This is an old thread. In the last three years, among hundreds of dates, I have two more tricks for a quick pre-date SMV ramp:
1) Eat 100 almonds daily (adjust according to lean mass and daily caloric intake). Lower your carb and saturated fat intake commensurate with the extra calories;
2) Do 10-15 set of heavy compound exercises (Squat, Deadlift, Bench) at least 36 hours before date (preferably a few hours pre-date.)
Here is the science behind it:
I had a series of blood tests drawn including/excluding 1 and 2 above:
- The first set of blood tests were taken during periods where I didn't work out for one week or more with no/little almond intake;
- The second set of blood tests were taken within 36 hours of doing 1 and 2 above.
Here were the results between the two sets of blood tests:
- Free Testosterone Levels (Not Total T) up 87% .
- Total Estrogen Levels down 56%
- SHBG (Sex-hormone binding globulin which binds with T rendering binded T ineffective) down 72%.
Huge physiological difference.
What the health physicians don't tell you among the myriad propaganda soliciting you to increase your total testosterone (T) is your Total T is irrelevant when it competes with other hormones for receptor sites. What matters is your Free T, lower levels of E (T/E ratio), and SHBG (to minimize T binding)--and correlatively--the amount of free T that will actually bind with androgen receptors. I theorize that with 1 and 2 above, the body up-regulates the androgen receptors allowing greater receptor concentration for T binding; and, consequentially, physiologically adjusts the remaining hormonal profile for proper utility.
The above services a perfect physiological profile, which manifests materially in your physicality and in your demeanor/attitude.
Real numbers. Try it.