As long as he isn't breaking forum rules, then one can choose to simply ignore his threads or better yet, make use of the specialized Ignore feature so you won't have to see his threads/posts at all.
Although many of his claims are unsubstantiated and unprovable, I see no problem with raising general awareness about the world around you, regardless of the slant.
The only issue I have is that this is primarily a dating forum, and discussion of the pros/cons of the Federal Reserve Act 1913 (et al.) would receive more rational responses on a forum dedicated to politics and finance, than on a dating forum with an average member age of 19 who come here to learn how to get laid.
From his threads, he strikes me as an e-missionary for infowars/alex jones since very little of the content is generated by his own mind or thought process, and what is has no credible evidence for logical reproduction (reference: contemporary Illuminati & elitist pseudo-scientific cults).