Now we have all heard doc love and such rambling, challange this and challange that. Challange CAN be a good thing, but i think many of us tend to take it over board (especially in relationships).
Many of us purposely ignore girls at times because we think it will amplify attraction. Or many of us will not give a girl attention unless she gives it first...... or in a relationship if we sense somthing is wrong with the girl we detach and let them come back to us.
Ah, but this is a mistake, do not worry whether you are being a challange or not, as long as you do not call the girl every day, express your undying love and act like you depend on her to live you are doing just fine.
Ive learned the hard way trying to make your girlfriend come around to you with this whole "pride" deal can lead you to the dumps....
So my advice is , dont worry about how they are acting, if you want to talk to them , talk to them, if you want to show them attention, then do so without worrying whether you are presenting a challange or not....... chances are if a girl likes you (or if she is your girlfriend) talking to her when you get the chance isnt going to do anything wrong...
I know this may sound like common sense, but i thought i was a damn good dj and i screwed this concept up, and i see alot of people on this board who have questions regarding things of this nature.
REmember, jsut have faith in yourself and thats alll you will ever need, these rules are a guidline to change you into something different, a crash course if you may, but realize once you attain confidence and have a rough idea how to nab women, you dont need to be a "rules dude"
Many of us purposely ignore girls at times because we think it will amplify attraction. Or many of us will not give a girl attention unless she gives it first...... or in a relationship if we sense somthing is wrong with the girl we detach and let them come back to us.
Ah, but this is a mistake, do not worry whether you are being a challange or not, as long as you do not call the girl every day, express your undying love and act like you depend on her to live you are doing just fine.
Ive learned the hard way trying to make your girlfriend come around to you with this whole "pride" deal can lead you to the dumps....
So my advice is , dont worry about how they are acting, if you want to talk to them , talk to them, if you want to show them attention, then do so without worrying whether you are presenting a challange or not....... chances are if a girl likes you (or if she is your girlfriend) talking to her when you get the chance isnt going to do anything wrong...
I know this may sound like common sense, but i thought i was a damn good dj and i screwed this concept up, and i see alot of people on this board who have questions regarding things of this nature.
REmember, jsut have faith in yourself and thats alll you will ever need, these rules are a guidline to change you into something different, a crash course if you may, but realize once you attain confidence and have a rough idea how to nab women, you dont need to be a "rules dude"