nosmirk said:
i have soccer training 4 times a week for 4hours at a time.
extremely intense cardio (12km runs, intervals, sprints, etc), in addition to the games we play. this is supplemented by very minimal strength training such as 60 crunches for the ENTIRE week.
would like to ask if it is possible to bulk up even with the crazy amount of cardio carried out, and if so, could you suggest a workout schedule that revolves around the alternate days of soccer training?
thank you
Speaking from experience, YES.
Last year my DAILY training consisted of an 8-15 mile run, 3000-5000 meter swim, 20 mile bike ride, and strength training, and one day a week a 25+ mile run
For strength training I did a very intense fully body workout every other day.
In the interest of time (as the weight room was not my primary goal) everything I did was supersetted. I also emphasized upper body as the majority of my runs were with a full sand bag and sometimes I'd be running up the side of a mountain for 2 or more hours at a time. So my legs were BUILT.
Before I started this I was the biggest I'd every been. I weighed in at 240 lbs and was putting upwards of 2-3 hours in the weight room per day.
After the first 6 weeks I was down to 210-215 pounds where I would stay for the remainder. However, even though I lost weight I was still pretty big. Almost as big as when I was just bulking. And I'm sure I could have kept it.
But to be fair, I have above average genetics when it comes to muscle size and a metabolism conducive to building muscle.
But it is possible for you to gain size with your current situation. Rest when you can, constantly eat, and lift hard an heavy.
I can't give you advice on a routine as it took me many years to discover what works (and I'm still discovering) for ME and sometimes the stuff I do seems contrary to popular belief.
Just start with the basics and experiment to see what you can handle and what will make you grow.
And eat, eat, eat, eat!
Good luck!
edit: Let me clarify. I did not bulk while doing the above but I did keep most of my gains. From my experience, once you can avoid a catabolic period then you can probably also make gains with a little modification. And I have bulked when doing similiar endurance type training (although much less intense than described above) with a heavier emphasis and strength training.