, etc. Also, eating properly. Don't just assume food in supermarkets is healthy, so longevity comes from this.

*Continuing on, children, kids, and teens will spend increasingly more time on skills not directly beneficial to results in their life, UNLESS they become a tool of a system. Such concepts as math, science, and 'reading' english, while basic, do not serve as functional survival skills. They are correlated to what yields a good job.

Calculus, while an advanced math, doesn't teach an 18 year old about credit and banking.

Reading Agatha Christie, while mind-expanding, doesn't teach teens how to think, or open their view on words, or meaning of words and situations.

Sciences, while fundamental and interesting, are rarely retained after school. They open the door to those who are interested in them personally, as all education should, but such time is squandered on frivolous pursuits. I loved chemistry, but knew I'd never use it post-h.s., except when I took it once again in college. The same applies to alot of students. Great course, useless to existence, or even success as it stands.

*The pursuit of education and learning is PURELY a personal feeling. Were school not so one dimensional in their course-offering and structure, grades AND attendence would be higher. However, because it's such a finite system, those not INTO it, are given to avoiding it entirely. Worse, kids face the wrath of parents who feel their children are failures because they don't like or find interest in such topics. Subsequently, students will be labeled as "slow" or possessing "ADD or ADHD."

I know throngs of people with low grades, YET, they succeed in sales, in public-speaking, in computers, as entrepreneurs and businessman, as creators, because they were not stifled by one mode of thinking. Some women can't cut math, but they can cut speaking publicly or sales situations because they're very talented on an interpersonal level and sense human emotion well.

*As we finish college, it's not much different. Gen-ed courses still focus on the mindless drivel we were once subjected to. "Freshman Experience" courses presuppose we are dolts and must be re-introduced to learning and "college". 4 years and $100,000, or $50,000 later does not yield the same return, and that's what counts. Yes, the experience is wonderful, but similar future experiences await you as well. And most students on that sort of dime, don't have the intellectual maturity or respect to fully appreciate such an investment, hence their lack of attendance to classes, binge drinking, promiscuous sex, and overall lack of interest. Some do just enough, but truly a few only do more than they are called for.

As I alluded to before, people make choices in life, and it is not upon me to change them, awaken them, or educate them, only to inform. Their own profit is the measure by which they gauge their lives. LOTS of information lies outside their grasp by just a minute amount, but few choose to take the leap out of fear. I posit this because it's true. But find out on your own. You know it by experience, by research the facts, too. See that schooling was created by and for big business, to control society, and to install a sense of order or pedigree amongst the rank and file. See how education itself goes against human potential and the natural order of things, by actually SLOWING down the process to results. Is it any wonder why kids are LESS mature in their 20's as compared to how they were 20 or 30 years ago?

Push aside the fact that people lived shorter time spans, and married younger, were the same true, we'd be more advanced now. Instead of college degrees by 21 or 22, we'd do them by 18. We'd marry by 20, and have loads of kids and loads of wealth, but while technology has vastly improved the length of our lives, has it truly improved the HUMAN EXPERIENCE and QUALITY of it?? With more time do we experience more personal growth, more personal gain, more riches?? Or are we just staying ahead??

I ask these tough questions to get further than we have before. Not because I'm cynical or skeptical, but because I don't accept the world before us as is, at least for my own sake. I don't just accept "the terms" and live them out, I maximize them. Guys will live to 70 or 80, but will have they have done more?? Accomplished more than pervious generations?? Lived a fuller, richer life??



Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score

Don't know where to start other than that was one awesome post A-Unit. I work in education (higher ed) and agree with everything you said.

Our K-12 system does not work on the important aspects of life. I'm a former high school and college athlete and I totally agree way too much emphasis is placed on sports. The pressure for me to excel in high school sports took me away from my studies, my music, and other things that could've helped me further down the road. In addition, many students aren't cut out for college and vocational education is being shorted for only college prep and athletics. It's sad.

Also, interpersonal relationships/psychology is totally ignored in K-12. Why is our pregnancy rate the highest in the Western world? Because we don't know how to relate, we just act on impulse and what feels good.

College? I, like many, wasted their first year goofing off. I would love to see 18-year olds do one year (minimum) of social service before going to college. It could be Peace Corps, military, working in the inner city, working in rural areas, whatever, but a year away from school. When soldiers returned from WWII and went on the G.I. Bill it was said that was the greatest group of college students ever assembled in America. These students were focused and determined ... now we have "spring break" in Daytona. Incredible.

Our educational system from K-college has failed us.