Senior Don Juan
K after interviewing like four chix on this subject I finally got the answer I was looking for, I asked them what typa books they read, what their favorite moveis were, and what they thought on certain issues...Their favorite movies were chik flix, you know lovy lovy movies, books about romance, and things that you usually see on soap operas, hey that's a great one...Wanna know what chix really want deep inside?...Watch some soap operas, but anyhow since I doubt any of us are in the look department those guys are and the drama is crazy we'll have to settle things...
Ok you're probably asking, why the hell am I reading this post?...This is why, when you go otu with your buddies, what do you think? You're somewhere along the lines of "Man I want to f*CK her so badly", where as she's thinking somewhere along the lines "I want to get to know him, I want to be friends with him"...Females can pick up on body language easly, so what do I do...I go in with an intention of making a new friend if nothing else, they can usually read the body language, because of how you act, in most cases when a guy wants to nail a chik, he'll act a certain way, give off a certain wibe and the females realize this, this in fact is just about how every guy out there acts, it's real natural for us...To fix this, go in with a mind set of becoming friends, and use the techniques here, it's always easier to break ice with ugly chix isn't it? why? because you don't really care to screw them, but the HBs are a hard one man, cuz you're concerned about every little detail how you present yourself to them! Do not however confuse it tho of making friends with her, hav ea mindset so you don't screw up, but then do things that would make her attracted to you sexually, not the long term relationship stuff way. anyone else have any input or experience in this matter?
Ok you're probably asking, why the hell am I reading this post?...This is why, when you go otu with your buddies, what do you think? You're somewhere along the lines of "Man I want to f*CK her so badly", where as she's thinking somewhere along the lines "I want to get to know him, I want to be friends with him"...Females can pick up on body language easly, so what do I do...I go in with an intention of making a new friend if nothing else, they can usually read the body language, because of how you act, in most cases when a guy wants to nail a chik, he'll act a certain way, give off a certain wibe and the females realize this, this in fact is just about how every guy out there acts, it's real natural for us...To fix this, go in with a mind set of becoming friends, and use the techniques here, it's always easier to break ice with ugly chix isn't it? why? because you don't really care to screw them, but the HBs are a hard one man, cuz you're concerned about every little detail how you present yourself to them! Do not however confuse it tho of making friends with her, hav ea mindset so you don't screw up, but then do things that would make her attracted to you sexually, not the long term relationship stuff way. anyone else have any input or experience in this matter?