change my views on women?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
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a friend told me i should change my views on women, that im too much of a misogynist and my attitude is a turnoff. also i believe that all women are out to get me and have a hidden agenda. that i blame women for me not having a gf.
perhaps this is true. i dont know whos fault it is, maybe it is all mine. i find most women turn out to be rude, selfish, and foolish. im sorry thats just what i see. ive tried to simply forget about it for awhile, burying myself in school work.
i try to explain to people that ive taken the red pill and i see things the way they truly are. like how marriage is bad for men, women are put above men and men are dead last, nice guys finish last, women have wayyy more options, feminism ruined dating, how the dating scene is unfair for men, etc. you cant convince people of those things. at the end of the day they will always see men and women as exactly the same and see me at fault, im the bad guy.
however i dont go around showing this attitude to women i approach, ive always been polite to them. so how can they know that i have these views and be turned off? i hear myself referred to as "youre a good guy spang you deserve awesome gf and youll find her someday.". such a thing does not exist.
we dont see things as they are, we see them as we are. maybe i have created a false reality of what women are like and im totally wrong.

i dont mean to sound cynical or bitter, theres just things i am aware of. so in your opinion is wrong to feel this way?


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
is it one friend? male/female? or a group of people who say the same thing? if it isone friend, tell him or her to fcuck off, if its a group, then you need to look at the way your red pillology is being projected.
its very well knowing and believing the red pill mantra, you need to internalise it while projecting an outer, confident, amiable, social aura. its a defence youre not a missionary trying to cure the world of all its ills


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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spang said:
a friend told me i should change my views on women, that im too much of a misogynist and my attitude is a turnoff. also i believe that all women are out to get me and have a hidden agenda. that i blame women for me not having a gf.
perhaps this is true. i dont know whos fault it is, maybe it is all mine. i find most women turn out to be rude, selfish, and foolish. im sorry thats just what i see. ive tried to simply forget about it for awhile, burying myself in school work.
i try to explain to people that ive taken the red pill and i see things the way they truly are. like how marriage is bad for men, women are put above men and men are dead last, nice guys finish last, women have wayyy more options, feminism ruined dating, how the dating scene is unfair for men, etc. you cant convince people of those things. at the end of the day they will always see men and women as exactly the same and see me at fault, im the bad guy.
however i dont go around showing this attitude to women i approach, ive always been polite to them. so how can they know that i have these views and be turned off? i hear myself referred to as "youre a good guy spang you deserve awesome gf and youll find her someday.". such a thing does not exist.
we dont see things as they are, we see them as we are. maybe i have created a false reality of what women are like and im totally wrong.

i dont mean to sound cynical or bitter, theres just things i am aware of. so in your opinion is wrong to feel this way?

its not wrong to feel that way but maybe its best to try to keep it to yourself. i feel the same way as you but i learned that most people do not have this point of view and will just see you as a negative person. just keep it to yourself and tell people you are an introverted guy.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2012
Reaction score
This whole pick up artist thing isn't entirely about seeing the GRIM REALITY of the world. It's about understanding it a bit better so you can have fun, rather than bang your head against a wall that you've erected for yourself.

If you're not having fun with the dating game thing, try taking a break from it, but instead of replacing it with school work, replace it with something that you enjoy. It will help to set up happy associations in the old brain and take the sting off dating. This way you can go out, try to talk to girls for a bit, fail horribly because you're new at it and no one ever taught you ****, and then go play pool or finger paint or whatever. Then go out the following week or two and try again, and maybe you'll suck slightly less. But the point is you'll at least take the edge off it.